Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Trifecta: Intentions

This could actually be a true story if I actually did this. I am going to this event. If you're in Chicago, you could go too. And for all you fiction writers out there, there’s still time to submit your story for the Nelson Algren Literary Award for short stories. Somebody has to win, right?


It was like standing in the center of a souvenir snow globe of Michigan Avenue, as if someone turned the entire city of Chicago upside down and gently shook. The snow fell like tiny, soft, feathery flakes lightly blanketing everything it touched including her. It was a beautiful evening. 

She pulled up her hood.

As one of the remaining patrons still outside, she had the “good” kind of nerves. Maybe it was called “nervous with anticipation”. She wasn’t sure, didn't really care, but anyone watching closely would recognize her fidgeting.

She had just two tickets.

It was her intention to invite both to the event she so passionately wished to attend thinking each would love it as much as her. Plus, she didn’t want to go alone or with someone who’d simply “put up” with it on her account.

So she emailed an off-handed invitation, providing them plenty of notice. She worded it so casually. So nonchalant. No pressure. They both said they planned to try.

Hedging bets came naturally to her.

Why these two?

Because she was forever drawn to people with whom she “strongly suspected” she’d have a deep connection. These two melded with her on many levels. Reading, writing, intelligent and passionate conversation were alluring to all three. She knew that about them.

She told herself she’d be equally excited whoever walked down the street. Mentally preparing for one, more likely, due to proximity because the other, she thought, required much more effort and finesse.

And they couldn’t be more different.

One was a woman. One was a man.

She didn’t know either well. Okay. Not at all really. In fact, she had never met either in person. She just desired to.

Grasping at diminishing confidence, she thought, “What if they both came?”

Then, "Or neither?"


Gazing in the opposite direction, she heard a tentative, “Hello?”

Breaking into her widest smile,

“I’m so happy it’s you!”

“What do you mean “you”?

“I’m so happy to finally see you.”


33-333 words for:

1: a determination to act in a certain way : resolve
2: import, significance


christina said...

cute, i like it. :)

Samantha Brinn Merel said...

Cool story. I love when you write fiction.

Atreyee said...

Loved this!An interesting twist-the reader is left to guess who comes in at the end:-)

Bo said...

so who is it... Ahh, the suspense.. Very good.

christie said...

I love the suspension too!

Thomas Charles MacInnes said...

I thought your opening description of the weather was fantastic! I wish I had that touch myself. Extremely well done, Gina!

Gina said...

Thanks, Christina. Do you want to come with me?

Gina said...

Thanks! I know you are my romance/mystery loving friend.

Gina said...

I wonder who it was??? Thanks, Atreyee!

Gina said...

I didn't really think that far ahead. She would have been happy with either person's company. Thanks for liking, Bo.

Gina said...

Thanks, Christie. It could be you! ;-)

Gina said...

You are kind to say that and I very much appreciate it! I've been in the city on nights like those and they are the most gorgeous you'll ever see. Windless, snow falling, someone special. Just like standing in a snow globe.

Draug said...

lol "...so happy it's you!" xD love it

Steph said...

Intriguing... Great description to set up the scene. Well done in that it leaves us wanting to know who these people are. And I wonder if she would have said the same thing... so happy it's you... to either of them. Nice work!

Gina said...

Thanks! I'd be happy, too!

Gina said...

Well, thanks Stephanie. I love a snowy night in the city. I wonder if she would have? I think I'd be a little nervous either way.

Tara R. said...

You captured that nervous excitement very well.

Jack said...

Very nice, enjoyed this. Of course every time I hear/read intention this voice inside my head says "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" but who is counting. ;)

That event sounds great.

Anonymous said...

ugh, I hate not knowing who it is! My curiosity shall eat away at me.

Kir said...

as someone who went to a LOT of conferences last year (and met many, many, many, people I only knew through the screen until then) I can tell you that those butterflies and those questions in your mind are real and you wrote them so well.

It was the GUY wasn't it? I think so ;)

I loved turning around and into a HUG from someone that had become my friend long before I ever touched them.

Great job.

Gina said...

I could definitely tap into that because I would have butterflies for sure! But I love having them so...

Gina said...

Good! And yes, that definitely went through my mind as I was writing it.

It should be a really exciting, fun evening. Now who to take?

You should be submitting one of your stories for this fiction award. You were one of the people I had in mind when I added the link. Draug did! And Dunce Two...get after it!

Unknown said...

Whew - I thought they both were going to show up.

Anonymous said...

The beginning made me want to hop the train to Chicago. :) The story itself was nicely drawn out and I like that you left the ending ambiguous. :)

Jen said...

If I haven't mentioned it my friend you one heck of a writer! Well done...

Gina said...

My curiosity does that too with most things!

Gina said...

Have I told you lately that we are very alike in this regard? I embrace the butterflies in my stomach feeling!

There was only one very small clue, I think. Based on your stories, which I love BTW, it would make sense for your romantic nature to believe it was the guy.

I dream of those things. This is also how were are alike. My friends get hugs... a lot! If you come to Chicago, I have one for you!

Gina said...

She must have had some clue that one wouldn't. Pretty presumptuous thinking they both might. Only two tix and she wasn't going to give up hers.

Gina said...

Chicago in the winter, when it's not brutally windy, is lovely and gorgeous. I love a crisp, cold, blue sky day. Today is a little like that (just turned around to look). Hop on! Thanks for liking my story as well. I wonder who showed myself.

Gina said...

And you are such a nice friend to me...ALWAYS!!! Thanks.

lumdog2012 said...

Very interesting character study. I liked the tension you created with the possibility that neither or both of them would show up. Very cool. :)

TMWHickman said...

Loved the suspense of waiting. A little mystery to pull me in!

Gina said...

Thanks, lumdog. Yeah, if both showed she'd be in a pickle.

Gina said...

Suspense is awesome so I'm happy you were suspended, Tina!

Anonymous said...

Great story! I like how you left it open at the end as to who showed up (and I don't like how you left it open at the end as to who showed up :))

I know, I know...you had to tease us!

kymm said...

Talk about hedging your bets!

Terrific imagery with the snow globe, although I do have one suggestion. "The snow fell like tiny, soft, feathery flakes" - I stumble over "like" and want to replace it with "in".

Anonymous said...

That is an interesting sentiment. I hope the other person doesn't show up and get all jealous! Nice Write

Anonymous said...

Applause! And the snow globe analogy brought me right in!

Gina said...

Thank you Janna! I really don't know who showed up either. I didn't think that far ahead. I wonder who will really show up on the 23rd?

Gina said...

I don't do that, hedge my bets. Not comfortable there. I see what you're saying about "in" instead of like and I like it. Thanks!

Gina said...

Who knows if they do or don't? I don't. Thanks for your comments.

Gina said...

Chicago on a night like that is stunning. You can't help but be drawn in by the romance and beauty. Thanks, Linda.