Friday, February 8, 2013

Trifextra: It's Still The Eyes

This weekend’s Trifextra challenge is really different. We aren’t doing the writing because they would like us to scour through our favorite pieces of literature and give us the best 33 words we can find. We may not use one that another Trifectan has already posted.

This was intensely hard for me. First, I narrowed it down to three favorite books (A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle, The Secret History by Donna Tartt, and The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes). Then to two quotes from each book, then one.

My final choice was the one that touched me, very much, the moment I first read it but again when I deleted all others. It is very simple. And it wasn’t, at all, chosen for its creative wording or sentence structure or literary profoundness. It’s one that means something to me.

And I just read it, actually, one week ago today in The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes:

 “…the freckles I once loved are now closer to liver spots. But it’s still the eyes we look at, isn’t it? That’s where we found the other person, and find them still.”


  1. Oh wow, how I loved a Wrinkle in Time. I still have the book I used to read as a young girl, it was part of a set with Little House in the Big Woods, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Lion,The Witch and the Wardrobe. Ahhhh.

    I loved this passage my friend. Just loved it. You're right, you look anything in the eyes and you see it for who and what it is.

    happy friday :)

    1. I've read W in T so many times and with my kids. I was given it by a very favorite family friend when I was quite young. She and I still "talk" books to this day. (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is still a favorite as well).

      This quote is from The Sense of an Ending and I believe it's where you find someone, the real person, in their eyes. They never change even as we get older. I have also learned to read them very well.

      Happy Friday to you!!!

  2. That is such a beautiful quote.

    A Wrinkle in Time is one of my favorites too. I was just considering reading it again. I think now I definitely will!

    1. I know it, right?

      I know EXACTLY where my copy is. I will re-read it again here soon as well. Have a great weekend, Samantha. Stay warm, cozy beside your fire with your romance novel ;-)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jennifer. I think so and thank you for following me. Please comment away!!!

  4. This is so thought provoking and so true.

    1. I keep re-reading it every time I answer a comment. Makes me a little teary.

  5. so true, so much is told in the eyes.

    1. Whole stories, feelings, thoughts, emotions can all be seen there, I think.

  6. This is such a beautiful excerpt!

    I also love A Wrinkle in Time. One of the best books of my childhood - in fact, I bought my stepdaughter a copy for Christmas!

    1. Thanks, lucidedit. It has stayed with me for a week, since I read it.

      That was my favorite book of my childhood. Hands down. I give it as gifts too!

  7. Lovely quote and so true. The eyes are the gateway to the soul, so to speak.

    1. I believe so. Thank you for liking my choice.

  8. Replies
    1. I knew you'd like it...a romantic like me!

  9. Even though I only "know" you via Trifecta, this quote seems to really represent a lot of who you are, at least in my eyes. It is a lovely quote and befitting of you, for sure.
    PS: Did you know that there is a graphic novel version of A Wrinkle in Time? It just came out a while ago.

    1. That is very perceptive of you, Tom. Yes, it is befitting of me. Thank you.

      NO! I want it and I want it NOW!!!!! Have to go looking today!

    2. Wait! What do you mean by graphic? Violent in nature or graphic the other way???

  10. Oh, that's nice. And A Wrinkle in Time is one of my favorite books as well. I need to reread that whole series. The one with Patrick's Rune especially. Never forgotten that.

  11. This is a perfect quote to choose!

  12. that's so sweet and beautiful....

    1. I loved it when I read it. Then I stopped to think about it. Thanks, shopaholic!

  13. Nice... I have always wondered why it is that when I meet people from long ago they don't look old - even if other people their age do. Must be the eyes...

    1. I believe you are right. The eyes don't change. I think you can look into them and see the person you once knew. The aging thing goes out the door. At least to me. Love them.

  14. I agree that the eyes somehow don't change, but I also think that when you love somebody and grow older with them, you don't see their age. Because, what you have is more important than physical appearance. Lovely quote and sentiment.

    1. Yes! You see them as you knew them/first met them. I do, at least. It's like they don't age in your eyes. Physical appearance fades. It's what's deep within, the connection that you have that lasts. Thanks, lumdog.

  15. I adore all three of your favorite books. But I think you went with the best of the bunch. Nice job!

  16. A great quote. Speaks of the depth of true love. Adding this book to my Amazon wish list, which is growing rather large after this Trifecta challenge.

    1. Mine is growing larger too! Amazon LOVES me! Thanks. It is about love.

  17. I love your book choices. Nice passage and so true.

    1. Thanks, Ann. It's a great book with so many quotable passages that it was difficult for me to choose.

  18. What a great choice!

  19. That is a beautiful quote. :) Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you for visiting. I think it is beautiful too.

  20. wonderful, wonderful!

  21. So true-the eyes are the mirrors of our soul & true love looks at the soul,which is forever young & beautiful!Fantastic choice,Gina:-)
