Monday, September 17, 2012

You And I Got Away Like A Prayer...


Another Music Moves Me Monday. Monday aren't generally my favorite day of the week. Ok, who am I kidding? I'm not a fan of Mondays at all. But thanks to Stacy Uncorked and Xmas Dolly and their friends, I get to put my music stuff out there for someone’s listening pleasure besides my own. And that makes ME very happy! A happy me is a good me. Trust me!

This week’s theme is “freebie” which works for me because it leads into part of my post for tomorrow where I will be writing about my favorite chick right before I run out to Target. It will make more sense tomorrow, I promise.

I’m a huge Lady Gaga fan. Sure, I think she’s wacky. I don’t “get” some of her outfits but I’m just going with what must be her artistic expression. Being a “live and let live” kind of person, I’m very cool with wacky people.

So this is my favorite Gaga song. Until today, I hadn’t seen the video. It’s kinda HOT especially the beginning. When you listen to the song, just by itself (meaning no video as a distraction; close your eyes), you can hear the pureness of her voice. It’s not a fussy, techno jazzed up version like most of her other stuff.

I am also a Katy Perry fan, sort of. Again, I appreciate her creativity, mostly, but not her gimmicky productions. This song is sweet and sad and my favorite of hers.

This may make me unpopular with some but I'm really no longer much a Madonna fan. Too much is too much with her. I’m not sure if it was the overexposure of her life for way too long but I have always loved this song.  For some reason, years ago (13 years, maybe), I used to run to this song. I played it at the very end of a running workout and it motivated me. Not sure what that says or why a mellow song would inspire me to hit the pavement extra hard for 5 more minutes but it did! Weird, I know!

Happy Music Monday!

LadyJava's Lounge


  1. Laga Gaga has a good voice, but she's so weird. I don't understand why today's singers can't lean only on their voices to carry them to the top. I guess this is one thing about the entertainment industry I just don't get. Oh yeah, this Katy Perry song is so sad. I agree, this may be one of her bests. Madonna is a real classic. I love most of her stuff! Thanks for dancing with us on Monday's Music Moves Me!

    1. That's why I like Lady Gaga, her voice and particularly this song because it's simple when you don't have to watch her video. She's freaking strange! Katy is not so out there and I think her voice is usually just so-so but there's something about this particular song, the words and her voice, that strikes me. I used to love Madonna but her overexposure drove me away. Her tone and voice on "Like A Prayer" speaks to me as do the lyrics. She is classic, I will agree.

  2. That Lady Gaga song isn't bad HATE the video. She's just too weird for me. Love Katy Perry. I dressed up as her for a costume party purple wig and all LOL Love her songs & Madonna I haven't head that song like in forever. Great choices. Don't forget to share your give-aways tomorrow on my SHOW OFF TUESDAY including reviews. THANKS.

    1. I have this song on my iPod and I listen to it often because I love the words, the sound, the whole thing. Simplicity. As for the video, I'm with you. Parts I found interesting and cool but the rest way too weird for me. I think I saw some pictures somewhere with you and purple hair. I give Katy Perry credit for being creative. Madonna...I'm kind of eh about. But the song is one of my favorites oldies.

  3. I enjoyed the Lady GaGa song. This is going to sound weird but to me it has a little new country feel to it. I like Katy Perry and that is such a sad song but a good one. Ah, Madonna, Like A Prayer, one of my favorites :)
    As you can tell, I totally enjoyed your picks!

    1. Lucy! You hit the nail on the head. It's different from her usual pop stuff and that's probably why I like it so much. Sad song from Katy but I love it all the same. Thanks for enjoying. Heading over to listen to yours!

  4. For some reason, I was unable to view Lady Gaga's video.
    I am beginning to appreciate Katy Perry more as I hear her songs played. This one is certainly sad.
    Madonna is nothing but an original that others enjoy copying.
    Great picks.
    ~Naila Moon

    1. That's why she and Gaga fight. Madonna was the ice breaker here. I'll have to check out the trouble with Gaga.

  5. I didn't used to be a Lady Gaga or Katy Perry fan - until more recently (and probably because of their more recent songs). You've picked two of my favorites! And I'm right there with you on Madonna - used to be a huge fan of hers, until she just got...weird. Isn't that funny how *she* gets weird and we lose interest, but yet two weird artists have grown on us? :) Thanks so much for playing along - and now I'm intrigued by your teaser about tomorrow's post... ;)

    Jambalaya Wanted Fake I.D. to Party Like Cowboyz - but Don't You Worry Child, Take These Things To Heart remembering Ronan

    1. I'm with you and like their recent stuff much better. YES! See, Madonna did get weird. And you're observation about us losing interest in her for weirdness but the others we are warming to...go figure! It's about my favorite gal pal!!!

  6. wow great set of strong and creative women here very good choices
    Come Say HI

  7. Wow. That Lady Gaga song sounds almost country. And she is an extremely talented, over-the-top individual. But no to Madonna? I've had a love hate relationship with her for years. Maybe that's what you have? Ya think?

    1. You said it too about country sounding. I just love it because it's simply her voice and uncomplicated (except if you watch it with the video which I may never again). Very talented, for sure.

      I loved Madonna in the 80s and probably not do much since. You hit the nail on the head, Love/hate but probably more like/hate now!

  8. Ooh I've always love that Madonna song :)

    Enjoy your week!

  9. all wonderful choices. I love listening to them. Rocking with you!!! Mine is here
    Have you a TRULY BLESSED WEEK!!!
