Wednesday, November 5, 2014

It's Been So Long Since I've Talked About BOOKS!

Wow! I just looked back in my blog archives to see when it was that I last wrote about what I am reading. Mid-July!!!!! Yikes! That is pre-move even.

There was a period of time that, for many reasons, I couldn’t/wouldn’t settle into a good groove with regard to reading. I have sufficiently remedied this in the last few months. So much so that I provided a recent list of my finished books to Chicago Tribune’s (that’s our big newspaper) book section called Printer’s Row Journal (PRJ). 

One column in PRJ is called Biblioracle by John Warner. The gist of Biblioracle is readers provide John with the last five books they have read, and he gives them a book recommendation. 

My “five books” lists have been chosen two other times in the past. The most recent last time, he recommended A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor, which I loved.

I received an email from him first thing this morning stating that he would like the chance to continue his winning streak by featuring my newest list and his recommendation in PRJ’s November 23rd column. Woo hoo! I am very excited to see what he comes up with for me! I use his column almost religiously (it is Sunday, after all) for great books finds.
Here are the books I submitted to him most recently:

The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh (LOVED it!)

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway (Liked it even better than when I read it in my youth!)

Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut (So clever, so different, so fun and fresh!)

Stay Up With Me by Tom Barbash (Could be my all-time favorite short story collection just passing No One Belongs Here More Than You by Miranda July by a smidge.)

Adultery by Paulo Coelho (An interesting, and thought provoking read.)

What is the book I most recently finished, however?

Beautiful You by Chuck Palahniuk. He is "famous" for writing several books including Fight Club. This is what I wrote about it on Goodreads:

What am I currently reading?

The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henriquez. I am about two thirds finished, and, so far, this is a quiet book that I am enjoying immensely. It’s one that sneaks up on you, and you find yourself trying to figure out when and how to get a few more pages in.

What will I read next?

Speedboat by Renata Adler

What are you loving and recommending lately?

Thanks to Should Be Reading for giving us somewhere to share our love of reading!


  1. Try A Tale For The Time Being...I loved it!

    1. I have that book sitting on my bookshelf! I will put it at the top of my stack! Thanks!!!
