Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Some Goodbyes Are Forever And Ever...

He proclaimed it her best attribute and what he noticed first, her ample chest. Gabby’s response, always, “Gee, thanks Pal.” accompanied by a good, hard punch to the ribs. “That’s it? That’s what you like most about me?”

“Well, I am a guy.” Will responded and with a smirk added. “You could tell me which part you like best about me.”

“You wish!”

He looked deeply into her light blue eyes resting his palm in his true favorite spot, “No. This is my favorite part of you.” His hand lay gently over her heart and he could feel it pounding.

“Yeah, right! That’s pretty darn close to your real spot! I know you!” Gabby replied, knowing he was speaking the truth, but she loved to tease him about this very thing.

The electricity and passion between them never failed to cause her to melt.

Into him. Into one.

But they were a long way away from where this word game of theirs started. Thirty years away to be exact.

The question before both of them this time around, and again, was...

“What are we doing?”

Both her ample parts began to heave, in sadness, because she knew.

Gabby’s cheeks were streaked black; mascara running down her face. She kissed him tenderly knowing it would be the last one, softly uttering a final goodbye and got in her car.

Peeling out of the driveway, spewing gravel in her haste, she needed to put as much distance between the two of them as she could. Proximity had been their foe and distance a dear friend.

As she drove, her mind changed as it always did. About Will. Gabby dialed his number?

“This is Will. Leave a message.” God, she loved his voice.

“Okay! I just left you. Please call me. I can’t do it this. There’s never not been an “us”. Please!”

Gabby pulled over and waited.

Thirty minutes later, the text came through…

“No. Your goodbyes hurt me too much.”

Could this be forever?


In a roundabout way, I fell into this song, Under Your Spell by Desire, from a movie recommendation on a blog I follow. I’m obsessed with it but then I'm obsessed with a whole lot of things. I think it’s perfect for the love story of Gabby and Will.

Written for Trifecta’s prompt.
AMPLE: 3. Buxom, portly.


  1. Awww sad! And this is the second "ample"post I read that is abotu boobies :P

    1. I thought it was sad, too. But if I know them, it's not the end end. They are bonded together for life and maybe just in their minds!

      It's a Trifecta prompt probably, or not. The word there was the third definition of ample.

  2. I like this! I like that she left, but he's the one that said goodbye. Interesting - could be a piece of something larger!

    1. I'm thinking she sat in shock. He was never the one who said goodbye. There's about 30,000 words already to this story. Thanks for visiting Michelle!

  3. I am a man, and I don't understand what just happened. Is this because I'm a man? Am I just wired differently?

    1. You are a man. That's true. And yes, you are wired differently. Well these two have/had a long and passionate and tumultuous relationship that had no business taking place at all at this point in time. They both knew it. She kept leading him along then saying goodbye (maybe meaning goodbye or maybe not, historically) He finally got tired of it, I guess. He had to give up his favorite breasts for his sanity?

  4. Sad story. I wonder if he will change his mind or if goodbye is finally goodbye...

    1. He's never been the one to say goodbye before but I don't think he means it. Or does he? I hate goodbyes, too!

  5. Sad. I wonder if he will stand his ground or if this is just part of their dance (a rough dance for sure).

    1. It's been 30 years. I hope they aren't finished for real. The dance has had some high highs...and some low lows!

  6. I like how he was the one who actually said goodbye in this scene. It does make me curious to see how things play out from here. Great job!

    1. Thanks, Wisper. I think she was shocked by his text. She always had hold of his heart. I wonder....

  7. I was totally engrossed in this. I could sense their passion and sadness and regret. Well done!!

    1. Intensely passionate and very sad. I bet Will does regret it. He'll be back....she hopes. Thanks! And thank you for following me too!

  8. Sometimes you never quite say goodbye, no matter how hard you try.

    1. Agreed! Sometimes you do physically but the mind and the feelings don't cooperate!

  9. Excellent ... I wanted to

    1. Thanks so much, LL! I hope there's more to tell in their story!

  10. Wow! Poor Will. Dang poor Gabby! said with hand over my buxom hidden heart.

    1. I KNOW! Tried typing with my hand over mine but that didn't work well!

  11. Ouch! Goodbyes stink... But heartbeats are awesome!

    1. They do stink, big time! I love to feel a pounding heartbeat...in someone else or myself. Both are awesome.

  12. hmmm i want more from both of these characters.

  13. I want all of the background information! At first I thought they were married but now I think maybe an affair? Hmmmm. I hope you'll let us in on all of that.

    1. They are lifelong soul mates that missed their opportunity in their 20s to marry. They both moved forward with their lives, reconnected a few times emotionally but that's been it so far. The pull of each other is too much to resist. Too much love still there!

  14. You have me intrigued here. I want the back story! When is the next installment?

    1. Picture the movie Same Time Next Year with Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn. They met every year and developed an emotional intimacy so very strong. Gabby and Will had a long relationship in their early 20s and almost married. At about 30, 40 and now 50, they reconnected with their very deep emotional ties. This is lifelong for them. It will never end. They are each others one true love.

      Next installment when I figure out exactly what Will will do but I'm pretty sure I know ;-)

  15. Sometimes goodbyes can be taken back! But oh so sad! You have such a gift for this writing--I am glad that you are still posting so I get to read!

    1. You are a sweetheart, my dear! Sometimes they CAN be taken back and other times they can't or the other person won't accept you back.

  16. I think that there are some people who we can never say goodbye to, no matter how much we try or how much we want to. For me, your post captured exactly that. Really well done.

    1. Thanks so much, Samantha. I think you're right. Some people are bound to us for life and eternity.

  17. Well now I need to read the whole story!

  18. That is absolutely HOT. I love the way he says no, but he clearly says it because he knows she is waiting.

    1. JQ,
      I toned it waaaaaay down from the original version. If they get things going again, I may pull out the big guns because they are a touchy-feely twosome!

      I think he says "No" to give her a dose of her own medicine. To experience how it has felt to him those times in the past. At least, that's my thought on the matter!

  19. Wow! Powerful, I hope Will & Gabby find their way to each for good. Have you written more about these two or what? I gotta know! =D

    1. Yes. I have a little on my blog from different writing prompts. However, I have tens of thousands of words (5 chapters worth) tucked away on my hard drive.

      Maybe they'll get to be in the same nursing home when they're old. They would actually love that because nothing would have diminished...well I don't know about nothing! Those places are supposed to be pretty crazy ;-)

  20. Gina, you are such a talented writer, always pull me in before I can help myself--haha. Aw, love. So yes, nail polishes...I have a great new Oscar Wilde cobalt and also Scandalous Lover red that are new for Fall (the trio sold out but single bottles of those 2 are still available). Also I have just a few trio of the coffee colored Fall neutrals left--they are wonderful and very chic ;) - everything at maryjomatsumoto.com
    Can't wait to hear about your nyc trip!
    xo Mary Jo

    1. You are so nice, Mary Jo. You never fail to deliver a wonderful compliment. My goal is to draw YOU in!

      Love the cobalt blue. That could be toes! But the Scandalous Red (was just on your website), is perfect for both. Love the clutches, too! I need to make more money. That's all there is to it!

  21. I hate goodbyes! What happens next?

    1. Deana! I hate them tooooooo! I'm not sure what will happen next. Maybe the three of us (Gabby, Will and I) will figure that out soon! Thanks for visiting!

  22. Gina, I love this. Every word is perfect. From "what are we doing" to "your goodbyes hurt me too much", you have touched my soul. I've been through this and it is so real!!! This is a great piece of writing.

    1. Lumdog! You are soooo nice to me! Thank you very much. It means A LOT that you really like it. And I'm sorry you have been through this...I'm only imagining the feelings; I haven't felt them first hand. I'm happy they sound real but I'm not happy for anyone who has experienced this!

  23. Ughhhh, heartache is so awful especially when there is so much chemistry. This made me ache for them both. It's not the end, right?

    1. Heartache just plain hurts!!! I ached for them, too.

      I highly doubt it's the end. I think they are tied together forever but you never know with life....

  24. This was sad, but so real. I know that feeling of being done, but then not being able to actually be done! I hope there's more!

    1. It felt real to me too. For me...Done has always meant done. There were no in-betweens. That only goes for when I'm deciding things. In this case, Gabby is not deciding this time so she's hopeful. I hope for them there's more. We shall see...

  25. This is sweet, and sad, and just a glimpse at something larger, and I love that it hints at things beyond what we're seeing, beyond the moment. Very, very good.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Saalon. There is a lot more here than meets the eye. A whole bunch of past and definitely more in the future. They are each other's one true love after all...

  26. I too am wondering what happened in the intervening time; must have been stormy!

    1. Sometimes stormy but mostly passionate and delightful when they were together. They talked and talked and talked. But they were left with a lot of wanting and longing for all the unfulfilled feelings and physical desires!

  27. The Mrs. and I have twice had "this is the end. The end? No it can't be the end!" moments. Long-term relationships are hard. You've drawn very well the shorthand of goofy banter that means much more to the people engaged in it.

    1. Thanks, Rodius. Silly banter that's intimate only to that couple makes the relationship very special. Long-term relationships of any kind but especially lovers/husbands/wives take a whole lot of everything. Happy to assume all is well in your household! Thanks for commenting!

  28. ouch! his txt was hard but probably true. you think it's a happy couple only to be sidelined by the fact that they aren't. this is truly a heartbreaking piece.

    1. Yep! It hurt her. Time to understand life without him. They aren't a married couple...at least not married to each other butt have always been a part of the other heart. Maybe it's over for reals!

  29. Sad story. There is such a thing as too many goodbyes though. Thanks for linking up.

    1. There's a breaking point somewhere, I'd think...
