Sunday, November 25, 2012

What's Annoying Me? You Asked...

It is that time again. It’s Sunday and one of the reasons I love Sundays besides reading the “big” paper is stream of consciousness writing over at Jana’s Thinking Place.

I truly can’t believe NaBloPoMo is almost completed. Thursday!!! Woo Hoo! It has been challenging blogging everyday but especially for the last week. Let’s finish strong though team Yeah Write!

Today’s (totally optional) prompt: I’m Annoyed By…

This is something that comes pretty easily to me. I mean it’s easy to find something that annoys me. So for the next five minutes, you’re going to hear it. Then I will not edit or fix it. Here goes nothing…

If I am being totally honest with you, I will admit that I’m annoyed, and not just a little, with my kids. They’ve only been home for nine days, one hour and 36 minutes but who’s counting and it’s been about long enough. They are in full comfort mode which means most of the initial charm has warn off… on both ends.

Now my kids aren’t toddlers or middle schoolers or even high schoolers. They are grown up big people with grown up personalities including stubborn streaks and all around feistiness. They are used to living with 20 something’s and we are used to living with 40 something’s (okay, I’m fibbing a little here). And that’s a big age swing of rational brain cells.

Patience and tempers have become a little shorter. The house is much messier. There’s crap all over the place and no one feels like doing anything about it. The easy going-ness of the first few days is only a glimmer. The there’s the bickering!

As much as we love and adore them, we are longing for our quiet life back, just the two of us.

I would like some semblance of order. I need to stop ordering takeout. I want to stop doing laundry and picking up after everyone.

I want to go back to being the patient, kind and cheerleading mommy who’s just a phone call away.

And I need to rest up because they’re coming back in 2 weeks and 5 days and it will be for much longer than a week. That will take extreme mental preparation. I still remember last year.

I just asked my daughter if she enjoyed being home. She said it’s never long enough and I hugged her saying I felt the same way ;-).


  1. I always wonder what my parents really think when we have so many people over for the holidays. This year there were 13 extra overnight guests in their house for varying numbers of days throughout the weekend. So much that me, brother-from-another-mother-and-father, and his cousin stayed with my sister instead of the house.

    We all got along fine, but I'm sure it can be stressful. They hug us and say that they love having company just like you at the end of your post, but I wonder if that is what they really mean.

    I would get tired of the extra cooking, having to wash all of the sheets, and the extra noises.

    Good luck for the winter holiday break!

    1. My goodness! You had a crowd in STL! Glad you got to spend time with your Chicago "brother".

      I mean it and I don't mean it but I really, really mean it. Nothing is ever perfect but having the people you love surrounding you, warts and all, is what life's about and I wouldn't trade yelling at my kids yesterday to do something for once for anything in the world ;-) The noise level is incredible.

      We are going on vacation for a good portion of their break so will change things up a bit for everyone. I won't be doing the cooking and laundry!

  2. I almost feel your pain - right up to the point where I realize you get a break from it!

    I managed to get half of my housework done today (because nothing good happens while I'm out shopping for food) and then it was time to go to my mom's for dinner. The two boys came back first and by the time I got here the following -

    The oldest had dumped my dry laundry in the hamper which I specifically asked him not to do.

    The oldest had his bedding in the washer which I had also specifically asked him not to do.

    And the dishes that I specifically asked him to put away were still on the counter.


    1. It takes many, many years of parenting to get to this point!

      I'm sorry to say that it continues along those lines. I've started to not get so bothered by the mess because no one but me is bothered. I figure I'll do it up big once they clear out all their crap which is now. I should get busy, I suppose!

      I had a lot of Grrrrrr for years and several Grrrrr moments this weekend.

  3. It's funny how when grown adults come home, they turn back into children. Rest up until Christmas and enjoy the peace and quiet :)

    1. I believe I will be writing a post about just that very soon. AMAZING how a 19 and 22 year old can still exhibit toddler tendencies! Quiet right now. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

  4. My kids are little so I don't know about being annoyed with them as adults (but I imagine we are all annoyed with are kids at all ages), but I can certainly get annoyed with them often. I love them dearly but still sometimes I need a bit more than the 6 hours a day they are gone.

    But at the same time I cherish these moments because before too long they are going to be grown and out of the house.


    1. Thanks for visiting, Anna. Watch out because it screams by...the time that is. There's good and bad with it; you miss them but love the freedom; you want them home but you want them to go back to school. I could make a list of these things.

  5. This might sound a little odd, but I found this post reassuring. I worry so much about my kids going off to college and me turning into some psycho empty-nester who can't let go. You're giving me boatloads of hope here, Gina, that I'll actually be able to enjoy my life without them. Thank you and have a wonderful pre-Christmas respite!

    1. By the time they get to college age, there has been enough spreading of wings and everyone is ready for the next phase. That being said, I cried horribly when they both initially left and on and off for 6-8 weeks but it gets easier. Then it's exciting to anticipate their arrival home again. You and your husband will enjoy some wonderful quality time that you haven't had since before those precious angels arrived. It's really great!

  6. This makes me wish my kids were grown up and out of the house. I got a loooong way to go!

    1. It will happen fast, Dan. Don't wish anything away because you will long for those times when they were little again. I swear.

  7. My relaionship with my mom improved exponentially the moment I moved out of the house. Just because you're family doesn't mean you're good roommates.

    1. Azara! You just said it perfectly. I love Matt, my 19 year old, but we are NOT, have never been and will never be good roommates. Period.

  8. Awww. I only got to read one other SOC yesterday and hers was very similar. LOL and Awww.
