Saturday, March 9, 2013

Intouchables (The Movie) and I Told You So's...

I don’t have to be “right”. I don’t actually care if I am or even if no one notices or acknowledges it. I can keep the self-satisfaction to myself. I hate gloaters!

After 24 years as a wife and mother, I am a professional battle picker! I don’t often push hard for something that doesn’t really matter much to me. Like with family movie night, I’m the first to cave because I’d rather have us together snuggling under blankets than someone leaving the room in a huff.

So last night when movie negotiations began, I decided it was time to hold my ground and insisted we watch something I saw a few months ago called Intouchables (of course pronounced in the proper French way). I had a few reasons why I wanted them to see it, at this particular time, though one of which is that it's outstanding.

(They wanted to watch a soccer movie with Gerard Butler and Jessica Biel. Uh, uh!)

“What’s it about?” my daughter asked.

“Well, it’s a French movie about…” I replied.

“Don’t tell me it’s subtitled,” said my other half, stirring the pot.

“Yes. It’s subtitled but you won’t even notice it.”

“You don’t think we’ll notice that we are reading THE WHOLE THING?”


“GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! I know I’m going to fall asleep,” added the college student.

Within 15 minutes, I heard the first chuckle. I smiled knowing no one would doze off any time soon.

Intouchables is a true story about an unlikely relationship that develops between a down on his luck ex-con from a difficult upbringing and an extremely wealthy wheelchair bound quadriplegic who requires full time care. They need each other.

It is oftentimes extremely touching and there are at least five scenes in which it is impossible not to laugh along with several opportunities to reflect on how even people with opposing personalities and lifestyles can and do often connect. Our basic need to rely on other people comes through too.

As the credits rolled after midnight and neither was remotely close to falling asleep, I asked the doubters what they thought.

“I really, really liked it. I'm glad we saw it,” said my husband.

“It was really funny but that could have been you, Mom,” solemnly added my daughter.

As much as I knew they'd like it, my daughter hit the nail on the head. That was the reason I insisted we watch it because it could have been our lives right now.

I never said, “I told you so or I knew I was right.”  

But it didn't stop me from smiling to myself knowing I was.

Or from subtly mentioning my "rightness" this morning!


There is nothing more fun than hanging with the weekend Moonshiners over at Yeah Write. AND it is an especially special weekend as we whoop it up with Erica for her birthday! Hope you're having a good one, girl!!!! Come check it out!


  1. And I was feeling all superior upon only seeing the title - thinking you meant The Untouchables. And now I really want to see this one! I have heard of it, but it never really registered. Thanks for the tip!

    1. That's so funny! Yes, MUCH different. It's a must see.

  2. I hadn't heard about this movie. Thanks for pointing it out. I'm always right too ;)

    1. There are things that I know I'm absolutely right about but I wouldn't probably say anything or argue over my "rightness". I'm okay with keeping it to my smug (kidding) self. Even with friends unless I thought they would really need/want to know.

  3. I haven't heard of this Gina. It does sound like a great story. Maybe I won't tell my husband about the subtitles. Ha.

    1. That's one of the things I asked the next morning. Did you feel as if you were reading the movie and did the subtitles take away from your enjoyment? The both said no. It was a hit!

  4. That sounds really good. I have made my kids watch a few movies that I told them they would love, and then they hated them. That's the worst. How can someone not like the Godfather? Oh well, I'll give this one a try.

    1. I would much rather have my husband hate my movie choice than my kids. He would just fall asleep leaving me to watch myself. My kids would/have never let me hear the end of it. "Remember the last time mom picked?" Who doesn't like The Godfather?

  5. I'd heard of this but had no idea what it was about or that it was foreign. I'll have to see if I can find it.

    1. It is on ATT On Demand right now. Don't know if it's on Comcast as well. I know you are a Chicago girl so you probably have one of those.

  6. My husband hates subtitles, too. Hopefully, I'll find a day to watch it without him.

  7. That sounds like a great movie!
    I'm glad that you "won" and that everyone ended up enjoying themselves. Maybe it will make it easier to win next time too. "Hey remember when you didn't want to watch Intouchables.....?"

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