Wednesday, November 2, 2016

I Feel I Am Being Stalked

I am about halfway through Strangers on a Train by Patricia Highsmith. Essentially, it is a book about stalking. A guy stalking a guy, which in my mind is a little more unusual.

It is beginning to creep me out.

So I am not sure if it is my own imagination working overtime, staying up too late at night, or actually happening, but I have found myself in somewhat of a stalking situation. And I don’t know if it is complete stalking just yet or if it is a cry for help from someone who likely is emotionally and/or mentally unstable. In any case, I am uncomfortable.

There’s a fine line between wanting to help this person and wanting them to stay the F&%K away from me.

I feel there has been enough erratic behavior and inappropriate enough comments to compound my unsafe feelings that I need to talk it through with someone other than my husband (who is creeped out himself). I need to escalate the conversation.

I have confided in the night doorman, and now I must talk with our building manager. 

We don’t lock our front door. Never have. But now…


Jack said...

Be smart about things. I don't mean for that to sound obnoxious, but there is something to that little voice inside our heads that requires us to pay attention every now and then.

I just had this conversation with one of my little sisters and suggested she might consider carrying something like that Tiger Lady device.

Hope it is nothing more than a misunderstanding, but be careful.

Gina said...

Thanks, Jack. I'm urban, always have been despite my 22 years of suburban life, which means my guard is perrenially up. This is one of the first times in my life I've felt uncomfortably unsafe. I don't creep out easily. My neck hairs raised. Something tells me this person is not "right" and the building management will be handling with his mom even though he's an adult. Not sure he is stable enough to go out minus supervision. I will be careful. My door stays locked.

Ginny Marie said...

Yikes, that's a little scary! It sounds like you're doing all the right things, however. Stay safe!

Jamie Miles said...

This isn't good for lots of reasons. The main one for me is not feeling relaxed in your own home. I hope your measures send the message and your buddy looks for another attachment with easier access. Recently, a weird guy latched on to me at a store in Athens. At my age, I kept thinking good grief. He's just being friendly, but he kept finding me and asking me questions. I saw him leave and a few minutes later I headed to my car. I sat there looking at emails. Then I looked up and the guy was in his car outside my passenger window. Weird. Thankfully he drove off but I intentionally turned the wrong way rather than following behind him. Hope this resolves itself soon. :(

Gina said...

Thanks, Ginny. I will.

Gina said...

Sorry you experienced weirdness, too. It is what you said. I am not relaxed in my own home. Not exactly that though. I'm uncomfortable out in the hallway on my floor, with the elevator door opening, potential encounters in the health club, walking our dog at night since my husband was out of town, actually anything outside my locked door. It's just not right. Since when is being nice an open invitation. If that's the case, I can't be me. It's just not right.

Kenya G. Johnson said...

My goodness, I am glad? the book opened your eyes to it not being your imagination. Be careful!