Thursday, October 25, 2012

Elevator Etiquette: What Do You Do?

1.) Write a post in just 12 lines...

Is the first prompt in over at Mama Kat's Writing Challenge. It's my first choice.

One of my favorite quotes is the inspiration for my 12 lines.

“The cure for boredom is curiosity.
There is no cure for curiosity.”
Dorothy Parker


I was curious about this very thing this morning as I rode the elevator to my room from the fitness center. For three days, I’ve been staying at a hotel connected to Indiana’s Student Union while visiting my kids.

I’ve had plenty of opportunities to ride the elevator with all kinds of people: kids, parents, professors, housekeepers, or whoever. I also took some extra trips while not noticing which way the arrow was pointed.

What do you do when you encounter someone in an elevator? Do you say “hi”, begin a conversation, just smile or have no reaction at all paying them not one lick of attention? Does it make a difference if you are already there and someone hops on or if you are the enterer?


P. S. I know how to count to 12. Oops!
Mama’s Losin’ It


  1. I usually find people are generally friendly and easy to talk to in an elevator, especially if you are with children. So I'd say talk and be friendly. kaye—the road goes ever ever on

    1. With kids...absolutely. They chatter for you. If I'm alone, I will acknowledge our togetherness with a smile sometimes "hi".

  2. Depends (on me). Usually I say hi but sometimes I'll just smile. I'm sure there are times I don't acknowledge too. I try not to do that one, but if I'm preoccupied...meh.

    I do hate it, though, when the doors are just about to close and in comes someone's hand. I don't speak then. Because I'm mean. LOL!

    1. I've seen someone coming and wished, hard, that the doors would hurry especially if it's a guy.

  3. That's an interesting question. First of all elevators make me nervous (thanks for giving me a future story to tell). If on there by myself and someone gets on I'll greet with a no/smile if they make eye contact. If PEOPLE are already on the elevator then I dig in my purse, scroll through my phone, read something... side note: I also manage to push the wrong button when someone says hold the elevator and I hope to never see them again.

    1. Yea! Blog post!!! Kenya! You do NOT press the wrong button on purpose? I'll stand there just gazing off making it look like I'm in deep thought but really I'm thinking, "let's get going here".

  4. Very strict rules for elevator behavior. Minimal eye contact, smiling is allowed, but only minor conversations. But remember, all that is to overcome my claustrophobia!

    1. I didn't know about your phobia. I don't have one so I have no proper excuse not to acknowledge with a smile. I don't care for small talk. I find men will and women usually don't.

  5. This would be a perfect segue into my "What The Hell Happened To Courtesy" post, but I'll save that for later.

    I try to be friendly in elevators but sometimes I feel shy so I don't talk at all.

    1. I try to appear friendly, which I am, but I'm not going to start the conversation. I would be more inclined to do so with a woman and a children but a man...NEVER.

    2. Why wouldn't you speak with a man?

    3. I would speak. Its just not likely I'd start the conversation. If someone talks to me, I will respond in a friendly manner. May even flirt back if he started it but again, I wouldn't start it.

  6. Elevators are one of those awkward moments in life or can be. Mostly people avert their eyes and I try to respect that. I work downtown and lots of the clothing/handbag workers take the elevators--almost everyone says hi I've noticed.

    1. Sounds like a friendly environment. At the university, adults smiled at one another but the kids were self absorbed or maybe just shy and awkward.

  7. I usually say "hi" and that's about it. I'll join in on a conversation if it seems like they'd be open to it or it's one I'd be able to add to. I try not to eavesdrop though. lol It does become an intimate little space, doesn't it? =) Dropping by from Mama Kat's

    1. So intimate it's almost weird. Sometimes I take the stairs! Thanks for visiting Mimi!
