Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday Listicles: "Oh No You Didn't" Gifts

This is an easy one because receiving physical, material things is not important to me. At ALL. I’m not into gifts and am much happier if I’m giving one to you. Watching someone unwrap a gift I’ve chosen makes me tingle with excitement and anticipation. That’s enough present for me.

Since I am playing along today at Sasha’s place and the theme is “Oh No You Didn’t Gifts”, here is what I came up with in preparation for the “big” day. The following are things that either I wouldn’t like or would be a waste of money because they aren’t important to me.

10 “Oh No You Didn’t Gifts”

1.    The latest/greatest thing in the world of technology. I would give it to you because you like that stuff. I only take hand-me-downs and I’m totally okay with that.

2.    Money. Never give me money for two reasons. I do better not having cash on hand (and I have my coffee shops that will float me a loan). I have memorized pin and credit card numbers, expiration date, security code etc. for every piece of plastic we have. And I have a love/hate relationship with money anyway.

3.    Another frying pan. So I got one once, didn’t ask for it though I believe I accepted it graciously, but it’s a cast iron beauty and I use it all the time. Actually, no kitchen items at all as gifts.

4.    Expensive jewelry. I don’t wear it. It usually sits on my messy bathroom counter when it should be safely tucked away in my jewelry box (and then you get upset thinking I’m going to lose it (which I could) or that I’m not wearing it (which I should)).

5.    Books. Well, you could try but you really don’t know what I’m reading. I suppose I could give you my password to Amazon and you could lovingly empty my shopping cart. Now that would be great because it’s full!

6.    A Cat. Just because…and you wouldn’t anyway.

7.    Chocolate/Candy/Cupcakes. Giving up sweets for Lent is always a tremendous challenge. I couldn’t eat them if you were so inspired to gift them.

8.    Dinner Out at the Fanciest Restaurant in Chicago. I wouldn’t appreciate it enough because of the cost. And that’s not to say I don’t like FABULOUS food because I do. Just not worth it to me.

9.    Carnations. Now I’m just getting picky at the end of this list because I’m running out of ideas of gift no-no’s. I don’t care for Carnations but I DO love flowers though not on Valentines Day. I love getting them on random days (except last year those roses were the BIGGEST surprise I’ve received in a long, long time but it won’t work this year because now I’m probably expecting them).

10.      Card Without a Handwritten Note.

If you must get me something, a massage, lingerie, perfume, pretty (costume) earrings, an orchid would all do the trick.


  1. I love this because of your comment in #8. It comes down to what's important to us, money-wise. Don't spend your money on something that I consider wasteful and then leave me in the position of saying Thank You and The Hell Are You Smoking, You Spent What?

    #6 would make me EXTREMELY happy though (my husband is allergic and refuses to simply commit to a life of constant Primatene Mist, Benadryl, and an inhaler for my pet-owning happiness. He is so selfish.)

    1. Like D.C., Chicago has some insanely expensive "see and be seen", trendy restaurants. It's just food. I can find a great tasting meal in a diner or a pizzeria, etc.

      He sounds like he is selfish ;-)

  2. It's refreshing to know someone who is not impressed by material things. That being said, ship all of your unwanted gifts my way. I will appreciate them.

    1. Not being impressed by material things is not the same as not having them at all. I have too much. Maybe just a phase I'm going through.

      Give me your address. You can have any unwanted gifts but shoes. I will never give up, turn down a fine pair of shoes. Okay. So I now admitted I do covent something of a material nature. I'm certain that's it though.

  3. Nothing makes me happier than picking out and watching someone open a perfect gift. I completely understand your excitement. I don't get nearly as excited for gifts people give to me. Either we don't like material things, or people just aren't as good at gift giving as we are. :)

    1. Same! I think I'm the bomb at gift giving. Delusional...maybe? I do appreciate everything I'm given, it's just not necessary.

  4. #5 - great idea. I could fill up the wish list with things/books that I want. He just pick something and surprise me. ANYTIME. I love to give stuff too. Especially if I've really managed to keep it a secret which is very painful.

    1. I just looked. My shopping cart would only cost someone roughly $88. That's pretty good and then I could lend them out! Ohhhhhhh. It's hard for me to keep a great gift secret. I can do it but it's not easy at all.

  5. As a guy this weeks listicles have been a tip toeing through a field of land mines.

    1. Hahahahaha! I bet. You will do fine. Big or little, it's the thought behind the gesture that means the most!

  6. Well now I feel bad I got you that gift certificate to the peninsula restaurant.

    1. You know what's so sick about it, I've dined there (in December) but they weren't my plans. I went along but I DID feel creepy because of the cost. Probably one of the reasons it made the list. But I DO appreciate the thought!

  7. A lot of people bash the lowly carnations, but I think it has some old-fashioned charm. Dinner out sounds pretty awesome too. Erin

    1. They were actually my grandmother's favorite flower. I think of her when I see them and I know what you mean. I cooked last year but I'd love to go out this year. We shall see but definitely not to an over the top, gazillion dollar restaurant. I'd love some Italian or fish or Thai.

  8. LOL, I'd take any of those things except 6 & 10. I'm a simple girl, not materialistic at all, but I can't say I'd frown at candy, a good book or a yummy meal that someone else cooks for me! Great list :)

    1. I'm not too into "things". Take me to a museum or come with me to a bookstore and browse with me (my guy would never pick out a book for me. He just wouldn't but he might surprise me). That would be incredible. I'm so-so on candy but cupcakes! Yowza! I am all over delicious meals prepared by someone else. I just don't want to spend a ton of dough on it. If that WAS my date, I would have so much fun. It's just not my thing.

  9. My wife and I have agreeably not given each other a gift for Valentine's Day for. . . well, maybe we haven't ever. I love it, she loves it. . . 2/14 is just the day after 2/13 on our calendars. And, as for books, I hate when people try to buy me books. . . I don't know that it's ever worked out. . . :)

    1. I don't know if we ever agreed on it but, like you and your wife, we do not exchange gifts on Valentine's Day. We give each other cards/notes, usually have dinner in with a glass of wine. I love the days that have no meaning on the calendar but something thoughtful happens. It means much more to me.

      Choosing a book for me is like trying to hit a moving target. I only know one, maybe two, people who could do it well. Most people usually don't.

  10. We are a lot a like. I can't ever get when someone sends a card and doesn't at least through a sentence in there. Something handwritten and original. And yes, we have tomorrow Fat Tuesday to have a few last sweets. hmm. I bet I'll have a piece of chocolate or three.

    1. Most cards I buy are blank. I do the writing but I can't assume everyone wants to do that. I agree with you that it is nice having a few handwritten sentiments inside. I always get them because my family knows how much I love them. Woo Hoo! Tomorrow I having sweets for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

  11. Carnations are our national flower and I never liked them. But I have them in my garden now, some small variety that smell like chocolate. And they are cute. I think an orchid makes a beautiful and thoughtful gift!

    1. I would totally love them in my garden especially the chocolate variety. I have zinnias and daisies. I LOVE orchids. They're my fav!

  12. I've always wanted to try cast iron pans. And, I too, love hand written notes - as I've said before.
