Friday, October 19, 2012

Math Equations For Wishes

Blogger's Note: Not that I'm giving a math lesson here but to clarify my equations, I thought I'd add that anything in parentheses is done (weighed) first then multiplied by what is outside of parentheses (or added to if there is a plus sign). Well, double parentheses means a whole lot of multiplication is going on. Sorry for any confusion. Sometimes my mind works in equations and sometimes in words. One never knows...


Soul Mate (Cost + Sacrifice) 

((Family + Friends) Laughter)) + Emotional Exhaustion


Vivid Green (Doubt + Danger) 

The Exponent (Multiplier) for “Enough”


A Brain-Teaser…


Write 33 words exactly about three wishes that come at a high price to the wisher.


  1. I never was good at math - let alone word problems. You lost me at exponent. LOL! What's the answer?

    1. An exponent is a multiplier (usually something multiplied by itself a number of times). My point being "What is enough happiness?" How do we know when we get there? What do we need to multiply to it (or love) to make it enough? Maybe we're already there. And we all know about looking for greener grass... It's not always obvious or easy to figure out and that's why it's a brain-teaser. To me!

    2. I was being sarcastic about exponent - but I still didn't know the answer. Now that you laid it all out for me, I totally get it ;-) Very creative in 33 words.

    3. I'm so sorry, Kenya! When my mind is in math mode, it's very literal. Need to flip that switch before the weekend starts ;-) ! I don't think there is an answer. We could keep searching forever or relish in the happiness right in front of our nose.

  2. Neat take on the prompt. Crab grass!

    1. Crab grass cracks me up because my husband HATES it. I tease that he clips "his" lawn with scissors and then crosscuts. Maybe that's why he says "No, no. I'll cut the lawn, Honey!" He's nervous I'll hack it up. Thanks for commenting, Kelly!

  3. I love "optimistically" and the cost & sacrifice is so true.

    1. There's so much hopefullness in love (being in love) and that's why I used that word. Love is also work. So is happiness.

  4. This was funny and clever. I laughed at the crab gets my husband's goat, too. Hey, maybe my husband needs to just get a goat and be done with it :)

    1. Thanks, Janna. My husband would have a problem with the length to which that goat would trim it. Somethings (grass and cars) he's very particular about and most other things hardly catch his attention (thankfully). Buy the goat. You'll get cheese too!

  5. Very clever way of expressing ideas. Oddly, I hated math in school and now I am intrigued by it. This is a very thoughtful take on the prompt.

    1. I always loved math so I majored in it in college for a few years. I always felt peaceful working through problems (unless it was a big test) and it is probably the way my mind works most often (netting out issues, figuring stuff out, wheels always spinning). Thanks for "getting it", lumdog.

  6. I love it when the challenge goes rogue. Clever way to tease out the equation, but I too believe this is one to which their is no solution.

    I only dislike the crabgrass because it gets into the flower/veggie beds and mucks everything else up. If I could have it instead of lawn, I could totally live with that. My husband would too ...

    1. I, too, love it when everyone does completely different stuff. I tend to like the unusual, off-the-wall stuff or the dark humor. There is no other solution then to appreciate and be happy with what you have. And that's why I put crab grass in my equation because it creeps into the good stuff and "'mucks' everything else up".

      Not my hubby. He loves yard work; we have no weeds. Me? I like to rake and mow but that's about it. I do not have the green thumb of the family.

  7. Women and math - you got to love that - and I do! We often do not get taken seriously for our brains, particularly in this area. But, I'm getting off the point. I love the creativity in this, Gina. Well done.

    1. I love it! There were certainly more guys in my classes which wasn't a bad thing for a young co-ed ;-) It did take me a bit of time to be taken seriously in my financial/insurance software sales job which was as much technical as sales/marketing because I didn't exactly look the computer nerd type. Maybe I should have worn my glasses.

      Thanks for liking a quirky entry, steph!

  8. I suck at math, but totally get the crabgrass.

    1. I was simply throwing words out there that were on my mind. Don't ask me to handle the finances. I suck at that but it probably doesn't have much to do with math. We're all good at something. I thought the dreaded crab grass analogy was relatable. Thanks for your comment, kymm.
