Monday, December 2, 2013

Trifecta: When Mommy First Started Liking Daddy

“When did you know you liked Daddy?”

“Well, I liked your Daddy from the very first moment I met him.”

“You DID! Why?”

“Because he was so cute.”

“Daddy’s still cute.”

“I think so. And he was so hilariously funny he'd make me cry.”

“Daddy’s still funny but he made you cry?”

“No, silly! The laugh so hard your cheeks ache and your stomach hurts and tears fall kind. Do you know what I mean?”

“Yes, what else?”

“Your Daddy was nice to everyone. And we liked to do the same things.”

“Like what?”

 “Like eating pizza, going to Cubs games, playing tennis, sneaking into movies. All sorts of things."

"Wait, you didn't pay for the movie!?!"

"Forget I said that. Your Daddy was the most eligible bachelor in the whole city of Chicago. All the girls wanted to date him.”

“Were you jealous of all those other girls?”

“Maybe a little at first. Did you know he was engaged to marry someone else before we met?”

“He was?”

“Yep, they decided getting married wasn’t the right thing to do. We met just after that. But we were only friends for a while. It’s okay, you know, to be friends with boys without dating them. Sometimes it’s better that way but even if you’re just friends you can tell if there’s a spark or not. Then sometimes, maybe, you even dream about them and what it would feel like to go to a movie together or hold his hand. Or kiss him.”

“Did you like kissing Daddy?”

“That’s one of the reasons I wanted to marry him. Do you want to know the very first thing I really noticed about him? It was back when we'd just met.”

“YES! Tell me!!!”

“Remember we met at a Cubs game? Well, when Daddy got up to go to the bathroom I told Maggie, ‘That guy has the nicest tush I’ve ever seen.’ And I knew something exactly then.”

“Mom! Ewww!”

“Pickles, someday you’ll just know.”


This week Trifecta wanted to do something to mark the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. There are so many amazing Yiddish words that found their way into the English language, and they thought it would be great to highlight one.  To find one with a third definition, however, was not so easy until they stumbled upon this gem.
 33-333 for the word tush:
1. a long pointed tooth; especially : a horse's canine
2. an interjection used to express disdain or reproach

Happy Hanukkah to our Jewish friends.  Now let's all write our tushes off.

Thank you, Linda, for making Mondays even more fun!

I Don't Like Mondays Blog Hop


  1. Haha! I could picture the kid's reaction. (And I can relate...don't really want the details and mental image that comes along with what my mom liked about my dad!)

    1. This was so long ago. She gets it now having a boyfriend. But we never like to imagine our parents, do we?

  2. Yiddish is so much fun. I only wish more people really understood some of the words because there is so much life and color in them.

    1. I didn't know "tush" was! Have to at the link. Thanks for the visit.

  3. I LOVE this Gina! Wonderful story, wonderful dialog, and a wonderfully sweet ending too:)

    1. Yea!!! Thanks, Valerie! It was sweet as it was happening. Young kids are so cute and naive and sweet.

  4. Adorable! The dialogue is spot on and so much fun. I've had a similar conversation more than once with my little pickle. The tush was a deciding factor for me, too. :)

    Really enjoyed this sweet story. Great work, my dear!

    1. I'm practicing dialog so thanks bunches! I love opposite gender tushes but my husband's...

      And I didn't actually use the word tush ;-)! I was in my twentys.

  5. Children are the best source for writing prompts! Loved this!

  6. Sweet. There's such a particular age when that conversation can happen, when the 'ew' is still innocent.

    1. Thanks, kymm. Exactly! Then when the birds and the bees discussion happens, that's a real "ewwwwwwww"!!!

  7. So adorable, this conversation. I could hear it in my head!

  8. I can see the eye rolls of this kid and the grossed out looks. My kids tend to do that when we offer too much information like that. LOL You captured this perfectly. Your imagery is exquisite.

    1. It was more of the tiny crinkled nose kind of ewww! And nothing compared to when she almost fainted during the 5th grade sex ed. talk at which time I took her out of the room then had to explain the whole business myself in the car on the way to gymnastics for fear that the other girls would tell her instead. THAT was something...

      I appreciate your wonderful comment, Kathy!

  9. Great write - I love these types of stories so much.

  10. Love the dialogue in this one. They had a great love story. Dates going to Cubs games sounds like an awesome time. The girl's nickname, Pickles, is terrific.

    1. Thank you! I imagine they have been though a lot together in 25 years ;-). And I don't even like pickles so I wonder where it came from?

  11. So fun and you captured it all - the enthusiasm of the kid, the sweet reminiscing. Excellent, Gina! And let's see, if you didn't use tush then, what did you say? ;)

    1. Yea! Thank you for saying this. All dialog is fun to do but I'm not, never have been, good at it so I practice.

      Well, it's a three letter word that starts with "A" and ends with...

  12. Gina,you have really outdone yourself here!Just loved the sweetness and the natural dialogues-read it out to my daughter too and enjoyed it totally!Awesome! :-)

    1. Atreyee! You are always so nice to me and I love it! It's such a wonderfully sweet and simple time when they are young and you can be silly and talk about light and airy things that make both hearts brim with excitement and enthusiasm. You read it to your daughter??? You just made my whole day; I love it!!!

  13. As you know, you spend bunches of time with young kids and you talk about all sorts of things. Things that are fun to talk about and others not so much. I am so very happy you liked this conversation and picked up the child's enthusiasm to know about mommy and daddy's relationship. I think kids love to hear wonderful fairy tales!

  14. This is such a cute story, great job.

    1. Thanks, Mandy! Pickles is actually a Mandy too!

  15. Awww. That's so sweet! My son's name is Dylan, and when he was a baby we called him Dyl Pickle, which got turned into Mr. Pickles which got turned into Pickle. I love your Pickle, too. Thanks for linking up.

    1. I love that!!! I totally get how you came up with Dyl Pickle. I have absolutely no idea how she became Pickles. One day it came out of my mouth and 20 years later, it's stuck! It's how I text her, her contact name, etc..
