Monday, July 16, 2012

A Lesson In Kissing

His name was Micah. I always loved that name because it was so different.

And so was he from me.

We grew up in the same Chicago suburb which was rather large but neighborhoods were small. The kids you’d run into on the street were the ones you’d likely run into the next day, if you really wanted to, because 6 blocks isn’t far away, especially not on a bike. And that’s how four 15 year old girls, heading into sophomore year, met a large group of 16 year old boys from another high school.

The boys went to Timothy Christian, a Christian Reform school, in our neighborhood. The families generally kept to themselves so even though we lived within close range, our paths never crossed since we went to different grade schools. Growing up, I truly believed we were considered "taboo" to the TC kids.

Well, there’s no way to stop teenage boys and girls from meeting when they have their minds set on this. Straddling our bikes on a street corner, we talked. Cops would come by and kindly ask us to scatter. So we’d move to a different one.

One sure thing was the girls longed to kiss the boys and so did they. I’m not certain which side was more inexperienced; us or them.

Being late bloomers, the girls had heard plenty of stories about kissing. Experienced girls warned us that some boys kissed like Hoover vacuums and others so sloppy they didn’t know what to do with all the spit. None of this sounded appealing however, one by one, my girlfriends began to pop their kissing cherries.

Micah and I were still just talking but knew deep down we’d do this together. Everyone’s ready at different times.

In the fall and back to our respective high schools, weekends remained the same. The group got together because the other girls were “hooked up”.

It was just before Halloween when we gathered in George’s garage; his parents allowed boy/girl get togethers, and Micah asked if I wanted to go inside. Before we’d only been alone rather by default. This time, he was asking me to be ALONE.

Liking him, a lot, I went. Sitting closer than I ever had to a boy on a couch, he asked what I’d like to do. Having only one thing on my mind, I blurted, “Let’s make out.” Instantaneously, his lips pressed softly against mine; his breath smelled so sweet. Kissing for what seemed like an hour, he suddenly asked, “Can we French kiss?”

I was so far into the moment to say anything other than “OK”.

It was the first “real” kiss either of us experienced. I was 15 and he, 16. And it was completely opposite of hoover-like or sloppy with spit.

It was one of the sweetest, most gently intense feelings I have ever experienced in my life.

To this day, I credit Micah for my immense love of kissing someone special.


  1. Wow. That sounds like you had a wonderful experience. You and Micah must have been "naturals." I loved reading your description of the neighborhood dynamics and the thought of going everywhere on your bikes. I wish I could be more relaxed about letting my children take off on theirs. That was true freedom.

    1. I think it worked because we had waited months to do it and we were both very tentative. Starting very slowly with each other. I don't know how it happened, that it ended up good, but it was.

      Bike riding...I still love the freedom.

  2. Oh, how sweet! I always remember my first boyfriend with great fondness, mostly because the relationship was so innocent and gentle. Lovely post!

    1. I do remember him with fondness and he was a gentle soul. We even went out a time or two during a college summer and I went with him to a wedding right after college graduation. Still special but different backgrounds never let it progress beyond where we left it all those years before.

  3. I remember the first girl I kissed; we dated through most of high school, but I can't remember a single thing about that first kiss. I'm a guy; what can I say. Now I do remember my first . . .

    1. You can't??? That is guy-like but I'd like to think some guys would remember. Who doesn't remember their first.....?

  4. So sweet. I wonder how Micah remembers it. . .

    1. It was and I wonder how he would remember it as well. I'd like to think he would (we did kiss after that and into our 20's a bit) but I won't be finding out anytime soon even though he doesn't live too far from me still.

  5. Replies
    1. I thought so and enough to write about it!

  6. What a sweet "first kiss" experience!

    1. I was, for sure! After reading others, I feel lucky.

  7. "...popped their kissing cherries." HAHAHA!! Funny and sweet! Now that's what I wanted my first kiss to be!

    1. Thanks, YDW! It was a wonderful experience and it made me curious what it would be like being kissed that way right this very minute. I'm sure I'd think differently based on comparison. Wouldn't trade it, ever, as a first!

  8. I wish my first kiss story was this sweet! I loved this post!

    1. It was sweet and special, too! Thanks so much!

  9. You are one of the precious few with a good first kiss. Good for you!

    1. I'm figuring that out with this prompt and reading it on other blogs. I was lucky!

  10. Yay! A nice, sweet first kiss story! Reading first kisses posts really underscores how rare the Micahs of this world are.

    1. Right on! Hmmmmm....maybe it wasn't HIS first. Nah, I know it was!

  11. So sweet. Love it. You really evoked the time, the place, the feeling. Erin

    1. Thanks, Erin! I can remember being right there on that couch like it was yesterday.

  12. Oh yeah! I'm glad there was was 'happy' first kiss story. (I'm only eight in so far, so maybe someone else had a good one, but so far they've all been 'ughs'. Well written 'ughs', but it's nice to see one that was chill-bump inducing perfect.)

    1. Would it perfect today? Doubtful. But as a first....incredible!

  13. I *just* finished commenting on another post how I doubt that anyone has ever had a "good" first kiss! Well look at you proving me wrong!
    I am so happy that you had a great experience, and that you chose to share it with us!

    1. Thanks, Dawn. I guess we were a good fit for two teens and first timers!

  14. Wow! What a happy, romantic, lovely first kiss story. I hope my girls one day have stories like yours instead of mine! Thinking about my first kiss got me thinking about disappointment and rejection, thus my post this week! Happy to read such a heartwarming experience. For the second time reading this week's entries, I'm off to kiss my husband (in gratitude).

    1. In terms of the times, I was old for my age as was he. Maybe that had something to do with it. I should ask my daughter. She would tell me her experience. I hope your daughters have a story like this to tell someday. Go grab hubby and plant a big one on him. We should all be grateful for what we have.
