Sunday, January 20, 2013

Abraham Lincoln Had It Right: Sunday Stream of Consciousness

So this is what Jana at Jana's Thinking Place had to say this morning:

“Emerson said, quite famously, “Life is a journey, not a destination.” I ran across this quote this week looking for another one, and remembered how much I love the sentiment.”

With this quote to inspire us, she provided the word “Journey” as our optional prompt for Sunday Stream of Consciousness. The rules are to write, about whatever we want, for five minutes then leave it be. Simple, right?


"Live a good life, and in the end, it's not the years in a life, it's the life in the years. Abraham Lincoln"

Speaking of simple, I try to be in my everyday life. 

I strive for simple. I try not to over think things. Second guess. Rehash. Judge. I hate when I do.

I live in the realm of do-overs. Correcting mistakes. Sorry s. And imperfections within myself.

But mostly, I try to focus my everyday attentions on the things happening in my life right then and there. Not so much on things out of my control or too far from reach. My journey is one of aspiring to be in the moment. Being present in my one and only shot at this thing. Life.

It doesn't always happen this way though. My life is sometimes messy and complicated. That's life.

But I'd like my journey to be simple. Or as simple as potentially possible.

This wasn’t always my goal. My path. My journey.

I spent a lot of years “wanting” things, people, what I didn’t have, what I thought I should have.

To say the years have been kind to me and taught me to relish what I DO have is an understatement. I just have to listen carefully to hear it sometimes.

Life happens.

Things happen.

Then things change.

Sometimes your world turns upside down.

Quite a few years back, I found this sign. It hangs above my side door. And my side door is the only door anyone in this family, or friends for that matter, use to leave our home or enter our lives. I must pass through this door 10 times a day, 70 times a week, 300 times a month…well you get the point. But I only probably read this sign, acknowledge it’s meaning, once a week if that. It's just there. Hanging around for years.

For my journey to be a success, I need to “see” it every day and remember what is truly important in my one and only life. 

It’s always about the people.

The life in the years.


  1. That quote hangs in my living room. It's wonderful.

    1. It is and I need to remember to look up and read it more often. It's right there!!!

  2. I have never heard this quote before. I love it and now, I will live it... I also think it is a great idea to have it above your door. It seems like a blessing to me, a mission statement-blessing sort of thing.

    I am glad I read your SOCSunday post today. So inspired!

    1. It sort of is a mission statement. I like that idea.

      I'm so extremely happy you feel that way. I enjoyed yours as well.

  3. Love that quote, it is not just breadth but the depth of our lives that matters.

    1. Yep! You hit the nail on the head. It's depth and depth is important to me.

  4. I was just this morning - a few hours ago - talking about how I wish my life were simpler, and how it's so challenging to simplify my life given all the stuff I have to do, and all the stuff I think I have to have. I guess even the fact that I want simplicity is just another example of wanting things that are so hard to obtain. It's cyclical, I guess. . .

    1. It is very hard to simplify. It actually takes work. "Wanting things that are so hard to obtain" is the truth. Even wanting things that we can't have is hard but we can't have everything. And somethings, most, require sacrifice which isn't always the pill you want to swallow but it's required.

      Mine is more "all the stuff I have to do" more than the stuff I have to have. I've lived a wee bit longer than you and I realized awhile back that stuff is just stuff. Stuff doesn't love you back.

  5. Wandering by from SOCS ...

    Wow, so many are on a similar journey this week. It almost feels that I am being subtly reminded to check my priorities, assess the things that are eating up my time - and giving nothing back.

    As always, Gina - nicely said.

    1. I think it's that time of year to reflect on journeys and such. For me, it's a cold weather thing, so maybe it is weather related. I just have to remind myself constantly, almost like a check-in, to focus. I have a tendency to be living a moment yet dreaming of a different one. I have to stop that. I understand, fully, that we only get this one chance. I want to make it really count and that takes effort on my part.

      You are so nice to say that.

  6. I was just thinking about your simplify statement earlier today. I do over think things. I am horrible about it. My new goal should be (and has been before) to be more decisive. When I make a decision, make it, move on and don't second guess myself for the next two days. Thanks for the wise post.

    1. I'm not horrible about it. I just put it up there and it tumbles around and around until every possible thought about this one thing is completely exhausted. It's time consuming and distracting. I don't want to do that but I'm afraid I always have. It comes naturally to me. I'll call it brain tumbling. It could even be about something that's not terribly important. I just THINK. My brain isn't often quiet.

      This may not make sense but what I just said above doesn't necessarily apply to decisions. Once I make a decision, it's over and done with. I can move ahead and leave it.

  7. My goodness! That is a lofty goal! I strive for that, but I have no hope of ever truly being able to live in the now for very long. It's my nature to "what if" everything.

    1. My dad tried to teach me when I was young, making decisions, to anticipate all the alternatives, all the things, from great to horrible that could happen if a decision is made and if you can live with "worst case" than make it. I don't hardly use this wise advice. I make decisions quickly. I don't "what if" the negative stuff a lot. Unfortunately, I buff my rose colored glasses far too often. Or I'm just willing to deal with the consequences. I'm trying though to appreciate the here and now. Those little things. It's lofty, for sure.

  8. HI, Gina,

    Thanks for the reminder.... Great quote from Lincoln and SOOO true.

    WE are all on a journey and although we strive to keep life simple, LIFE complicates our efforts. But we try.... and THAT is the most important thing ... to try. AND be thankful for LIFE's SIMPLE pleasures.

    1. How boring it would be without "curve balls", right? And you're right. It's the effort we give. I LOVE simple things far more than anything else.

  9. Well if it were simple, it would be too easy. I get bored with things that are repetitive and too easy. I have to make force myself to do those things. That's no way to live a good life. It is true you can look back and laugh at the bumps, that's the good part.

  10. I love that sign. I strive for simple too. It's not always easy, but it is ultimately where I am happiest.

  11. I really like that picture of your door! It just calls to be opened, and to go live life like Lincoln said. Does that make sense? Your words were very uplifting for me on this cold and dark winter morning!

  12. Wonderful post!
