Friday, January 18, 2013

Trifextra: The Chosen One

This weekend’s Trifextra challenge is to choose one of the pictures here and provide a 33-word response to it. This weekend is also community judged so enter, read the awesome entries, and vote responsibly ;-)

Her beauty lulls you into believing she’s sweet,

Until she startlingly shits on you.

Carelessly chosen.

There’s nothing you can do about it either.

She doesn’t care what you think

Because she’s gone.


Bloggers Note: I have had the unique opportunity to be shat on, by a bird, five times in my life…walking through a completely full library parking lot at college right before a final, on a beach in Hilton Head, SC, at crowded North Avenue Beach in Chicago, browsing an Amish auction in Indiana, and while on a spring walk last year with a friend.

I’ve heard it’s good luck. 


Anonymous said...

The luck part is debatable but it can happen. A seagull got me on the way to a concert once.

christina said...

hahaha hysterically gross. i hate pigeons.

Tessa said...

My daughter was in her wedding veil when the bird got her. LOL! Good job on the prompt!

Samantha Brinn Merel said...

Wow 5 times? You must have awesome luck :)

Jen said...

Filthy creatures!

Stacie @ Snaps and Bits said...

Ew, 5 times? If that's luck, I don't want it! I like your piece though :)

Jennifer said...

Please tell me it wasn't in your hair.

Gina said...

It's what I tell myself to feel better about being shat upon. Seagulls 2X for me.

Gina said...

Watch that beach, Christina! Me too and any other bird that wants to poop on me. What did I ever do???

Gina said...

Oh NO!!!!! Thanks, Tessa.

Gina said...

I can talk myself into believing just about anything if I have the time. My luck is slightly better than average. Wait! What would it be like without all the poop?

Gina said...

The worst one was when I was packing my car up with "treasures" from the auction. The only things hanging out of the back of my truck were my legs. I felt an oddly warm, runny sensation. My sister in law needed a cup to scrap off all the duck doo doo. DISGUSTING!

Gina said...

I always look up. Thanks, Stacie.

Gina said...

2X hair, 1 arm, 1 shoulder and 1 leg.

Jared Karol said...

That's hilarious. Your piece, not the being shat upon. . . okay, that's pretty funny too. I'm glad you're able to spin it positively. . . Have a good weekend (w/ no bird shit). . .

Gina said...

I'm glad you're amused at my misfortune ;-) What can you do but turn it around in your head to make it better? You, too! Unless a bird flies down my chimney...

Anonymous said...

The whole luck thing sounds like something some Mom somewhere made up to get her horrified kid to stop crying over it. lol

Gina said...

I'm sure that's true. I'll have to ask my mom. But I like it because it makes me feel better about be shat upon more than a few times.

Barb said...

I would totally cry if a bird shat on me. I'm serious! lol

Gina said...

This made me really laugh, Bee! The hair thing was so gross that I wanted to but what good would it do. I had to take a final! A big lot with plenty of cars and people and "she" picked me.

Barb said...

Well, I hope your luck doesn't run out! ;)

Gina said...

Me too! I'm on a roll lately.

Steph said...

I've had it happen a couple of times - but 5 - that's a record. Cute piece - she doesn't care, does she?

Thomas Charles MacInnes said...

Well Gina, what can I tell ya, shitty luck, for sure. However, when, we humans, pave the parklands and plow the forests under, it is no wonder the birds harbour a grudge.

PattiKen said...

Love the metaphor. Well done.

Anonymous said...

I don't know whether your companions should be happy you're with them or be worried...I guess it depends on the bird's aim :)

Sandra Crook said...

Pigeons... women... not much to choose between them. ;)

Renee said...

At least the birds have no real malice.
I hope!
Nicely worded.

lumdog2012 said...

Yeah, good luck with that theory! These must have been traumatic experiences for you since you remember where you were and all that. Very funny. Nice post.

Draug said...

I think this could be applied to a different type of "bird" ;)

Gina said...

Thanks, Stephanie. No she doesn't. She's looooong since flown away!

Gina said...

It's all how you look at it, Tom. Thanks for commenting.

Gina said...

Thanks you, thank you, PattiKen! That is EXACTLY what this is about. The other kind of "bird".

Gina said...

Oh, it's like they have radar for me. No one has shied away yet.

Gina said...

Yep. That's right! Thanks for your comment, Sandra.

Gina said...

You got it! Thank you. I don't think the feathered birds do have malice.

Gina said...

Let me naively think it's so. Please.

Not traumatic at all but certainly memorable. Thanks for liking it.

Gina said...

I wrote this with exactly that application in mind. And a different sort of "bird". I'm happy you got it, Draug.

kymm said...

lol. I can't stop thinking about her startled shitting. Sorry for your pigeon troubles, Gina.

Bo said...

Ha! Wouldnt it be great if they could clean up their own mess?

TMWHickman said...

Maybe you should buy a lottery ticket--what are the odds that a bird would get you 5 times?

Rachael said...

I'm sure it wasn't funny when it happened, but it is at least a little funny now! She definitely left her mark on you, since you can remember the specific times it happened!

dontpanic2011 said...

Hilarious! I know not when it's happening - more after the fact. I love this!

Josh said...

Maybe it is proof that blondes do have more fun. ;)

Atreyee said...

Ha!ha!You got me with the first line itself;-)Loved it totally!And I so feel for you-mine was bad too as it was a crow & I was very young woman then-I lost a patch of hair(it seems their shit is very acidic!)-thankfully,it grew back within a short time & I had enough hair to "tide over the bald patch"till then,lol!

Gina said...

I'm glad you laughed, Kymm! I'm always startled even though I should know better. It's been almost a year. Maybe I'm in the clear now.

Gina said...

Birds are dirty!

Gina said...

I don't play the lottery but right after being pooped on I should head immediately to 7-Eleven! The odds of both are in my favor, right?

Gina said...

It was never funny when it happened. I remember everything. It's a blessing and a curse.

Gina said...

Thanks so much, Wisper! One never knows.

Gina said...

Ah! What would my week be like without one of these...jokes? ;)

Gina said...

Oh good! Thanks so much, Atreyee. Loved the lightheartedness of yours. Well, you have me beat! I've never been dropped on by a crow or lost hair due to the "incident". YIKES! Now that's really gross. See, this is proof that we don't forget about things like this.

Trifecta said...

Sounds like you've got luck to spare. But, yeah, I'm okay. No thanks. :-)