Friday, May 17, 2013

Trifextra: For the Love of Honey

Straddling his hips, she held the honey filled bear overhead laughing.

“You don’t have the nerve!” he challenged underneath.

Making a heart of golden drops, she slowly licked each one off his stomach.

This weekend’s Trifextra Challenge is exactly 33 words, 30 of our own and three of the following:

topple     paradigm     underneath     
nerve     honey     loop


christina said...

RAWR. :)

Gina said...

The having a blast kind of RAWR!!!

Anonymous said...

Whew! Steamy!

Gina said...

And FUN!!!

Anonymous said...

My first thought was, "I hope he doesn't have a hairy belly." I think there is something wrong with me...

Kir said...

GINA!! this was awesome, just naughty enough. I'm blushing and fanning myself.

Maybe I should stop at the store for a jar of honey tonight. Hmmmmm?!!

Loved it.

Gina said...

No, no, no! In this story, it's definitely a smooth tummy...(and ripped wouldn't be bad either?)

You are too funny Jana! Hair never even occurred to me!!!

Gina said...

It's Friday. The "feisties" come out to play! Don't you have one of those plastic bears filled with honey in your cabinet already?

You are such a doll, Kir!!!

Tara R. said...

Oh my... that is hawt.I thought it was funny that it was a little bear honey pot.

Lance said...


I like how the action says everything.

Sorry I haven't been commenting lately, but I've been reading.

Pirate said...

Oh dear....seem really made me chuckle, but a nice, loving moment there, well described!

Anonymous said...

A man should never dare a woman... ;-)

Gina said...

Well, that's the kind of honey I buy. The one that comes in the plastic bear so when I see the word "honey", I think of the bear and then other things...

Thanks, Tara!!!

Gina said...

It felt "hawt" when I was thinking it up. Not too naughty though, I hope.

I've been in the same boat; haven't been writing but have been reading and sometimes commenting. Thanks for the comments whenever they come in, Lance. I appreciate you telling me that you're still reading.

Gina said...

Oh no Pirate! Didn't mean to fluster you!!! Thanks for picking up that this was a light, loving moment. It's about having fun with each other.

Gina said...

Exactly the point!

MOV said...

Nice take on the prompt! I can picture it. :)


Valerie Boersma said...

Some people might prefer honey on toast, but after reading this, not me! ;)

Draug said...

What sticky fun!

Unknown said...

^^"A man should never dare a woman" - heh, the reason we do is that we know they always accept the challenge, and feel good about doing so.

Meanwhile though, I'll be in my bunk. Wonderful piece.

September Dreams said...

Whoa.. That was quite an erotic one to start with ;)
Good job Gina!

lumdog2012 said...

Very fun and sexy. Great piece of writing. I'm traveling but had to stop by. :)

About Last Weekend said...

Wow good usage of the word honey and bear!

barbara said...

hmmmm - where's my honeybear . . . and my hubbymoose? :)

kymm said...

Too funny, Gina, with the squirting bear. Good times!

Yve said...

Oops, I imagined she was threatening to pour it on his face :)

According to Mags... said...

I'm blushing. Nice work! :)

brudberg said...

Never dare a woman with honey --- or maybe --- why not :-9

Gina said...

Thank you, MOV!

Gina said...

Honey is good on anything especially biscuits!

Gina said...

I love this response, Draug! YES!

Gina said...

Oh absolutely! If you are going to "dare" me to do something, I'm going to make it a priority to show I will and do it well!!!

Thanks for visiting and your kind comment, Thomas.

Gina said...

This was your first visit today? Fantastic! Hope it was a fun start for you. There are some other spicy ones out there this weekend. Get out your fan!

Gina said...

Hey Stranger! You tie the knot yet? Wait! If you are traveling that means you did and you are in Italy! I am so jealous (of Italy not your marriage ;-)). My daughter just got back from 2.5 weeks of backpacking through that beautiful country. I was jealous of her too!


Gina said...

Thank you, Jody!

Gina said...

Go grab him, barbara! My hubby sure benefited from the residual effects of this post.

Suzanne said...

Oh my! Love the playfulness in this. Nicely done Gina!

Gina said...

That's the kind of honey in my house (not the fancy stuff just the plastic bear). Glad you had fun, kymm.

Gina said...

Maybe she was and changed her mind. Or missed? But that would have been fun too.

Gina said...

Hahaha! Thanks Mel.

Gina said...

Thanks for "getting" that Suzanne. It is precisely about being playful and having fun with your significant other. It's always good to have tricks up your sleeve...

Jen said...

I like honey, just saying :0

Jack said...

The Honey Bear description is a nice touch. It helps paint the scene.

Atreyee said...

Oooh!How sexy!Loved the idea;-)

allmylivesnow said...

Pure and simple sensual emotions. Love it.

Gina said...

Now why does this not surprise me! Go grab Bill!!!

Gina said...

Thanks, Jack. When I think of honey, I automatically think about the bear that sits on a shelf, in a cabinet, in my house. It's running low ;-)

Gina said...

You are funny, Atreyee! Sexy fun!!! Thank you for your comment.

Gina said...

It came from a familiar place. The words came easily. Thank you so much because you grasped the essence for which I had hoped to convey.

Trifecta said...

I'm just licking this fun piece up, Gina.

Thanks for linking up!

Gina said...

Hahaha! Tastes good, right? Thanks for the comment!