Sunday, September 2, 2012

Lose Your Dreams And You Will Lose Your Mind: SOCS

As I say every Sunday, and I’m in love with Sundays by the way, I enjoy feeling free to write for five minutes and have somewhere to put it like Jana’s Thinking Place. Where stream of conscious writing is standard Sunday fare.

Write for five minutes, don’t edit, then stop which is hard for me!

This week’s (optional) prompt: Wouldn’t it be awesome if… ?


Wouldn’t it be awesome if I learned to manage my time better? I’ve had the entire weekend to my self. Yeaaaa meeee! But I don’t have much to show for except a list of movies I’ve watched On Demand and a couple hundred pages read in my book.

What I do when I have too much time on my hands is flitter away an entire day. Flittering never bores me. But then I must bust my tail the next day to pack in all the stuff I said I’d do or committed to do. That’s the place I’m in right now on Sunday morning at 11:33a.m.

Thank goodness for Saturday Mass!

I did accomplish the Swallow Cliff Stairs today and I’ve worked back up to my usual 16 sets I was doing pre-injury. Good thing because in 20 days I will have to do 3X that.

But that’s the only thing I’ve done.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if I could continue wasting time on YouTube and iTunes? And someone would shower for me, do my hair and makeup. Then hit the mall for my mom’s birthday present, remembering a card and paper too, wrap it all and drive me to her house 25 minutes away, all within the next 2 hours. 

Man…..I’m really feeling lazy.

Wouldn’t it be awesome to just lie on the couch, watch more movies and read a few hundred more pages? But then I'd disappoint my mom and I don't want that!

Times up. Gotta go do all the stuff I haven't done...


There's no time to lose, I heard her say

Catch your dreams before they slip away

Dying all the time

Lose your dreams

And you will lose your mind.

Ain’t life unkind?

Ruby Tuesday, The Rolling Stones


  1. Hope you got something done today...but after all it is a holiday weekend. But I feel exactly the same way with my time -- that I don't manage it well.

    1. NOTHING!!! The only thing I got done today was shop for my mom's present which Neiman Marcus wrapped for me while I got the cards. It is a holiday weekend and that is something my mother TOTALLY understands. It was awesome. Thanks for understanding!!! (I don't manage it well at all)

  2. Hi Gina! I've got a list a mile long, too. Good luck getting all your wouldn't it be awesome ifs done today. Happy B-day to your mom! It's been good reading you again. I'll be back. :)

    1. Thanks, Sandra! Can't wait to have you back reading again! The party was a blast and I got my "stuff" done including an awesome gift for my mom! She had a great day and thanks for the birthday wishes for her!

  3. I would love to have more time to read for fun and waste time on YouTube. Wouldn't it be awesome if someone would just pay us all to watch YouTube?!

  4. Having someone to take care of me while I do other time-zappers would be so great!!

    1. I know, right? Sounds like a personal assistant would be a great thing. I've had the laziest weekend and been so pleased just relax. Needed it! Hope your unpacking is going well and you're settling in. Yikes! School starts for you this week.

  5. I am a master of meandering around the house. It is easy for me to just kind of hang out, reading, writing and not doing much of anything other than those few odds and ends that catch my eye.

    But I get my stuff done. I have these huge bursts of energy where I am laser focused and all that needs to be taken care

    Makes some people crazy but that is how I like to do it.

    1. You described me exactly. I did my huge burst of fury this morning and like the Tasmanian Devil, I got everything done in no time. Now I'm back to reading and writing again. And puttering, of course!

  6. What are the stairs you speak of? I need to do those! This is great! I'm so glad you enjoy SOCSunday!!

    1. Hey Jana,
      I live in the Chicago area and there is an old toboggan hill (closed now) that hordes of people use for exercise including climbing them, push ups, sit ups, pull ups, sprints and all sorts of things at the top and bottom. It's sort of a mecca and if you live around here, google Swallow Cliff Stairs. I'm there a few days a week.

      I love SOCS because it's just the writing I feel like doing on one of my favorite days of the week!
