Saturday, October 20, 2012

When Self-Motivation's Being A Bitch

(I want to be able to do this. Is that too much to ask?) 

It’s almost 1:30 and I’m still procrastinating.

I’ve been talking about going to “the stairs” all morning.

But my iPod wasn’t charged and there’s stuff to do and I have to make breakfast for the boys and I have to……

And the excuses go on and on and on.

Here’s my attempt at inspiring myself.

And I want to know when I turned into a slug!

(Not me :-( )


  1. OK, OK, you have inspired me. . .off for a walk, nothing like your illustrations.

    1. Well I did it and my legs are wobbly, very, and then I grabbed a slice of pizza as my reward! Glad you walked!

  2. I imagine that first chick has other talents as well.

  3. I suddenly feel motivated to go watch other people work out ,,, perhaps while eating chips ;)

    1. Oh, Kellie! I wish I could just watch and nosh. I get the guilts too badly. Plus, if I don't workout I get crabby then I snack then I'm crabbier. It's a vicious cycle. And I HATE feeling crabby!

  4. Girl if my iPod isn't charged - I'm not budgin' - and that's my final answer. ;-)

    1. I agree and that's why I stopped to write this post. My iPod was charging and if it took a moment longer, I would have planted myself on the couch to my right and read!


  5. I have no problem with working out. It's the eating I need some motivational quotes to control. Although I don't think I could do any kind of workout without music - that's definitely a deal-breaker!

    1. I usually don't either; have a problem working out but I've been traveling a lot which throws a wrench into "normal" routine. I'm a good eater as long as I don't keep crap in the house. My family teases that it's unfair if I'm eating healthy then everyone else has to as well. Oh, well!

      I HAVE to have music and I just downloaded a bunch of new stuff this weekend!
