Sunday, July 15, 2012

I'm A Little Drunk On You And High On Summertime

Thanks to Jana's Thinking Place for hosting Stream of Consciousness Sunday and this week’s prompt is:

What does Summer smell or taste like to you? And why?

My five minutes starts now!

(Unedited, unproofed, and just now thought of…)


Summer smells like perennially wet chocolate labs.

Summer tastes like Indiana sweet corn, the best in the world, and real butter.

It Smells like lake water with seaweed and large mouth bass mixed in;

And Tastes like leftover BBQ ribs for breakfast this morning.

Smells like lake bathed bodies and hair freshly washed with whatever shampoo/conditioner is at the end of the pier

Tastes like the water that hits your mouth during a splashing fight with a friend or the water fountain you shoot at them after you dive in.

Smells like crackling wood in your fire pit on a cooler night

Tastes like a bottle of beer you enjoy at a friend's house  or an ice cold lemonade on a hot afternoon in your front yard.

Smells like OFF mosquito spray and coconut because of the banana boat sunscreen you've just slathered on

Tastes like burgers, hot dogs or anything taken directly off the grill.

Smells like punks and sparklers and smoke bombs.

Tastes like brownie, Congo bars, and Matt's birthday cake (kentucky butter cake) smack in the middle of the season

Tastes like lunch at The Frog with great friends and fried everything!

Smells like fun always in the air and tastes like a beautiful glass of Pinot noir.


  1. Yes. Especially to the lake water part. I never turn down a summer beer, either.

    1. The lake=summer to me and everything to do with water! We are really into Summer Shandys this year. Nice and refreshing change, a mix of beer AND lemonade!

  2. what a great summer list!
    sounds like you are having a good one. i've been absent still settling into my job. indiana sweet corn, nice:)

    1. It has been eventful, that's for sure. I've missed your posts but I hope your new job is going well for you! Nothing like Indiana sweet corn, really!

  3. very descriptive list. And now I want a brownie and a beer.

    1. They go very well together especially on a hot day!

  4. This is a fabulous list!! Especially "Smells like punks and sparklers and smoke bombs." TRUE TRUE!!

    1. I LOVE those fouth of July smells. Reminds me of my kids and even though they are older, they still look to me for their sparklers every year!

  5. Great take on the prompt Gina. Summer isn't my favorite season so I wasn't motivated to write anything. I LOVE yours. Even my least favorite things of summer (OFF) are on your list. I just put on a piece of corn on the cob. I said, "Oh yeah, I have corn" when I read that. I had to stop reading and go do that before I came back.

    1. I love corn on the cob and we probably have it 4-5 times a week because it's perfect right this very minute and for the next few weeks. Indiana does know it's corn!

      Fall is my very favorite time of year. Love summer too (especially because it means spending a lot of time with my kids), though not quite as much as Autumn!

  6. Chocolate labs and big mouth bass. What a combination! I may have to try this Sunday meme, you seem to have so much fun with it. I like that!

    1. It is just as Random as Tuesdays but a stream of consciousness flow set to five minutes. I LOVE it. Sometimes I use the prompt; sometimes not. However, I always have something to say (and you do, too) that I can squeeze out in five unedited minutes for sure! Pretty please, do it!

  7. I haven't thought of punks in years, but they scream summer for me as a kid. You've really brought back the memories with this post, Gina. Everything you mentioned...yes...yes...yes!

    1. We always had punks as a kids and pretended to smoke them, thought we were cool. Thanks for visiting, Sandra. This was a fun one to do because I could just gaze back at the last week or so for all the good stuff!
