Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sunrise At The Lake, My Perfect Neck, And Naughty Copilots

I have probably put over a thousand miles on my car in the last five days all in the state of Indiana. Yah, baby!!!!

No time for major creativity so here I share with you my Wednesday in pictures.

Just before sunrise…
The glow on the right is the reflection of the sun from the other side of the lake as it rises but I can’t see it yet except on the water.

It is not often that I see the sunrise living in Chicago (CST and too early) but in northwestern Indiana (EST), it rises at about 7:15am right now. That’s more doable for me! Here it is in all its rising glory! It will be a long time before I see it again, I’m sure!

I graduated today. My broken neck has been deemed extremely sturdy, perfect and I am released from duty…or at least from revisiting the orthopedic surgeon. Dr. Handsome As Hell (HAH) said my bone grafts (drugged up, I agreed to cadaver and I hope it was someone young!) look beautiful. He’s so charming! I told him I’d miss him and send him some cookies…I don’t bake so let’s see how much I really like him! Don't my teeth look really white?

My naughty co-pilot thought the Diet Coke was hers and took a nip off it! Nothing, I mean NOTHING is mine, I swear. She only took a sip. Not going to let a little doggie spit come between me and my DC!


  1. Love your co-pilot. Glad you are better. Sending positive thoughts to you.

    1. She's cute but nauuughty! Thanks LOW. I'm doing so much better, almost like new! I always appreciate your kind words!

  2. I've seen those bumper stickers - Dog is my co-pilot - for you its real, what a cute pups. Gorgeous photos I don't know anything about Indiana and now you've really piqued my interest~

    1. Well, Jody! The lakes in northern Indiana, which there are a lot, are beautiful. Indiana University is gorgeous as is Brown County just south of the school. All else is farm and rural but Orville Redenbacher's popcorn farm is not too far away!

      Addy does just an okay job at copilot!!! She eats my stuff.

  3. Great sunrise picture, that's one beautiful lake.
    Glad to hear the news about your neck. I'm sure that's a load off your mind.

    Cute puppy dog!

    1. Thanks, Jen. From my phone (not pro pics like you!) Yes, neck news is outstanding. I'm so over and done with it. Glad to put it all behind me...

      Naughty Addy...

  4. oh no feel better - i didn't know u had broken ur neck *ouch* - the sunrise is SOOOOO pretty!!!!

    1. I'm perfectly almost fine right now. It hurt when it happened and then for a few months but that was summer and fall brings all things better! Yesterday's sunrise was gorgeous over the calm water.

  5. That sun is gorgeous! I'm glad your neck got the all clear. Buy some cookies, drop them off, save one for the copilot, everybody's happy.

    1. It is gorgeous, my phone takes pretty good pics. Neck working better than ever! My girlfriend (the baker) made and sent them on my behalf. Works for me. I just buy her lunch! Copilot finds too much junk on her own. We are all very happy!
