Tuesday, October 23, 2012

College and Dogs, Endorphins, How French Women Stay Thin, Sleeping Naked

Only time for a very short burst of randomness today!

I really should be in the car, right at this very moment, driving down to Indiana University to see my kids. It’s not a long drive (3.75 hours) but I’m dragging my heels here. It’s a really big week! Addison, 80 lbs. of chocolate Lab-ness, is visiting campus for 3 days AND staying with Matt at his fraternity. They’ve nicknamed her “Frat-ison”. Their plan is to walk her up and down past all the sororities. They say a dog is a chick magnet. Hopefully, things will go down as planned!

Actually, I’m still catching up from a surprise visit from three college boys (and 5 loads of laundry (just my son’s)). They were fantastic. And I’ve been so incredibly pleased with each and every friend my son has introduced us to from his fraternity. We had five stay with us at the lake this summer for a long weekend and now these two this weekend. They’re all polite, helpful, engaging (look you in the eye and converse type of engaging), smart and they made their beds. What good boys! And they didn’t wake up momma at night with any loud or noisy behavior.

Probably my favorite type of workout is spinning. I love it. Talk about an endorphin rush! And the sweat pouring off…there’s nothing like it. Of course, the thought of burning 600 calories in an hour is addicting, too.

So watch this very short YouTube video (only 45 seconds) of how French women stay thin. 


 I knew there was more to it than just walking to the market everyday.

I love when I hear a favorite song on the radio that I’d forgotten about. And since I have Shazam, it’s easy for me to download it. So here is that song I forgot I loved so many years ago. I need more Bob Seger in my life. Plus I missed Music Moves Me Monday. So here's one from me...

Every morning when I go around the corner for coffee, I hear the question of the day by a local radio show. Most often I catch just the question and I’m not around to hear the answer. Today I tuned in just as Eric said, “Correct answer!”

So the question was, “At night, what do men do 3 times more than women?” I didn’t have the opportunity to hear the other guess and I’m not sure this would have been my guess but the answer is…….
Sleep naked!

Would you have gotten that? I hung on for the brief conversation after the correct answer. Who feels more awkward in bed when one is wearing jammies and the other is naked? And the overwhelming response was the clothing clad person feels awkward that the other person is naked. Hmmmm…..

Happy Tuesday~

Thanks Stacy Uncorked, Shawn and Impulsive Addict for another Tuesday!

StacySeriously Shawn


  1. Try as I may, try as I might, I just can't get either of my boys to make their beds. I'm a complete failure as a mother. Oh and I am SO buying one of those amazing pink bicycles for my nightly entertainment!!!

    1. I failed in exactly the same way. Let's meet in Paris and get on those pink bikes and make it happen again! What do you think?

  2. I can't get my boys to sleep under the sheets--they always end up at the bottom of the bed. Making the bed isn't even on the radar yet.
    Nice that your son has found such good guys to be around and a part of.

    1. My college daughter is the same way. What is it about NOT using the top sheet? His friend's are so polite and pleasant.

  3. Yeah neither of my kids even has a top sheet b/c they don't use it. Less making of beds!

  4. Kids make beds? say it isn't so! lol There is only one time my daughter makes her bed and cleans her room.... that's when the bf is coming into town. LOL

    1. You are so right. My daughter doesn't worry about her room at all when she's home except...

  5. Omgsh you are too funny!
    I am totally stealing...um taking...um using that video. It cracked me up that the guys wanted to see what happened too. Figures...my kids are part French ya know. LOL

    Good to hear that you have a good son and his great friends.
    Anyway, thanks for coming by.

    ~Naila Moon

    1. Take it, it's yours too! Isn't it a riot. Love it!

  6. Making beds is a good skill for a boy to have, so your son's friends are awesome for knowing what to do!

    A spinning class would be an asthma attack for me, so I especially admire people who can do that!

    1. They have all been extremely wonderful house guests which means they are welcome any time!

      You know me and exercise, Tina. A bit of a nut!

  7. Us kids were taught at a young age to make our beds - but I've failed as a mother, because Princess Nagger doesn't make her bed, I'm the one who 'fixes' it daily. And she's just like her dada, she destroys the bed into a major pile while sleeping. Drives me crazy when the hubby does it, probably because I always had to make sure my bed was made 'just so' growing up, so I can't stand to sleep in an unkempt bed! LOL!

    But this isn't about me...ahem...those boys' mothers sure did a good job with them, didn't they? Luckily I have a chance with Little Dude, since he's OCD like I am and always has to straighten out the blanket on his bed 'just so'. :)

    That video was hysterical! I need one of those spin bikes... ;)

    Figures men are the ones who sleep naked! I used to until I got pregnant - then once I started wearing jammies, I never stopped! :)

    Halloween Costume Plans, Warrior Cats vs. Angry Birds Birthday and more: RTT Rebel

    1. I'm notorious NON bed maker. Neither my husband nor I care because we just hop right back in. Just a thing, I guess. I applaud those boys for being tremendous house guests!

      We all need those spin bikes or go to Paris to use them...even better!

      I go in phases but when the kids were young (or around) someone (me) was usually getting up for something so clothing was NOT optional. We now operate a clothing optional home since the kids are gone ;-)

  8. Ok, spinning is NOT for me. I can't hang. It's SO popular and people love it. I wish I loved it but sadly I don't. It's too hard! lol

    I have to say, I don't mind sleeping naked. In fact, I did it often before having kids. Now, I just think about "What if there's a fire?" So silly....

    Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. It's sooooooo addicting once you get over the hump!

      There is not likely to be a fire so we should all just go for it! How freeing!

  9. If only sleeping naked and burning 600 calories could go together....
