Sunday, September 30, 2012

Re-Entry's A Bitch: Stream of Consciousness Sunday

Thank goodness it's Sunday and Jana says we can brain dump today. I'm kidding about "Jana says" but I am a good listener and try to do as I'm told. It's Stream of Consciousness Sunday. So for five minutes I'm going to tell you things completely opposite of what I'd planned or originally thought. Timer set for five minutes then I won't edit. I hope it comes out appropriately because I'm pissed and its going the way of a total rant! *************************************************** I was so very lucky to be on vacation this past week. It was lovely and I thoroughly enjoyed my husband and my friends and my friend's husbands (not in a kinky way). We are good friends that travel together often. And the week was wonderful.................But then you have to come home. To reality. And you're no longer living in the fake yet fantastic vacation dream world. My friend Susie always says, "Re-entry's a bitch!" and damn it, she was right tonight................. We walked into the house not long ago to what begins as a very nice welcome home letter from our friend, Jen, who stays with Addison (75 lbs. of naughty Chocolate Lab) and Henrietta, my daughter's fish (that somehow became my responsibility when Amanda came home from school in May)................"I hope you had a great trip. Blah, blah, blah." So here's the bad news...Henrietta joined Ellie (our old Lab that died in June) this week. The hard drive on your Desktop computer crapped out completely (Apple can't restore the thousands of pictures and documents on it and your external hard drive hasn't done it's job since January 2011. Okaaaaaaay!!!.................I decided to ignore all this for the evening and go through the mail. Why in the world would Matt (my naughty as the dog 19 year old) be getting a letter from Jesse White? Jesssie White is our Secretary of State...............The answer is simple, I guess. You can't have two speeding tickets in two years in the state of Illinois or your license gets suspended. Matt must overnight his license, from school in Indiana, by Tuesday or he's in bigger trouble. Glad I opened the letter but not happy I opened the letter.......................Susie, re-entry sure is a bitch!!!!.................AND I'm still writing on an iPad so my formatting sucks and I can't attach Jana's Stream of Consiousness Sunday Badge. So sorry.


  1. Sorry about all that craziness. Matt's letter reminded me of my own experience in college.

    Wasn't identical, but I remember the conversation with my father about the parking tickets I couldn't have gotten because I wasn't parked outside a particular condo.

    Nope, couldn't be me, except...

    Life has its moments.

    I wouldn't give up immediately on the photos. Still might be someone out there who can recover them for you.

    1. Yep! I couldn't graduate until I satisfied my debt to the Department of Parking at Illinois State University! When it rains, it pours. Did I mention that his license plates were also stolen off his car, and many others in the lot, last week. I'm taking it somewhere this morning to see what can be done. There is also a place in CA called Drivesavers that a friend has used. Fingers crossed.

  2. Awww what a stinking welcome home. Sorry about Henrietta :-(

    If I can make you chuckle at all, I was reading (my naughty as the dog 19 year old) thinking it was "another" dog and I TOO was wondering why he was getting mail from Jesse White - let alone something having to do with a speeding ticket. I got all the way to Matt must overnight... then I said, "Duh!"

    1. Yes it was! He will be a non-diver until January 2nd. This is not new to us. From march 2011-March 2012, my daughter was a non-driver for speeding tickets. Little kids, little problems. Big kids, big problems. They are safe and healthy. Thank God for that but nothing is ever easy!

  3. What a horrible stream of events! I hope your bad luck is over now and you can have happy times for the next year.

    1. Should be over now that my son's license plates were stolen at school. Computer in the infirmary for data recovery. Stress level much lower. Thanks so much. Oh, but have to go get a new fish!
