Wednesday, July 2, 2014

(2nd Try!!!) My Beach (Lake) Read Stack For The Next Eight Weeks

Moments to myself, and for reading, have been few and far between lately. I brought a stack of books to the lake yesterday with the hope that reading time will be plenty, and I can leisurely make my way though them all.

What am I currently reading?

I am thick, thick, thick into An Untamed State by Roxane Gay. Have you heard of it? It has received some major buzz by many of the literary sites (like Book Riot, which I love, by the way. Their articles are interesting, insightful, and fun (if you like to read about books as obsessively, or incessantly, as I do)). This is what Goodreads has to say about it:

"Mireille Duval Jameson is living a fairy tale. The strong-willed youngest daughter of one of Haiti’s richest sons, she has an adoring husband, a precocious infant son, by all appearances a perfect life. The fairy tale ends one day when Mireille is kidnapped in broad daylight by a gang of heavily armed men, in front of her father’s Port au Prince estate. Held captive by a man who calls himself The Commander, Mireille waits for her father to pay her ransom. As it becomes clear her father intends to resist the kidnappers, Mireille must endure the torments of a man who resents everything she represents."

This book sucks you in right from the very first page. It won’t take long to finish this one!

I have also recently started a book of short stories called Can’t and Won’t by Lydia Davis. It has one of the more interesting covers I have ever seen. Too early to tell, as I’ve barely cracked it open.

What have I recently finished?

Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia (accent over the “i”) Marquez (accent over the “a”). I loved it. It is a beautifully written story of unrequited love. Oh, it made my heart hurt! The only resistance I had to the book was keeping track of all the names! They are so similar!!! Give it a whirl.

What will I read next?

Remember I told you about a stack? Also, add Cutting for Stone to it, too! AND The Rise and Fall of Great Powers by Tom Rachman (which I won a "first reads" from Goodreads!). There are three short story collections in this pile. I am most looking forward to The Book of Unknown Americans, and No One Belongs Here More Than You. But as always, this is subject to change because the Amazon drone knows my lake address, too!!!

Happy to link this back up over at Should Be Reading


  1. Hey Everyone,

    Just know that I know that all titles of books are to be italicized. I am working on my son's new fangled "i" something, and every time I try to italicize, it "white out" highlights. Give me my old clunker of a computer any day, please!


  2. Welcome back Gina! I really need to read Love In The Time of Cholera soon. Here's my link

  3. I LOVED Unknown Americans--I predict it'll be in my Top 10 list at the end of the year!
