Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Lifelong Love Affair

Sneaking a peek through the window of our sorority house at 3 a.m., you’d have seen a girl, me, absentmindedly licking her spoon. A jar of Skippy permanently “markered” with Gina prominently sat at my side.

With Skippy as my loyal companion most nights, I’d be deep in thought with a pencil in my right hand scrawling a Marketing Proposal or a short story for a creative writing class. Double dipping mindlessly with my left.

It had been my style for years; the way I wrote best. Always during the stillness of night while 60 other girls slept. Usually cramming because I procrastinated more than a little.

As the earliest risers drifted in for breakfast, I’d be putting the final touches on papers. Maggie, my best friend, would sit for a moment, grab my spoon and dig into to her competition completely grossing everyone out.

After graduation, Skippy and I job-hopped for a few years trying to find the happiest fit. Settling on a traveling sales job, Skippy held down the fort at the office, spoon resting by "his" side, while I flew from city to city selling my wares.

While I was away, “he” had plenty of time to ponder my fascination with him. “It’s like she's obsessed.”, he’d think. “She digs in mostly when she’s stressed saying my silky smoothness calmed her.”

It was true, I was obsessed and I loved “his” taste often licking my lips in delight! Anyone close by could hear an audible, “Mmmmmmmmm!!!” from my office.

“He” gave me energy to keep up the frantic pace required to write a million RFP’s (Request For Proposals), it seemed. Typing on a word processor instead of writing by hand this time around. Spoon still dangling from my mouth as my fingers crazily worked the keyboard.

Co-workers expressed the need to know, “What’s with you and that jar?” I'd respond, “It’s how I think. It’s a multi-sensory thing.” It was the only thing I could think of that sounded halfway reasonable or intelligent.

I still think best this way and still loyal to my one and only Skippy. Though I’d be remiss if I failed to admit I cheated on him once. With Jif. But that was a long time ago and very short-lived. It just wasn’t the same.

If you were a “Peeping Tom” today, looking into my study, you’d see us both sitting at the desk right in front of the computer. Spoon clenched in my left hand, overloaded with peanut butter, my eyes gazing into space searching for my inspiration to write.

And in case of emergencies, there’s always a backup jar in my pantry.

And everyone in the family knows to stay away from my Skippy especially because I still double dip.

read to be read at yeahwrite.me


  1. Oh how fun! I think that is such a quirky, cool thing you let us all in on - thank you! And now, I'm hungry for peanut butter.

    1. Thanks, Melisa! Well you know I'd share but how do you feel about double dipping? I'd give you a fresh spoon!

  2. Well, I'm shocked to find a fellow traveler. I thought I was the only one who eats peanut butter out of the jar. I was so excited, I had a to grab s spoonful before writing this comment! In must admit,I am not as loyal to brand; I like Jif,Skippy and Peter Pan about the same(my mom always bought PP). But, I can get the "double pack" of Jif at Sam's. ...Sorry, I had to stop writing this comment to spread my Jif on a very white piece of Wonder Bread! Anyway, this was a very nice post. Aside from the PB revelation, I learned that you were/are? in marketing. I've responded to my share of RFPs, so I know the drill and sympathize. Thanks, I enjoyed your post and the P B!

    1. I traveled all over the U.S. for years. There aren't many states I can say I haven't tapped a toe in. Spent lots of time in NYC. Don't do that anymore but still do marketing projects for friends with small businesses.

      I WILL eat other kinds, at other people's houses. I just don't buy other kinds...not one to cheat! However, I don't care for it on bread (although I laughed at your use of Wonder). But that's exactly how my daughter eats it!

      I used to be able to do them in my sleep (RFPs). Difficult to use a creative flourish when you are writing about insurance software! Thank goodness I don't dream about them anymore!

    2. BTW, I forgot to mention that I enjoyed the use of PB as a metaphor (?) for your lover. Very clever.

    3. There were plenty of days and nights that it was just "him" and me. "He" was very satisfying and safe.

  3. I have filled out a lot of RFPs in my day, but rarely did Jiffy accompany me on this adventures into setting up the close.

    If it was Peanut Butter related it was usually Laura Scudders or Trader Joes.

    But Peanut Butter and I have had a long relationship too, spoonfuls before swim meet races weren't uncommon.

    1. Exactly. Skippy stayed home while I went off to close the deal with my "Velvet Hammer". Worked pretty well.

      I eat waaay too much of it as I can forgo all other food for an entire day. Probably not a very healthy habit!

  4. And you look so thin and lovely in your photo! Why don't you weigh three hundred pounds?! If I even stand next to a jar of peanut butter I start expanding. . .

    1. Thanks, Louise! I don't know about that but if I'm on a writing/PB jag, I will hardly eat anything else and it's pretty filling. But i do, very often, put it on a banana or an apple to change things up. Last week i used the same spoon (still had some on it) for my Frosted Mini Wheats. Yum! It is high in calories though.

  5. I've been known to eat a spoon of PB when I just need a little bit of calories to keep me going. In so many ways it's the perfect snack.

    I'm intrigued by this marketing world you speak of... maybe I'm just easily intrigued.

    1. I feel the same way. Keeps my energy up and my tummy from growling. If I'm busy I will forget, or not stop, to eat.

      Depending on the project, it can be creative and fun or boring as heck! Everything intrigues me, so you are not alone here!

  6. I love peanut butter, but cannot stand peanut butter breath, especially on my hubby. Blech! My college go-to snack was cream cheese icing on pretzels -- always for all-niters (which happened far too regularly). To die for!

    1. Yep! I have to remember to brush my teeth so as not to disgust anyone! My guy loves it too so we are okay there (except when he gets into my jar ;-).

      Oh my! I will have to try that. Love both...the cream cheese frosting AND pretzels. And I get the sugar buzz idea, too.

  7. Thanks for letting us in on a little secret of yours! You turned it into a good story too, which is a bonus! :-)

  8. I love your writing! So funny! I had a long affair with peanut butter myself, my last love was Wholefoods and luckily they discontinued it because I couldn't get enough!

    xo Mary Jo

    1. Thanks, Mary Jo!!!

      I know the feeling. About not being able to get enough. That goes for more than PB and for just about anything with which I'm obsessed. PB is definitely on top of the list. Whole Foods saved you!

  9. LOL! Nice! Now whenever I read your blog I'm going to picture you and Skippy hanging out in your study typing away...

    1. Larks, you'd have the exact visual. It's either a habit or addiction, just not sure which.


  10. I love personification. This was a very entertaining piece. And your "Jif" secret is safe with me. ;) Ellen

    1. Thanks Ellen.

      I feel I can trust you to keep my affair to yourself!

    2. What a fun read and great insight into the writing habits of others.

  11. I get it. We have 4 jars of peanut butter at any given time in my house. We each utilize it for our own purposes. Loved this.

    1. Thanks, Kim! I totally get the separate jars. My family has their own which the keep in a different place. They use theirs for breakfast. I use mine for concentration and creativity!

  12. I'm a nutella girl myself, and could never have it right next to me or I would need to be sawed out of my house. Fun post!

    1. But if you " only" ate Nutella, like some days I only eat peanut butter, that would make you weird like me and that's probably not good.

      Thank, Cindy!

  13. Fun post! My daughter and I eat almond butter together right out of the jar - quite a bonding experience. I've had my own love affairs with food - chocolate covered raisins got me through college and my first job. Thanks for the idea - I bet we have a jar of Skippy around here somewhere!

    1. Thanks! We teach them well. And it IS a bonding experience!

      I'm deeply in love with pizza. Skippy should be jealous! We do whatever gets us through, right?

      Skippy won't disappoint!

  14. Whew! I was afraid you were going to break up there for a little while. I was afraid that the affair started in college would wane as you grew and matured etc. I'm so relieved it didn't. The heartbreak would be entirely too much. ;P

    1. "He" would have to dump me because I'm too clingy and too obsessed with "him"
      ;-) Loyal to a fault!

  15. When I went away for Peace Corps, the universal suggestion among current volunteers was to take a jar of peanut butter. The thought was that even if you didn't currently eat it like it was going out of style, a few months away from home and that would be all you wanted. They were so right and I totally ignored their advice.

    Very cute post!

    1. I admire and envy your stint in the Peace Corp! I hear you on the PB. I've been on 8 Serve Trips to an orphanage in Honduras and PB is what most of us lived on albeit just for a week at a time, while yours was very much extended. Oh no! But now you know for the future.

      Thanks so much for reading, Liz!

  16. Peanut butter makes me gag. However, Nutella.....mmmmmmmmm....... that stuff makes my brain double in size! ;)

    1. Differences make the world go 'round! A Nutella/PB sandwich could be a match made in heaven...to me!

  17. How neat that you've had a ritual like that for so long! Have you ever tried to write without it?

    1. Thanks, Michelle(my grandmother's maiden name was Longo and everytime I see your name on the grid, I think of her). This is the first time I've written about it or even put that much thought into my mindless behavior.

  18. You realize you've just created an indelible image that's going to stay with us whenever we visit??!! This was so fun!

    I love PB too, although lately I like almond butter (Justin's maple) and Justin's hazelnut choc butter is like healthy nutella--to die for! Get me a spoon right now!

    1. Hahaha, thanks Stacie! Yes, that is how you would find me!

      I really like almond butter too. That I will put on bread! I must try the hazelnut chocolate butter too. I have plenty of spoons here for brave visitors!

  19. In our house, it is Nutella! Oh that sweet chocolate taste. I am not a big fan of peanut butter, unless it is accompanied by jelly or on my pancakes.

    1. I like Nutella a ton. How could you not?..

  20. Haha! I hate to ask, but how many "me too!"s have you gotten from this post??? Because um... me too. But my excuse is doing the Paleo diet for CrossFit. Almond Butter is strict Paleo, but I cheat with peanut, cashew, and *gasp* Nutella. I have get to try this Biscoff or Cookie Butter some have mentioned (Beginfromhere and Reedster!!!), because that is a slippery slope!

    1. Lots of "me too s" but that's great! I've done that diet for Crossfit, as well. As you can guess, I cheated with PB too. Biscoff is the "bomb" but be careful there if you have a personality that gets hooked on such things. Thanks for visiting!

  21. Love this (though I am loyal to Peter Pan Crunchy). I can put peanut butter on just about anything. I'm so compulsive with it that I don't buy it very often.

    1. I'm so compulsive, I can't NOT buy it! I'm a smooth fan, myself.

  22. Yum. People can laugh all they want - just tell them it beats the shit out of smoking.

    1. It does beat the holy high crap out of smoking! Yum is right!

  23. Ooh, a big tablespoon of peanut butter! Heaven! My favorite, though, is peanut butter toast...then it's all warm and melty.

    Cute post!

    1. I don't like PB toast but my hubby and daughter eat it almost daily for breakfast. Of course, they have a jar THEY share because mine is not kept in the pantry. It looks yummy but I don't like the way the toast sticks to the roof of my mouth.
