Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I'm Lovin' It with Pink, Da-Da-Da-DA-Da, And A World Class Chef!

I woke up this morning so very excited. Today, for me, is a BIG day.

I set my DVR for the Today Show’s 9:00 hour. I don’t have the TV on during the day…Ever…and I did not want to miss this.

I probably don’t need one more thing in my life to be obsessed with but anything Pink (not the color) is grandfathered in, in my opinion.

                   (I want those shoes and leggings!)

Why couldn’t I be in NYC today instead of three and a half weeks from now so I could be in Rockefeller Center watching my favorite gal sing two of her new songs? She is such a stud! She sung in the cold rain without skipping a beat or making a fuss. Gotta love those low maintenance girls! She was more than fantastic but I’m extremely partial!

Today was the release of Pink’s new CD called “The Truth About Love”. I downloaded it from iTunes not too early, waited until a respectable 7am, and have listened to the whole thing. Forewarning, it has “swears” in many of the songs so if that bothers you, you can listen to the “clean” versions on YouTube no doubt.

So I’m thinking a new album means A TOUR in the near future. Because dog gone it!!! she went and had a baby with that skateboarding husband of hers that she’s just nuts about which put off a show for her fans by two years!

Her concert was at the tippy top of my list of most entertaining concerts to which I have ever had the good fortune to attend! It was outstanding. She did this trapeze-y thing with long drapery type material. At the end of the song, the material lowered her into a "below stage level tank" of water, brought her up and spun her around. Extremely mesmerizing and beautifully lit!

Finished gushing!!!

I’m not a bad wife but I’ve not been as good as I was last year…in the cooking department. Last year was our first as empty nesters and I chef-ed (not a word, I know) it up pretty darn good. We ate healthy and fresh and extremely well. An added and unexpected bonus, we both lost 5 lbs. Not bad.

Well, that was then and this is now. Cooking has become lackluster to me lately. Something about fall does that to me. Okay, I’m blaming a season. I just don’t feel like it.

But my favorite season means I can start making grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner. Not to boast, but I’m a world famous maker of a stellar grilled cheese. Just ask my “not at all picky or fussy” husband. Fixing a great grilled cheese is almost an art. It must be really crispy on the outside using real butter and gooey on the inside. Two great sensations!

The night before I dialed for Chinese. I’m being lazy but at least he has some leftovers while I’m out of town…at least for one night. He will just break out the chips and salsa anyway which is his go-to dinner when I’m not home (or Chipotle).

(Just kidding, Honey!)

Gotta get in the car and drive. To me, road trips mean DA-Da-Da-DA-Da, I’m lovin’ it! A #3 Meal, Quarter Pounder with Cheese, fries and a chocolate shake. Given the choice, I prefer a Whopper but there aren’t as many BK’s around. I know why that is but “WHY is that?”

I almost did last weekend’s 33-word Trifecta challenge about road trips and McDonalds.

Thanks to Stacy Uncorked and Impulsive Addict for always allowing such randomness to talk to them on Tuesday!



  1. I LOVE Pink! I wish she didn't have such a potty mouth but I love her enough to look paste it. I'll be as close to front and center as possible if she makes it to my area.

    The older I get the less I want to cook, I have zero desire!

    Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. She's my girl crush without doubt! I don't mind potty mouths. Never have but was very careful when my kids were, well kids! They are in college and I mind THEIR use of potty words...a lot! When she comes to Chicago, and I'm predicting the late winter or spring, I will spend a whole bunch of C-notes to choose my seat properly! Can't wait!

      Cooking for two is easy but I get tired of it. I really cook a ton starting in November. I consider myself on hiatus at the moment. Thanks for visiting Shawn!

  2. I love me some PINK too! I watched her on Ellen last week and I think she's awesome! I love that song too. It's very catchy. I even put it as my ringtone on my phone (the clean version though). I don't mind her potty mouth but with my little 2 year old listening to EVERYTHING, I have to start buying clean versions. Boo. lol

    Thanks for linking up!!

    1. Oh, man! Me too! And not just a little! I watched her on Ellen, youTube, as well. I love anything she does live. She smacks of personality! Blow Me One Last Kiss may have to replace my current ring tone. I'll do that now! You do have to buy "clean". Sorry, that will change sooner than you think :-(

  3. That's funny, in the fall I tend to love cooking. I think it's cause it's too damn hot here in the summer for me to bother cooking. I really want to make chicken pot pie and curl up on a cold day.

    1. It never cleared 60 today and supposed to go down to 38 tonight. Brrrrrrrrr! Pot pie is such a classic fall recipe. I have an Eating Well or Cooking Light version that's out of this world. Maybe I will break don't and cook it in a few weeks! I, too, love to curl up on a cool day...well anyway really!

      Thanks for visiting!

  4. Men don't care if their wives don't cook. We can order in or out and everyone is happy. Men do care if their wives don't provide that other service we need, and we get in big trouble if we try to outsource that function.

    1. True life! My husband just wants me happy and if that means not cooking, he's all for it. He likes his chances then which are pretty good! No, you can't outsource!

  5. We order out more than is probably economical, but it makes for a more peaceful household, because I end up cooking AND cleaning the kitchen, and I am compelled to whine about it. ;-)

    1. We eat out probably 3-4 nights a week. When I cook, I clean up maybe half the time. If he offers, I let him and do something else. But cleaning up fro two is no biggie!

  6. Oh yes.

    And me too.

    Waited for Pink and she did not disappoint.

    WOULD LOVE to see her and let her know how she EMPOWERS women of all ages.

    1. She should tour soon and I will be there. She is so so so cool. And very empowering to women! Thanks for stopping by!
