Monday, March 3, 2014


Breaths commingle with playful flutters barely touching. Mine part ever so slightly in invitation. Yours R.S.V.P, first warmly, then insanely, thoroughly and unmistakably. 

Because I already tried words to worm my way in…


Exactly 33 words for the third definition of WORM:
3:  to obtain or extract by artful or insidious question or by pleading, asking, or persuading – usually with out of<finally wormed the truth out of him>


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love those "playful flutters barely touching." :)

kymm said...

Sometimes words just aren't gonna cut it! Sweet.

Gina said...

You're funny, Christina!

Gina said...

Thank you, Jo-Anne. Sometimes you have to pull out the "big" guns to get someone's attention.

Gina said...

Love those, too!

Gina said...

You are perfectly right, kymm. *Sometimes* you have to get way the only words part to see what's there. If anything. And my favorite part!

Valerie Boersma said...

This made me go outside and roll in the snow;)

Hot, Miss Gina!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Someone's got a penchant for romance!

Ginny Marie said...

What a great way to write about WORM! :)

Jack said...

Words and worms make for wow.

Tara R. said...

A sizzling 33-words.

Gina said...

It's snowing here, too! Feeling warm lately ;-)!

Gina said...


Gina said...

Thanks, Ginnie!

Gina said...

Who'd have thought it could?

Gina said...

I like that word, sizzle!

About Last Weekend said...

Ha - clever with the last line!

vivinfrance said...

Wow! very sexy!

TMWHickman said...

Sizzling hot, just like I like them. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a cold shower.

Kir said...

where did my comment go?

Sometimes words are the last thing you need, and I love a kiss like that.

love when you write like this Gina. XO

Gina said...

Thanks, Jody! It was fun!

Gina said...

I guess I was in a mood!

Gina said...

Tina, you're funn! Keep warm down there!

Gina said...

Sometime, you just need to kiss, cut the talk, and kiss!!!! Then talk. I don't know. Sometimes there is just so much built up....stuff...that you have to blast through it. Kissing, usually it's because it's a first time or new, just releases the tension and you can move past the sexual tension. Shall we call it productive?

Thanks, doll! I often write about this because it feels natural.

Kevin said...

I think this is my favorite of the bunch this week. Great wordplay! Very sensual and visceral.

a.eye said...

I love this!! A passionate story in 33 words. Nice!