Thursday, November 1, 2012

Small Presents And A Melancholy Halloween

Believe it or not, I’m not much of a present person. It’s pretty hard to get me to give “you” a list for my birthday or a holiday. Oftentimes, my family hates the things I ask for so I always say, 

“Get me something you’d like for me to have.” 

"Oh, come on! You must want something!" 

"Spend time with me."

"That's it?"


Then they groan (a lot). 

I suppose I'm not making it easy for them but, in reality, I am. I'm really pretty simple.

My favorite gifts? Little things. Those that come in small packages and I don’t mean the “little blue box” because I don’t really wear jewelry. I love pictures and letters and books the most.

Yesterday, I received the most timely gift from my BFF, “sister from another mister”, knows me like the back of her hand, girlfriend.

She came upon this picture and walked it over to my house (she lives one block over). It's a picture of Matthew from Kindergarten. He’s the blonde in the forefront. 

I can see the trim job he gave his bangs while I was somewhere else (bad mommy!). That kid he’s with became the biggest bully in the whole grade school and his bangs got “trimmed” in the same incident. Still sorry Robin!

The funny thing about this particular picture is that my friend's son, same age, wasn’t even in Matt’s class. I have no idea why she would have taken it but I’m glad she did so she could come across it yesterday and bring back a fond memory for me exactly when I needed one.

Halloween was a little melancholy for me. My husband left for a golf trip leaving me home alone (YIKES!!!) on the creepiest day of the year (why would he do that?), my kids are away at school, and the cutest ghosts, goblins, ninjas, football players and cheerleaders paraded across my porch.

My kids used to dress up like all those things. 

I used to dress up in giant hair rollers, robe and slippers pretending that I forgot it was Halloween and that the ringing doorbell woke me up from my nap (so I can act!). When they got older, sometimes my costumes embarrassed them like the one with the pink beehive wig, which by the way, is used at college now.

And the year this picture was taken, I’m pretty sure Matt was in his Power Ranger stage, which went on through 3rd grade. He, then, rode out the rest of his trick or treating days as a football player.

I wonder what he was last night. 

I know his sister was a pirate.

I miss all that.

And I miss them.


It's the first day of NaBloPoMo over at Yeah Write! We've committed to writing and posting every day for the month of November. I guarantee you will love the stories these writers will share each and everyday. So join us. We're fun. Promise!


  1. Oh, Gina, this made me smile. It is the little things, the unexpected things that do just what we need. And I'm laughing b/c I donned the big hair, one roller in the back, a sparkly dress, and my bathrobe last night. I was a confused housewife. I think. I also had a black eye. Maybe I was a confused zombie housewife.

    1. You nailed it on the head, Arnebya. It truly is the little, unexpected surprises that give me a bump in my day.

      Most often it rained and was very cold on Halloween. I would get everyone ready, dad would come home early and take them around and around. I manned the house (in curlers and robe or some other crazy outfit) and made hot chocolate for their return. Then I stole some candy. You know...poison control is important. You'd make an awesome HW of DC! I need a picture of that!!!

  2. What a hilarious idea to dress up in hair rollers and robe! I love it. I'm not big on presents either - my love languages are quality time and touch.

    I'm sorry you miss your kids. So often I feel suffocated and have to remind myself that the time will come when I'll miss these hectic days.

    1. Same love languages for me!

      I do miss them. It's just the little reminders that make it hard. Don't blink! It will happen before you know it (or want it to). Believe me, those hectic days make some of the happiest moments and memories and they're some of the easiest days as well.

  3. i totally hear you- i'm the EXACT same way with gifts. just the idea of someone thinking of me enough to send an email or card makes my day!

    as for the meloncholy bit. i get that, too. i'm an older first time mom so forever before my Lovie came around, i always ached to be one of those embarrassing parents by their doped on sugar kids.

    Happy November!

    1. Yes! It's even just the thought of someone thinking of you. Swoon!

      They would pretend to be embarrassed (ok. Maybe they were but just for moments) but would ask me each year what I was going to be. I would say that you have to trick or treat me at the door to find out! Fun times! Loved your pics of Lovie!

  4. This was a fun most, even in your melancholy. I read aloud to my husband the part about answering the door in rollers and a robe. What a hoot.

    I may not get around to leaving comments on every post during NaBlo. I'm stopping in to say thanks for linking up and for making the rounds on the participating blogs. You rock, Gina.

    1. That was my favorite costume. The parents on the sidewalk would get a kick out of it too. I've already put the "mood" aside! Thanks for the visit, Erica! I know you will be a very busy reader with all the grids going so I appreciate your comment here! Fun times in November, for sure!

  5. Aw, this made me tear up! I'm so afraid of the day my kids leave me and I'm left with just pictures of them being adorable little ones! That day is coming too fast.

    1. Don't be afraid! You will be ready, mostly, when the time comes. But it does scream by...the time and you are left holding pictures but they aren't just pictures because there is a memory attached to each and every one.

  6. Awww. I would have guessed Kindergarten. Anyone younger than Christopher I'm pretty good at guessing the age by looking at the teeth ;-)

    I know you will do NaBloPoMo and then some. You've been on a roll forever! Imascared of the commitment!

    1. Oh Kenya! Get in there and do this with me. You've got all the stuff up there just swirling around and begging to get out.

  7. I love your curlers and robe costume - that is the best - especially the acting yawning thing with it. Love photos - they are always the perfect gift. For Halloween my sister send - from Dubai - a very old photo with her as a five year old Snow White and all the little boys as the 10 dwarves it was just a lovely way of remembering and seeing all those very homemade costumes.

    1. Photos are a perfect gift for me! I loved those old, homemade costumes! Classic. What fun to receive that from her.

  8. Oh, those days seem so far off, but I know they're coming sooner than I anticipate. You lil man is adorable!!

    1. It runs up behind you so fast. It's truly amazing how the time passes. That little guy is now 6'2" and 19 years old. Still adorable in a grown man way!

  9. I stayed home last night and handed out treats too. You are so right, that's what I kept thinking when those wee ones would come knocking on the door. Where did the time go? But I enjoyed the show.

    1. It was so cute and they were mostly very polite. I, too, enjoyed the show even while being a little bit sad.

  10. Buying gifts for my wife drives me crazy. Luckily, Kellie has relieved me of that chore. She buys her own presents and then tells me what I got her.

    1. That's so funny. I wrap a present To: Mom From: Santa every year. The kids help their dad with gifts but we usually do getaways and trips for presents to each other. He gives good "card". Very thoughtfully written.

  11. I'm pretty much the same as you when it comes to gifts. What a precious gift! Now go out and get yourself a great frame for it and put it in a special place.

    I see you'll be writing all month, I'll be reading :) along with you. Not doing it myself due to mom's recovery, Thanksgiving trip, a family wedding and well you get the idea!

    1. You are always busy, Jen! I hope your mom keeps doing better every day. That's a lot for you.

      I remember you did the April challenge and you mentioned that it was some work. Hopefully I'm up for the task! And I have enough to write about. Life hasn't been terribly exciting lately but ya know what? I'm okay with that! Enough excitement this summer!

  12. I love the nostalgia of old pictures :)

    I often say the same things as you about gifts. I'm always shocked when people say they don't know what to get me, because I always think I'm so easy! It takes very little to make me happy :)

    1. Me, too! One of my favorite things.

      I'm very easy and I'd much rather pick out a gift (I take my time and think about it) and give one than receive anything. It doesn't make me nearly as happy, if that makes sense. Thoughtfulness makes me extremely happy (in words and actions) not material things.

  13. I feel the same way about getting gifts. Expensive gifts just embarrass me! I do, however, like to spend months before someone's birthday thinking of just the right gift to give. Nothing thrills me more than the look on someone's face when they open the "perfect" gift :)

    1. This is weird but I sometimes think expensive presents are wasted on me. I'm not saying that I don't appreciate them or won't wear/use them but they are very unnecessary.

      YES! I love thinking of and searching out the perefect present for someone. Then I get so excited with anticipation for them to open it, I can't stand it. Giving gifts of any sort makes me really happy.

  14. My best friend's father died the day before Halloween in 2011. Last night I took my kids by his folk's house so that we could check in on his mother.

    She looked at my kids smiled and then looked at me and I could see the years running back in her eyes. For a moment it took me back too, it was 1974 and I was Casper.

    It really does go too quickly. I am sure your kids were thinking about you too.

    1. That was very thoughtful of you to visit her. Sad. Hope she's doing ok.

      I felt that rush of years flying by as I looked at the gorgeous little kids on my porch on Halloween. It's scary, sometimes, to think about.

      One always thinks about me and "knucklehead" does every once in a while. It used to be the opposite.

  15. So fun to get a pic of your son! I think those are the best presents too!

  16. time flies so quickly, doesn't it? We hate it, we despise it :(

    1. I'm mad at it too! I'd go back but not sure too far back. Maybe 10 years, that's all.

  17. That is a wonderful present - memories! The fact that you got this one picture and it made you think of them, and halloween, and how you dressed up (and acted) and what they were dressing up now as young adults away from home - you couldn't "buy" that and that is why it was so nice.

    2 years ago for Christmas, I made each person (2 sister-in laws, my sister, my dad & mom & my mother-in-law) each their own photo-album of the life of their children. Over the past few months I was collecting pictures that none of them knew about (ok, so I had to do a little private borrowing). And then they opened up the book and saw how their own kids had grown over the years from baby to toddler to pre-teens to teenagers to adults (in some cases). For my parents, it was a book of my sister and I growing up over the years. While not expensive in a sense, it was a priceless gift for all of them. Now, I just want an XBOX :-)

    1. Hey, Dave! Thanks for the comment and the follow!

      That picture spawned so many memories from Kindergarten to Halloween as if they flashed before me! It was so awesome and I squeezed her so tight! You are so right. It's priceless. And when all is said and done and you use that yardstick to measure the value of your will be measured in treasured memories, not things!

      You are kind, thoughtful and generous to do that for those close to you! And yes, you'd have to "lift" some pictures in the process but understandable! A gift like that would make me cry...out of joy, amazement, sentimentality, and the sheer surprise of someone being that thoughtful! It's the true meaning of priceless!

      AN X-BOX? YUCK! Okay, I'm not judging. We all want what we want!

  18. Awwww...I am sorry you were by yourself on Halloween!

    1. Ya! Me, too! Thanks for commiserating, Tina. I ran out of candy bars early so I turned off the light and went upstairs to read (and catch up with my DVR!)
