Monday, October 29, 2012

Birthday Presents For Hubbies

It’s hubby’s birthday today! And he received a very timely and much desired present last night. The Chicago Stock Exchange is closed today because the NYSE is. New York doesn’t want any business transacted while it is dealing with Sandy!

Nothing, I mean NOTHING, makes my guy happier than not having to go into work.

What in the world will I do with him all day (and tomorrow for that matter because I overheard the exchange may be closed Tuesday as well)?

It is his birthday so that means we should do something fun; something he wants to do. Right? Hmmmmm…..

A movie! That’s what we’ll do. He loves popcorn (he doesn’t let me put fake butter on it though!) and the show. Maybe we’ll even see two in a row like we used to do when we were dating and newly married. But we will pay for both instead of doing the “other” thing we might have done when we were young and broke. We will pay, I promise!

[I loved being young and broke. We were tight and worked through a million things. Like vacations on the cheap; buying the condo of our dreams; eating out at great restaurants or going to two movies in a row; even buying diapers. In a lot of ways, even though things were tough, things were simpler and we were insanely happy. Does that make sense to you?]

And for his birthday dinner tonight?

Do I cook for him or take him to a great restaurant?

Be an apron only wearing chef or put on a hot outfit with black stockings to go out?

OR cook at home in hot outfit with black stockings?

I’ll have time to figure that out at the movies!


  1. OK Gina, here's an idea---write "(fill in age here) reasons I love you." Isn't it amazing when we look back what our happiest moments are? Happy Birthday to your guy!

    1. I LOVE this, LOW!!! He's getting pretty old so I have to think of a lot of them! But I'm going to do this for sure.

  2. So many options!!

    I'm sure he will appreciate whatever you decide.

    1. He's really a good egg and appreciates everything and anything.

  3. I love Loverofwords idea! Maybe you can recite it to him over a romantic dinner at a great restaurant tonight! Perfect :)

    1. I know what I'm making and candles for sure. Will put together something to recite to him for sure!

      First, though, we are headed out for lunch and Argo then maybe Perks of Being a Wallflower.

  4. Oh i forgot tell him happy b'day from me.

    1. Will do! He's excited for his day. He even cleaned the kitchen while I was working out. Extra points for sure!

  5. This is cute! Happy Birthday to your hubby. My hubby's birthday is Thursday and I'm kind of wondering what we'll do :)

    1. Thanks, Nicole. We had so much fun with him being off of work because of Sandy. Lunch, movie, hanging out then out for a very fun dinner that he chose. I'd much rather cook in but it was his choice. He's home again today, because of Sandy, so he believes his birthday continues!

  6. I want to know if you stayed awake for two whole movies. That would be my challenge.

    1. We decided to have a nice long lunch then see Argo! Since hubs was off again today because of Stacy, we saw Perks of Being a Wallflower today. Both fantastic movies and great days for us!
