Monday, August 6, 2012

Your Invitation Is In The Mail

I’ve never participated in Stasha's Monday Listicles before but I follow a few people that do and have always been fascinated by these lists. All sorts of crazy lists.

Today, it’s all about whom you would invite to a dinner party.

Dead or Alive.

This is very interesting for me because I love dinner parties AND I happen to have a ton at my house (or just people dropping by at dinnertime?). Often I don’t have sole and discretionary choice of who attends. You know. If you invite Susie then you must invite Carolyn and if Mark comes, then Joe will be offended if not asked…blah, blah, blah. It happens that way over here.

It's my choice today and I’m going with only those who are breathing because I like all my guests breathing AND fun!.  There are soooo many I’d love to cook for so today's list includes those from the entertainment industry because if I’m cooking, the least they can do is keep me laughing and amused, right?

Here it is, in no particular order with the exception of the first two and the guest of honor at the end:

1.    Pink- My girl crush and I do know many girls crush on her because I’ve been to her concert. Attendance is girl heavy (I’ve even seen a girl fight at one). She is an amazing performer and funny and down to earth and I want her to be my friend.

2.     Bob Richie (aka Kid Rock)- He doesn’t know it but he is my guy. I’d kiss him all over if ever given the opportunity (probably not but there’s something about naughty guys that keeps me interested!) I’ve seen him more in concert than any other solo performer. His name tag is to my right.

3.    Keith Richards- Something about him, as part of my all time favorite group, absolutely fascinates me. Could be the bad guy thing or the life he's lead. The bad guy thing again? But he’s all cleaned up!

4.    Ellen Degeneres- To me, she is just about the funniest person alive. I “get” her humor. She makes me laugh. She loves to dance, too. She’s different. Love that!

5.    Sandra Bullock- Sandy’s invited because I think she’s a cool chick. I would be her friend in a minute and I think she’d enjoy me too.  She’s the girl down the street. I’d talk with her about getting together with “oh so HOT” Ryan Reynolds. I’m not sitting her next to my husband, however.

6.    Robert Redford- I know, I know. He’s all wrinkly but I still think he’s gorgeous and smart and talented and this is my list.

7.    David Letterman- Again, the smart (ass) and witty factor plays big here. Love his black and very dry humor. (Remember, it’s all about making me laugh) He would keep all conversation flowing and he more then likely knows them all.

8.    Meryl Streep- She'd be invited because of her general awesomeness! I love her. Love her acting; love her attitude and confidence; love her seemingly normal and out of the spot light approach to life. She can sit next to Scott.

9.    Matt Damon- I’d like to tell him that I will miss him as Jason Bourne. I would, however, refrain from gushing all over how hot I think he is. He wrote “Good Will Hunting” so I know he’s an intelligent dude. I’d tell him how smart I thought he was ;-). He's also a family man. Like that lots!

10.My Guest of Honor, Robert Downey, Jr.- He would be, hands down, my choice and sit immediately to my left but I'd struggle being completely absorbed with him. It would be difficult for me to tear myself away and focus on any other guest but my head would definitely turn when Kid Rock tapped my shoulder for attention (maybe they would fight over me. How awesome!). I love everything about Robert and have for a very long time (warts and all!). I, especially, loved him during his Ally McBeal days. I've seen almost anything he's done.

So I know this list is guy heavy but I couldn’t resist. After all, it is my dinner party! Don't suppose they'd do the dishes? I bet Sandy would!


  1. I love it. I love Matt Damon's voice. Good choice!

  2. Love your list and I agree Robert Redford would be easy to look at as well as an interesting guest. Also love Ellen and couldn't imagine not having her at my table. But instead of Kieth my musical guest I'd rather have the totally sexy and gorgeous Lenny Kravitz, yum!

    1. Jen,
      I couldn't make it all about the "hotties" because Lenny WOULD HAVE been right up there for many reasons. He's all that you say he is!

  3. fantastic list...lots of funny people!

    1. Hey Robbie!
      You have to consider the fun factor, ALWAYS, when having a dinner party because they go on for hours. The company must be stellar!

  4. You had me at Kid Rock! I want to come to your house for dinner :)

    xo Mary Jo

    1. Awwww! A girl after my own heart...or the same guy! Yes, love him and you can definitely come too!

  5. Ok. What's with this bad guy thing? I admit, as an emerging hippie in the late 60s, it was a kick to attract a few cheerleaders in high school. But, I was never really a bad guy. So, tell us, what's the deal? You really don't like guys who send flowers, text back right away, talk on the phone just to chit chat,remember b'days and v'days, etc.?

    1. It's JUST dinner! The choices make it fun...for me! You leave bad guys in the past but sometimes they grow out of it.

      My true choice is all the things you outline above. The nicest of nice.

  6. Thanks for that vote of support. My Domino's pizza was very good, btw.

  7. Lots of sarcastic, witty people - my kind of dinner party!

    1. Love sarcastic, dry humored, charming, smart and witty people. You CAN come! I will set an extra place!

  8. Most of my guests were cold and breathless. Thank goodness I have Ellen to liven my party up a bit. Hope she is not double booked by you ;)
    This is such a great list. And let's be honest. Mr Redford is crazy hot, wrinkles or not!!
    Lovely to meet you

    1. Hi Stasha! Lovely to meet you as well.

      Ellen, from what I saw, will be a busy lady but she can handle it. My "thing" for Robert goes waaaay back! This was so much fun to do. Perfect for a Monday!
