Sunday, August 5, 2012

Beach Volleyball: Stream of Consciousness Sunday

Olympic Edition, Of Course

Today’s (optional) prompt: If you could compete in any Olympic sport or participate in the Games in any way, what would you want to do? 

Five minutes of unedited mind gunk spilled here just for you!


I was standing behind the door when God passed out the competitive gene to the kiddies born that day in October.

I won’t roll over and let you win and depending on the sport, it might not be easy but you can win and I’m happy if you do. If I win? Wow, that’s great but are you okay with that? Really, I’m not competitive with people and they generally aren’t with me either. I thrive in teamwork situations.

I’ve been thinking about addictions and obsessions a lot lately. Mine. And I think I will write about just that this week. However, I am addicted and obsessed with the Olympics. Always have been.

If I could be one athlete in London right now, it would without doubt be Misty May-Treanor. She is a STUD! They’re saying this time around that she’s 5’9” but she’s 5’8”, which is my height. Not tall for the sport but she uses her physicality, conditioning and tenacity with amazing results and gets more than her share accomplished on the court. I admire her physical strength as well as her mental strength and toughness.

I’ve loved her from the first time I saw her play 12 or more years ago. I’m still obsessed with her. 


  1. I love watching her play, too! She is A-MAZ-ING!

    1. She just ges for everything with everything she's got. Love that!

  2. I admire ALL of them - physical strength, , competitiveness, and their discipline just gets me excited.

    1. I admire them all as well.I find most all the events very exciting. During the winter, it's hard to get excited over curling but I try!

  3. I'm not competitive either and I feel the same about teamwork. It's one of the reasons I wanted to join SOC Sundays. All the bloggers seem very team-like. Our sport is writing. Writing the best we can for anybody and everybody willing to take the time to read what we write. It's all good. Thanks for stopping by Word (((HUGS))) today. I'll see you next week, Gina!

    1. I love this, too! Thanks for adding that Sandra. To me, it's a very supportive and interesting group.

  4. I can't figure out why my Gravitar won't post with my comment???

  5. How fun to just play volleyball on the beach everyday?!?!

    1. That would be a dream job. Bathing suits, the beach, working out, playing...all good in my book.

  6. I am competitive and I feel like the older I get the stronger the urge to compete becomes.

    I love the Olympics and watch ridiculous amounts of it. The beach volleyball players are fun and not just because they are almost naked. ;)

    I have great respect for what Treanor and Walsh have done. They are so dominant, it is just fun to see them work together.

    1. I feel exactly the opposite. Although, I've never been super competitive anyway. I am pretty decent at some sports. Who doesn't like to watch a game played in bikini bottoms? I do ;-)

      I have tremendous respect for what they've made together, as well. They're successful because they have the teamwork thing (and trust) nailed.

  7. I've been watching only the Men's Swimming...please don't judge lol :) I have never been competitive in sports but certainly with other things, projects, academics, guilty as charged.

    1. While I'm not a huge fan of swimming in general, men's swimming certainly holds my interest for a few reasons. I know most people are and I envy that. It's an edge I don't have. I work hard so maybe that compensates some. Loving all the urban cottage looks and ideas!

  8. They are power houses in that sand! I watch amazed!!

    1. Love it! They are fearless with their bodies. I'm envious.

  9. Those volleyball girls are freaking AMAZING!
