Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Addictive Relationship Tendencies

Sometimes you're told things you don’t want to accept; refuse even!

It happens to me.


I have trouble with the word “NO”.

I definitely have documented difficulties with goodbye. And I especially don’t like them when they’re not my idea or I’ve no interest in ending something.

And some connections are just what they are; mostly for the better, some for the worse…

Such is my relationship with Pawel. Radical.

Frank, a long-time, mutual friend set us up. Frank’s known me forever and well, and definitely knows what’s best for me. I implicitly trust Frank in matters of mind and body.

It started very slowly which isn’t how my relationships generally go. But I really enjoyed Pawel so I let him lead here if he promised more attention in the future.

I’ve only known him personally for 4 weeks but had my eye on him for years. I noticed his comings and goings from my gym every single Wednesday. And it was common knowledge he had a string of women.

I wanted him badly. I didn’t care who else he saw.

The thing I really like about him are his hands. They're strong, almost god-like. I do have a thing for hands!

Don’t get the wrong impression of Pawel. He’s really sweet with a gentle demeanor, charming and discreet. He’s not a cad by any stretch.

I was ecstatic as my time with Pawel thankfully grew and I became even more enamored with this man’s skills.

Yes, he caused me pain. And I'll admit, I was embarrassingly vocal about the response his hands firmly touching me caused. But I do love the complicated feeling of the pleasure/pain sensation.

It’s only been four weeks but...

I am addicted to Pawel. It’s a personality flaw, I suppose.

Frank told me today Pawel thought he might end things with me soon.

I was heartsick!

“How could that be?” my throat squeezed out.

“Your insurance may stop covering Pawel’s massages after 8 weeks.”


This was written for the Trifecta Writing Challenge and the Yeah Write Speakeasy. Trifecta's word prompt is:


  1. Sounds like it's time to start shopping around for another insurance company.

    1. I plan to appeal. I will not go without those hands on my neck and shoulder if I can help it. It hurts sooooo good!

    2. I am laughing so hard imagining Pawel's paws.

    3. Nice paws, for sure! It makes me happy that I made you laugh, Arnebya!!! You make me laugh just about every single post you write...even when you're trying for serious!

  2. Ok, so you sucked us in with the idea you're having an affair with some Italian (?) gigolo guy! Worse yet, the name has this weird spelling where the word "paw" is prominent, so I'm assuming he is a lecher on top of everything else! This is a great piece of writing and entertaining too!

  3. Lumdog! Your mind went to the wrong place where I would not lead ;-)

    Pawel (sounds like Pavel) is eastern European and works with my old friend and Physical Therapist. He's a soft tissue, injury specialist. Fabulous at what he does. I hope we don't have to break up. Or... I could pay him on the side.

    1. Haha! "...where [you]would not lead." I think they call it the "Primrose Path." Yeah, I'd pay him on the side. Maybe he'll give you a volume discount!

  4. Gina I BUST out laughing at the end. That was excellent. I went from OMG. Then "okay this is fiction". You got me. That was really good.

    1. Thanks, Kenya! I almost cried today when Frank told me. I'm in love with Pawel, platonically and just with his hands but in love still. You can be in love with a body part, right?

  5. Hahahaha! Perfect Gina!

    1. I'm especially happy I made you laugh, Linda! You humor me every week religiously!

  6. I was wondering how on earth you would put the real names here... and I was thinking, Oh-my-God, you're brave.

    You got me.

    The insurance company did that to my partner too. He appealed and got some more sessions.

    1. Oh! I would certainly change the names if I was going down that know, the whole protecting the innocent thingy! I'm very happy you let me lead through my my silliness! Sorry to disappoint?

      I immediately called them today for an extension as they really haven't determined course of action yet and it's relief allows me to sleep (2-3X a week).

  7. Oh, this is hilarious! The whole time, I thought, "but she's married...I think...and her kids..." You got me on this one. Great story!

    1. She is married and she has kids....And collectively, all three of them would kick my rear end if this were true.

      I'm glad you found it funny!

  8. enjoyed this one. you seemed to enjoy drawing out the details as well :-) some romance fiction writing in your future ?

    1. Yep! Once I get on a roll, I do like drawing out the details. They kind of snowball! I sure would like to write romance fiction. I have a few unorganized chapters and ideas already formulated on paper. Thanks, Steven.

  9. Ha -- I was wondering what his profession was. Would that my insurance covered massage at all!

    1. Yes, Pawel is a pro at massage. Your insurance would cover it if it was tied in with physical therapy, I think. And you'd have to be injured for that so I'm not recommending that avenue for getting a massage.

  10. Ha! Definitely had me wondering for awhile....

    1. Good! I was hoping to cause some wonderment, curiosity and confusion if only for moments!

  11. Haha, I love a good massage! Hope you can keep it up!

    1. Meeeeeee toooooooo! Might be my favorite thing in the whole wide world!!! I hope to keep it up too!

  12. i definently did not see that ending! haha, nicely done!

    1. Thanks so much, Renada. That's what I was trying to do. So, it worked?

  13. Hahaha! I did not see that ending--I thought Pawel did your hair!

  14. Appeal! It definitely worked. I was like, "Wow. Gina's not the woman I thought she was." :-) Nice job with the prompt!

    1. Nope! I'm just a straight forward, regular (possibly with multiple personalities) gal dreaming up stuff in her head to write for Trifecta prompts!!! Thanks!

  15. I can definitely relate. My time in physical therapy for a hip injury was both heaven and hell. Unfortunately, I didn't have a Pawel. Just a Helga :D

  16. I agree with PT being heaven and hell but more hell, in my opinion. I have a Pawel but I'd take a Hega in a heartbeat! I'm interested in the hands no matter whose they are!
