Thursday, September 20, 2012

Do You Still Like Me?

1.)  Six Word Memoir: Write about a significant time in your life in just six words.

So here are my six words: 

They’re Gone…
Still like me?


I woke up this morning thinking I was going to be a lazy blogger and “phone in” a post. So for Mama Kat’s Writing Challenge, I picked the shortest prompt, definitely, but also the one I believed to be the easiest…at the time.

You know what?

I’ve spent way too much time deciding and choosing which six words define my life right now. 

So a month ago, we began our second year as empty nesters!

Believe me. You will all get there sooner rather than later and at times you’ll wish that your house was full again but not with toddlers or little people under the age of, oh I don’t know, say 12.

The first year of empty nesting is so very exciting. It’s full of possibilities and wonderment and the world is your oyster syndrome (if there is such a thing) and TIME!

 (Courtesy of

For once, you have space and breathing room and less stress (except when you think about multiple college tuitions…word of advice, tune that out!).

YOU get to choose what it is you’d like to do. Sounds ideal, yes?

Well it is and it’s not.

Because the second year rolls around…

And the newness, as with most things in life, has worn off…

And you still have someone important to think about; someone else's happiness to factor into your equation of fun…that wonderful partner you chose 23.5 years ago. When you actually write the number, it sounds really long! I was in my 20’s when I enthusiastically said "I do!" for Pete’s sake!

You hope 25 years down the line, you still enjoy doing the same things and, more importantly, you still like each other.

We still do.


Not that I was worried or anything…

Mama’s Losin’ It


  1. Such a cute post! So great that you still like each other. :) An empty nest seems so far away right now to my hubby and I. Our three little ones are 10,8, and 4. We talk about joining a bicycling group together when we become empty nesters. We also talk about living in a Hawaii for a few months at a time. Its fun to think about our dreams for that time, when it comes. Thanks for sharing.

    1. It's really fun to turn those dreams into reality. We love to travel so last year was packed with fun places we'd never been and this coming "school" year we've planned more! And we talk about buying a 55' sailboat and sailing the Caribbean for our winters. You have to dream...together.

  2. Haha, I actually didn't get your 6 word prompt until I read the rest of your post. Then a light-bulb went off! DING! Now it all makes perfect since. :)

    Enjoyed it!

    Michael A. Walker
    Defying Procrastination

    1. Thanks, Michael. We have light bulbs going off non-stop with ideas of things to do ;-)

  3. This is so cute! We have a long time before we're empty nesters but I know my hubs and I will have a blast when the time comes. I'm already planning activities we can take up when kids are out. haahah. This was my favorite 6 word memoir I read today!

    1. You are sooooo nice for saying that hilljean!

      DREAM! Dream big so that you can create your own list of things you and hubby want to do together. You'll get through some and others won't happen but talking about it and dreaming about it are (almost) equally as fun! It will be here before you know it!

  4. Those are the perfect 6 words to sum all of that up. We've got a 2 yr and 4 yr old so we are quite a ways away from being empty nesters. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about that day when they are out of the house and we have our freedom back but I know it will also be quite sad. Just another example of how life has a very cruel sense of humor.

    1. It is wonderfully sad! "life has a cruel sense of humor" says it PERFECTLY! But the circle of life dictates they spread their wings and fly away. And that we will let them:-( It is really hard...I mean really hard in the beginning even though the two of you had been dreaming, scheming and planning for years. The dynamics of everything change. But when you get used to it, definitely after Christmas break, you begin to understand it's beauty. Time alone with your spouse again!

  5. Couldn't agree with you more. I love being an empty nester.. and now, grandparenting.

    1. Oooooh! Good for you Carol. I'm loving it this year too. However, I'm not even close to being ready for grandparenthood! Yikes. How fantastic! Thanks so much for visiting me!

  6. I hope I can say that when we are empty nesters. I may be too tired...

    1. Well, there's a whole lot of blissful couch time watching movies, reading, hanging out and pure laziness because you've been crazy for so many years. Enjoy your Zane's young years because it life flies by way too fast.

  7. Excellent post Kathy. I have all my mom's letters that she wrote me when we were apart. My brother and I left home the same year even though he is seven years younger. He had joined the Marine Corps and I married a Marine. From time to time I look at the letters and see that even though she tries to sound lighthearted she sounds sad. That was in '97 (hence the letter writing). I think for her the first year was the toughest - perhaps because it was unplanned and she definitely said she and daddy had to get to know each other and go on dates.

    1. It is filled with so many mixed emotions! Having your brother (so much younger) leave at the same time would be rough. No adjustment period having one still at home. I get your mother's anguish! It's sad, for sure, at the onset. I'm so happy you have those written keepsakes. I wish we all wrote letters more. I love seeing someone's handwriting and knowing the time it took to physically write the words.

      You do have to get to know each other they way you "used to know each other" and dates are truly important! We had one tonight and it was lovely to dine outside with a fireplace, sip wine and talk!

  8. Oh and I was with you on the "what's that - sounds scandalous" LOL!

    P.S, I liked all the prompts and just didn't get around to it. The first thing I came up with was "I wasn't born with this nose". Which sounds like I had it "done". But I was going to do a side by side photo of a younger me when I didn't have the mole that I have now." Love my mole and nose by the way.

    1. I hope you have time for more prompts or this weekend's Trifecta. I miss when you don't write! Noses change as we get older so it would be interesting to see the comparison from younger to now. Great post for the future?

    2. Perhaps! Thanks. I really just need to go home and steal the picture box ;-)

    3. Yes, you should go steal it! Then post them so I can see!!!

  9. When did you get married? Sound like we have been "partnered" for about the same amount of time. We've just had our first leave...but it did get me thinking. He's starting on a great new adventure. Why can't I? Maybe I'll be able to when I recover from the shock that he's gone.

    1. March 1989. YIKES!!! That was so long ago! You?

      I balled for 6-8 weeks, not straight but kind of, when my daughter first left. Last year, when Matt took off for school I couldn't wait because he was my VERY high maintenance child but I was extremely sad. I missed him terribly...pain in the ass and all. Then Thanksgiving rolled around and Christmas. After that, it was fine knowing we were on the downswing to summer and they'd be home again. This year... so much easier all the way around! Hang in there, Jamie!

  10. What a great post. Can't even imagine an empty nest - too many years away and too much noise! :)

    1. It happens so fast! Enjoy every single moment because you will wish for those moments and snuggles back once they leave. The quiet is great but also deafening at times. I have one coming home this weekend so I'm elated!!! Thanks for visiting!

  11. Congrats on another year of empty-nesting and on still enjoying your marriage after 20+ years!

    1. Thanks a-eye! Hope your transition to NY is going well and school, too!

    2. Thanks! Both are going well.
