Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Comfy Cozies: Stream of Consciousness Sunday

It’s Stream of Consciousness Sunday at Jana’s Thinking Place. Her optional prompt today is:

What makes you feel cozy and safe?

The drill is always the same. Write for five minutes. Don’t edit what you write. Post what you have. Easy!

It’s chilly here probably because it’s in the mid-40s but it’s damp which makes it look colder and feel the same.

So making me feel cozy this very minute is sitting here in my softest sweats, sipping hot chocolate on my comfy down couch and writing this. Cozy, indeed. That’s what immediate, right now, cozy and safe feels like to me…being warm and comfy inside my house.

But cozy and safe in “life” is different than that; feels different.

To me, it’s my family and friends. Being with them, touching them physically and emotionally. Laughing together. Playing. Talking. Having little inside stories only the otherknows. Familiarity of a million types.

Yesterday, cozy was standing in a parking lot tailgating on a college campus, feeding my kids and their friends dogs and burgers while sipping Irish coffees with old friends.

Cozy and safe to me is a feeling not a structure. Never a particular set of four walls. It’s more about the “who” than the “what or where”. That’s the big picture application of cozy and safe to me.

Although, sitting on the same couch, under the same blanket with my hubby while he watches the Bears and I read….

This is the small picture view of cozy and safe. But I’m betting it’s the person and not the couch. And it’s the reading and the watching as we do something we both love that gives us that comfy cozy glow.


  1. Tailgating sounds so fun right now. I'm with you friends and family make me feel comfy and cozy too.

    1. Tailgating is very fun. We see a lot of Indiana games (though they're really bad) and home Bear games. Always good food and beverage with my favs being ribs/wings.

      Yep! They do, for sure!

  2. I love that cozy is more than just being in a certain place with you! It really is about the people and the emotions and the laughter!

    Happy football watching day!

    1. It really is. Four of us laid on a hotel bed last night telling old stories and jokes and laughing our butts off. I kept thinking this is so fun, so natural, feels so good. Those moments warm my heart. Warm heart = Comfy cozies!

      I'm reading like a banshee trying to finish a book while football is on. Ya know how you get down to the last 100 pages and you want to finish it so badly?

  3. It is always about the people. People are what make the difference.

    My daughter asked me this morning if 'snow people' ever get sick of the cold. It is still in the 80s here, so it is kind of hard to imagine flannel anything, but I admit I can always drink coffee, regardless of temperature.

    Tailgating definitely sounds like fun to me.

    1. I love the crisp, cool air of fall. Sweats, food, movies, TV, books and a couch? All combinations of those are fantastic. Tell your daughter we love the cold at first but get very tired of it in late January-early February.

      It's always people!

  4. Okay in NC mid 40's is FREEZING. LOL! All three of us are on the sofa right now. Football, iPad and laptop. It's cozy even though we are doing our own thing and it's not cold yet. I've had to ask my son, "Does your knee have to touch my knee?" We are pretty cozy alright.

    1. If it weren't damp, it would be fine. We are always doing our own thing unless it's a movie. Three on my couch is tight. It's perfect for two and we are on opposite ends (him facing the TV and my nose is in my book (now laptop)) with legs tangled in the center. I don't believe he appreciated me warming my feet on him but that's what hubby's are for, right? Feet warmers! If it were hot, the couch sharing might not be happening.

  5. You're absolutely right, Gina. Much of the time it is the who not the what that provides safety, security, warmth, and most importantly the love. Nice post! See you next time...

  6. It is more about the who than the what or where. That is so very true for me too.

    1. ABSOLUTELY!!! Thanks for visiting, Tracie!

  7. It is so very much about the who... this is a great post!

    1. Thanks, Jana. As always, thanks for hosting us every Sunday for our rambles and streams!

  8. I agree it's not always the what or where but the who. Beautiful post. :) visiting from Jana's.
