Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Yeah Write Micro-Stories: When Your Wife Might Really Be A Zombie

Honey, don't forget to lock the balcony door!

The thing about being married to a “ripe” woman who sleepwalks is my darling bridegroom can't discern where I’m headed post-midnight. I believe he’s secretly relieved when I hit a bedroom wall because then he doesn’t have to search far for me.


  1. Poor guy--isn't that the truth. :)

  2. *hee hee* This cracked me up, Gina.

    1. I am so happy you found this funny, Christine. Him? Not so much!!!

  3. Hahaha Anything for the good of the marriage, eh, Gina???

    1. I think he would prefer that I walk out of the room rather than stand or sit over him babbling whatever I babble during those times! I'm not sure how good it is for a marriage if one is a sometimes chronic sleepwalker. I suppose it teaches patience?

  4. oh man, the visual you created is the best! ha ha ha

    1. Thanks! I live in a city high-rise now so getting out the front front door would require the use of an elevator. Surely I would wake up before I descended and probably while walking down the hall. I hope...

  5. I think I sigh a little more when I realize you really do sleepwalk. I'd never sleep again, I'd be so worried about you. ;)

    Where is the most interesting place you've ever ended up?

    1. Oh, believe me! He sleeps just fine! The difference before was that the bathroom for middle of the night relief was in one direction and the door out of the bedroom in another. If he happened to wake (about 60 % of the time), he could tell what was going on by the direction in which I was headed. In the apartment, everything is in the same direction. Have only "walked" once since mid-August when we moved here. I have creeped him out before by standing over him saying something about an iPad or what have you. You are sweet to worry ;-)!

      Well, nothing too horribly scandalous I'm sad (or happy!) to say. I usually wake up in the kitchen or on the stairway going down thinking, "Where am I going and why? But I have a really good reason, don't I?" I ended up on the front porch once and it freaked me (and him) out. It seemed like it was opening a Pandora's box then.

  6. Oh, so this is real. I thought it was fiction.
