Tuesday, March 20, 2012

RememberRED: Hope

Were it not for hope the heart would break.
Scottish Proverb
Four friends would do anything to care for me if ever needed. With many others, that level of faith isn’t as strong. This is about one of my “four”.
With one ounce of my grumpiness, I immediately reflect on C. for whom I’d drop everything, especially when she doesn’t ask because I know what she’s not saying. Only a few do.
Her youngest son is getting married in June. Thank God. It’s become a source of stress because time is of the essence. M, her husband, our dear friend, is very sick; diagnosed on the eve of our two-week trip to Italy 2 1/2 years ago. Signs showed it hadn’t just arrived. Being brave yet confused, they told no one so as not to “ruin” our adventure.
Arranging courageous faces everyday for work and times we’re together, which is often, we’re all aware. We’ve googled it. Statistics are rough. Stem cell transplants and chemo haven’t caused remission. He feels crappier than crap constantly, which breaks our hearts. C feels powerless even as a highly experienced nurse. Her "three" feel it too.
Throwing some more crap on the “nothing’s about her” pile, her mother was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Her eldest son has recurring brain tumors since 19, both currently receiving chemotherapy.
We can’t care for M but we do mind her. As her “people”, we attend to C’s wellbeing and happiness.
Girls CAN shop so off we went to the city for her MOG dress. C‘s usual cheeriness was absent and her heart wasn’t on Michigan Avenue but she needed this task done and dusted. Tossing her virtually naked body into a fitting room, we handed her every single dress in Neiman Marcus insisting, “Put this on!” Much to her protestations, luck struck with the very last and she looked stunning. Found... the perfect gown for a Malibu ranch wedding. (M even commended our stellar job!)
We "three" will forever be present to ease the mind of our incredibly giving, strong and caring friend. Seemingly insignificant, this weighed on her. We have learned to lean on each other.
Some things are miniscule in the grand scheme. The biggie is coming far too soon we fear, and she’s aware. Our hope is she'll have faith in us to care for her, ease her mind and provide her peace when that time arrives.

Corinthians 4:16-18
 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
This week, we want the (x) to be hope.
This is a piece about hope, illustrated through (y).
In 400 words or less, tell a true story about hope, illustrated through your experiences.


  1. What a sweet piece about your friend-Very touching. I love how things like shopping can bring some hope in not so fun situations. Very nice.

    1. Thanks, Amanda.

      She sure was understandably testy that day with so much going through her brain. We wanted to offer her a mindless way to accomplish something in which she didn't have her heart. We got her all set up for Mother of the Groom and she's thrilled. It's about the teensy stuff that we can do for her to make her life easier!

  2. "We have learned to lean on each other."

    Hope, indeed, is found in friends! (I love the verse, by the way.)

    1. Boy have we ever learned to lean on each other as trusted friends. As we're getting older, there are, unfortunately, more opportunities to do so. Hope, faith and trust.

      I love that verse too.

  3. "Some things are miniscule in the grand scheme. The biggie is coming far too soon we fear, and she’s aware. Our hope is she'll have faith in us to care for her, ease her mind and provide her peace when that time arrives"

    Faith and hope are often hand in hand when it comes to helping our friends. I love how you convey a friendship built on strong rock. built to last.

    1. That's exactly what three of us call each other...our rocks. Tough times ahead but we know that our support for each other will never waver and our friendship will last forever. We are part of each other now.

  4. You're a good friend Gina, they're lucky people to have you in their lives.

    1. Thank you, Jen and I am eternally grateful for them. Couldn't live my life without them or, I will add, don't want to ever. Tough road ahead but we will be there standing arm in arm and strong.

  5. what a terrific corinthians quote to tie it all together so well. your actions sounds as if they are bringing some peace into your friends lives. you don't do it out of pity or sympathy or charity. you do it out of love. this is true holy work, i suspect.

    1. Thanks Ed! I love that verse and it sits on my desk so I read it often.

      There isn't anything I wouldn't do for these girls and you are correct, it is out of my unconditional love for them. I'm blessed with the empathetic gene but this is something completely different. This is about my friend.
