Saturday, November 3, 2012

Let The Weight Gain Begin...NO WAY!

The New England Journal of Medicine and just about every other resource I have looked through debunks the well known myth that the average person gains 7-10 lbs. over the 8 weeks beginning in early November through the first week of January. They say you only gain approximately 1 pound.

Huh? I don’t know which 195 people they weighed and measured for this one but come on! They don’t know me.

Raise your hand if you, personally, have experienced this holiday phenomena!

My hand is held high at the moment. I usually gain a solid 5-6 lbs. And believe me, it’s hard earned because I exercise a TON! If I don’t burn at least 500 calories a day (5-6 days a week), I’m grouchy.

Here’s the problem, though, for me!

Those damn holiday pounds gained while still exercising my ass off are really, really hard to remove come January. My body is used to its extra girth by then. It’s winter and I need an extra fat layer for warmth, right? As for my favorite sweatpants...Why can’t I wear them EVERY SINGLE DAY (I wash them!)? I don’t really but I’d like to at that point.

My workout partner, Big Dave, and I discussed it this morning because we’ve talked about it for the last several holiday seasons; the fact that we gain too much weight then it’s a bitch to get off.  [As background, Dave is an ex-college football player (lineman are huge) and weighed 350+ lbs at 6’5” when I first met him probably 9-10 years ago). Now he is, obviously the same height, weighing in at about 225 lbs. but he works really hard from a nutrition and exercise standpoint and looks fantastic.]

So here’s the deal…my deal, our deal.

We are weighing ourselves on Monday, November 5th. The goal is to weigh the same exact weight (good or bad) on January 7th. That’s 9 weeks.

Knowing my mind far too well and considering the fact that my weight is rather low right now (at least I think it is but I don't weigh myself everyday), I’m going to eat my face off this weekend and come in heavy on Monday for the weigh in.

I don’t know, we’ll see. I find scales scary so the trick will be on me, no doubt.

The point is, wherever we are two days from now, we won’t weigh more than that on Monday, January 7th.

I can still have fun, eat and drink wine, but I’ll have a little thingy in the back of my head reminding me about moderation. Moderation is a hard concept for me.

Anyone feel like doing it too? Come on! We'll look like this, won't we?


Jennifer Hall said...

Haha, I loved when you said you're gonna eat your face off this weekend! I wish you the best of luck with this challenge. And....I gotta get my treadmill into the house!

Gina said...

Well it only seems natural that I would do this. But it's sort of cheating, really, so I won't. I'll eat like it's a regular weekend which means pretty much anything. That's what Monday's are for...getting back on track so you can eat away the next weekend! At least for me! Bring that treadmill in!!!

Azara said...

I would totally do the "coming in heavy" thing too. I also exercise a ton, but the extra 30 pounds hanging around from my two kidlets are not budging. This means I'm going to have to start counting calories again. Ugh!

Good luck with your maintenance goal!

Ginny Marie said...

That sounds like a great plan! I would be interested to find out if I actually gain any weight over the holidays...every time I go to the doctor, I weigh exactly the same!

So glad to have found you through yeahwrite!

opinion8dhermit said...

I get sensitive issues with wheat, on and off. A few years ago I was being sensitive and so I ate wheat (I mean geez I cannot be all, no cookies, stuffing, bread pudding, pumpkin pie for me folks) and lost weight.
Then the next year I gave birth right before Xmas so I gained weight.
My tummy likes wheat this I will likely gain weight. And not just a pound.
Stupid tasty food.

Gina said...

I count them. When I'm being really good, I write down what I eat. I also have this iPad app called You put in all your "stuff" (weight, height, goal, timeframe) It knows every single food, brand, restaurant, you name thing you can put in your mouth. You enter what you did as far as exercise and it tells you where you're at for the day based on what/when your goal is. Makes it easy. Problem is, I like to eat!

Gina said...

Step on the scale Monday then again in January to see. I'm just doing it to keep me honest for the nine weeks. I'm usually pretty good considering...

Same to you!!! Thank you yeah write!

Gina said...

I agree! STUPID TASTY FOOD!!! Thanksgiving will be a no holds bar, stuff my face sort of day/weekend (always is and it's my favorite holiday).

I'm kind of a nut when it comes to clothes fitting and stuff so....

Vanessa said...

I usually gain at least 5-6 lbs every winter. Only it's been adding up over the years because I never get rid of it.

With all of the temptations around the holidays your goal sounds like a good realistic one.

Louise Ducote said...

I love your strategy! Enjoy your weekend of pigging out!

Jamie Miles said...

You didn't mention how much harder it is the older we get. Ugh. I do weigh myself every day because I have to stay on top of a disturbing upward trend and take IMMEDIATE evasive action. You are right. A partner helps with everything. Here's to wishing you and Dave the trimmest of waistlines January 7.

Unknown said...

I'm there with you, Gina. I always gain weight around the holidays. Because I live in Wisconsin and experience SADD, I think this usually contributes to the weight gain. However, this year I joined a "contender" program at school and I can gain points for the teacher time by losing weight. So, I am actually beginning tomorrow! I am so going to look like that image. But, in addition to the bow, I will have some serious stretch marks. Whatev.

Unknown said...

*team - not time

Jen said...

Maybe I'll jump on the scale myself and see how I do too, it's a darn good idea.

I don't think I actually eat more food over the holiday's. What put's on my pounds is the deserts. Baked goods are the ones that pack on the pounds, all that butter!

I guess I should actually get on that treadmill I have sitting in the guest room. I'm not burning many calories dusting it :)

Anonymous said...

I weigh myself every day, too. I find it gives a more accurate picture of how much are weight really does fluctuate from day to day. Otherwise, you get the shock of comparing a day that happens to be low with a day that's high and you think your body has gone to hell.

Kirsten Oliphant said...

That's a really good goal! I sometimes psych myself out--like I plan to do well, then I eat one piece of cake and say, whoops--screwed up! and eat an entire box of marzipan fruit. (I love that stuff--why?) I am pregnant now, so I can say that pregnancy in holiday season = crazy weight gain. Because I know I'm pregnant and can't lose weight and am supposed to be gaining (some) healthy's really hard to say no to stuff. AND really hard to get it off. I know because I got pregnant this same time 5 years ago. Ugh! I think that's a great goal for you and hope it works!

christina said...

OOOOH you're too pretty to eat your face off! ;) :)

Stacie @ Snaps and Bits said...

So awesome! I have the Sandy-10 going on. We've been eating and drinking our way through the disaster. Ok in the beginning but now, not so much...

Gina said...

It's called the winter sweater which can be easily covered up with one! The problem is the creepers that stay on year to year and I don't want that. If maintaing is all I do while enjoying myself, I'll be a happy camper. Thanks for visiting columnie!

Gina said...

A big, fat, juicy cheese burger with sweet potato fries and some sort of spicy dipping sauce AND mac n' cheese. Yep! That was dinner last night and it was yummy. I'm on target for the five extra pounds for tomorrow!

Gina said...

I forgot to mention that. Jamie, you are right. It used to be that I would close my mouth and drink lots of water for a few days and everything was right with the world. And now? YIKES!!! I should weigh every day, occasionally I do, so maybe I'll start. I know evasive action like a best friend. Thanks for the good wishes, too!

Gina said...

@cynk That was sort or my theory for once a week weighing so the individual day ups and downs didn't get me all wigged out and freaky! It does affect my temperament, I'll admit!

Gina said...

Whatev is right!!! We shall get someone to airbrush away those stretch marks (from my almost 10 lber and 9.8 babies!) just like that photo was! And good luck with the next nine weeks. You can do it and I like that there is some positive incentive backing it up. That helps. Maybe Dave and I should make a bet to sweeten the deal but we will both win (so we set up prizes for me only, him only and if we win together like a jumbo GC for dinner out or something!).

Keep me posted on how it's going, Angela!

Gina said...

Do it, Jen! I agree it's all the butter. I tend to eat lots of food, drink probably too much wine AND eat sweets. A WICKED combo but it sure is fun!

I did some research for you. Plugging in my height, weight and age, I would burn 83 calories in an hour of dusting. Get in the guest room!

Gina said...

I know the whoopsies, too! Marzipan fruit??? Everyone has their thing, I guess!!! You have a wonderful excuse to gain weight! I, [un]fortunately, do not!!! Thanks for the support. It keeps my psycho mind (with re: to weight) in check.

Gina said...

HAHAHAH! LOL! I'm a card carrying member of the "Clean Plate Club" and your plate, too, sometimes!

Gina said...

You have a good excuse for your recent indulgences! Get on the scale tomorrow too! Let's see where we are by January 7th. You'll be down, I'm feeling!