Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dreams, Love Them: Stream of Consciousness Sunday

Stream of consciousness writing below where my timer was set for 5 minutes and I just spilled out my most immediate thoughts on the optional prompt for today which is one of my very favorite things to do and write about!



Love them.

I have a very, very vivid imagination during my waking hours and I’m often quite surprised by where my mind finds itself.

Let’s just say my nocturnal imagination leaves my daytime one in the dust. See ya!

And I remember everything. Okay, not everything, but 95% of what I dream, I could piece together the next morning and I often do.

My best dreamtime is from 5am-7am. Oftentimes I’m up between 4-5am for physical reasons or my mind is engaged in thought and won’t let my body drift off. Anyway, the dreams I have during this time are amazing and they usually involve people (whoever happens to be on my mind at the time?). It can be slightly discombobulating waking up spooning my husband who may or may not have been present in my dream (just kidding? I’m only human!)

Sometimes I wake startled from an incredible dream and it wasn’t finished yet and I want back!!!


So I lie there (like from my favorite movie Somewhere In Time where Richard wills himself to go back in time to his greatest truest love, Elise McKenna) and will myself back. It doesn’t usually work and I’m just left with an incomplete but very vivid memory of what might have been.


  1. Aah, the vivid dreams that don't get to finish... ::sigh::

  2. I just hate that feeling of wanting to back into a pleasant dream world I've just left behind.

    1. And the harder you try and concentrate, you begin to realize you aren't going back probably because your mind is too engaged in the process. Total bummer!

  3. I've definitely had that experience. Waking up from a dream and wanting to go back. Never had any luck though.

    1. I've never been very successful either. I have fallen back to sleep but the dream was different. I wonder how we get ourselves to dream what we want?

  4. Sometimes trying to remember a dream is like holding water in the palm of your hand. The tighter you squeeze the faster it disappears.

    1. That's exactly how it feels. And you want it sooooo much but...NOPE! Not happening. I'm happy to remember a great dream even if it was interrupted, partial and unfinished.

  5. Ah, I know that feeling of wanting to get back into the dream but unable! It's so great that you can remember yours, I have to be really disciplined with a notebook to remember and even then, it's not a sure thing. But the ones I do remember are always so vivid. Love dreams!

    xo Mary Jo

    1. Meeeee, toooooo!!! Wish there was a magic wand to return us back. Oh, maybe ruby slippers would do the trick!!!
