Thursday, February 9, 2012

How Dare He Cancel The Best Part Of My Week?

Since I was a huge slug yesterday, I owed it to my brain and blog to write twice today (January’s goal was writing 6 times a week; Sunday, day of rest). Actually, I wasn’t completely doing nothing; it was just one of those days where I was obligated to sit around for 8 hours without anything but my iPad and phone for company. So…. I read, a lot, instead of writing. I’m okay with that. I love to read and the material was rather interesting………

I belong to a small, neighborhood gym; used to get a paycheck there but that was a looong time ago. What I like about this place is it’s fun. We're constantly trying new and different ways to exercise. Everyone knows each other, people are working out at all different levels, anyone can stick their iPod in the stereo for the listening pleasure of all and, the best part, no one is paying one lick of attention to what anyone else is doing. The place kind of smells, probably because of Big Dave or maybe me, I don’t know. Everyone’s pretty sweaty so it's hard to point fingers.

I’ve mentioned before, a huge highlight of my week is Thursday mornings when I get after it with Big Dave. Dave is tall, dark, good looking, funny, 9 years younger than me and just as annoying as a little brother. He also swears a lot which is funny and I sort of like it; I’m strange! He knows my music and puts together great play lists just for us.

*Dave, you will never see this but if you ever do, there’s no need for any of this to go to your head because, remember, you annoy me!*

On a typical Thursday morning, I get to hit Dave, HARD, for an entire 40 minutes and I just love it but today, that didn’t go down. Talk about being disappointed...B.D. gave me the excuse that his back hurt and he couldn’t box. Poor baby. However, I figured out pretty quickly that his intention all along was to kick my ass around like a cat playing with a ball of yarn.

My fault… I let him do whatever he wants and he can be pretty demanding. Often, I’m the passive one in this relationship and he enjoys these little moments when he gets to push me around. It’s all in the name of physical exertion and a pounding heartbeat, isn't it? He says this is his 40 minutes.

This is what we did and it was a total B$@ch.

(I still don’t know how to upload a YouTube video to the blog so just click on the link)

Thank God we're always alone in the exercise studio so we can blare my playlist and swear…A LOT because I just have to do it. I’m proud of myself; I only used the F-bomb four times but once I yelled it pretty loud. Big Dave… probably 20 times but he's in charge…

”Give it everything you F’n got”, “Leave everything on the F’in floor”, “Beat that F’in rope”, “Cheers to the F’in weekend”, I can’t even remember the rest of his Dave-isms because there are too many and I was far too exhausted to care anymore.

Today was an open the windows and prop the doors morning, for sure! I left flushed, hungry and pumped to start my day.


Ed Pilolla said...

dave sounds like a good work out coach. i would get exhausted at the rope exercises. i do like to box, not becuz i'm good, but becuz there's no better workout. boxing gyms stink like no other gym, in my experience. that means a thorough workout. can't just be dave:)

Anonymous said...

The F bomb is my favorite favorite favorite word. I use it frequently and with little provocation. This? Sounds like I'd have been at the Dave level or higher!

Arnebya said...

Sometimes the f bomb is the only thing worth saying, the only thing to make the point. I love boxing. There's something in the hitting that is so releasing. But the rope? Wow.

Gina said...

Hey Ed,
I am certainly not above admitting that I often smell, but always get a good shower in so no one is punished. This was only the third time I've done variations of the ropes. Really hard and I'm wiped out. Boxing is a great way to mix it up and it's probably what exhausts me the most. The whole gym smells because there are a lot of people dripping all over the place. Kind of disgusting I you think about it.

Gina said...

Likewise! Nothing emphasizes a feeling or sentence quite like it. Slips out often, in my case. Oops! Dave did a similar workout right be before I got there and I just know the gym got an earful. He knows how hard it is and wanted to get back at me for something, I'm sure.

Gina said...

Nothing like it, in my opinion! Boxing's a great core workout and I love hitting Dave...a total last! The feel a small sense of accomplishment that you could do it then the utter fatigue sets in. Surely, I will become used to it?

Jack said...

I love working out on my heavy bag, just a great way to get out some basic frustration and aggression. I keep hearing good things about the ropes but haven't had a chance to try them yet.

Looks like a great workout.

Gina said...

Hey Jack,
Thanks for visiting! Hitting a bag or somebody, like Dave, is a great stress reliever. Never have hit a heavy bag before but imagine it's a tough workout.

If you have the opportunity, try a rope workout. I have a feeling I might get addicted to it. Great workouts on YouTube.