Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fireworks And Not The Pretty Starburst Kind

This feeling is no stranger to her; messes on the verge, teetering on the edge, walking the tightrope, doing what she’s not “supposed” to do. Her antenna often on full alert because her behavior typically runs against the grain. It feels natural to her and she handles it quite well, thank you. It’s the way she’s always been.


You know who she feels like? Samantha Stephens. Remember her? The one misunderstood by most but understood by those like her. The one who could get herself out of every pickle simply by wiggling her nose?

This girl can bob and weave, talk circles and wiggle herself out of most sticky situations. Not deceptively but creatively, mind always twirling, but she’s had lots of practice. Sometimes spunk is hard wired from birth. Her dad even said it two nights ago, “You never listened to anyone. You always pushed it. Why?” She replied, “Maybe because someone’s always telling me what to do. Why don’t they just trust my judgment?”

She is rational and sane, you know, just not always as practical and more spontaneous.

Everyone always has an opinion about her choices; tells her what to do or not. Reverse psychology works magic with the type of person she is. Or maybe… just let her be.

Yet, she did something this morning that she wasn’t supposed to do, wasn’t allowed to do, but everyone was sleeping or working or doing something other than watching her which someone was supposed to be doing.

She escaped! She left and snuck back in.

If anyone found out that she went outside, drove on busy streets to get coffee and snuck back in, there would be fireworks and not the pretty starburst kind.  

So her judgment isn’t always the best but she needed what she needed and no one was around! She'll be grounded, for sure.

Her plan is to use one of Samantha’s trademark nose wiggles to get out of this one or, possibly, Tabitha’s method because her nose isn’t wiggling well these days. 


  1. made me think of a rebellious, sneaky teen. haha, and nice bewitched reference.

    1. I feel like a rebellious, sneaky teen all the time so I can relate here! Everyone in my family (with the exception of my crazy young guy) is so darn practical. I like to loosen things up a bit! I loved Bewitched and wanted to be Samantha! Maybe I still want to be her, magical twitches and all!

    2. if i was Samantha, i may be less practical! my brothers always rag on me for being the 'rule-abiding' sibling, haha.

    3. That was meeee! I was always like, "Come on, Jimmy. We'll never get caught." half my fun was getting him to do stuff.

  2. Nicely done. Samantha Stevens is someone I've always both envied (the nose wiggleing) and admired. I like the way you pulled her into your story.

    1. Loved her! If it were only that easy to wiggle your nose and have it be "as you wish!". When I try it, everyone looks at me funny and says, "What are you doing?"

  3. Great comparison to the Bewitched way of getting out of trouble. I love that saying in the end written on the paper. That is so true.

    1. I do what I can and try to see what works. No one buys it though.

      Yes, I love the saying as well and it holds particular meaning to me at this very moment. Being strong is hard work.

  4. I was never this girl, but I almost envy her -- I wouldn't mind having that Samantha Stevens freedom myself!

    1. I know this girl like the back of my hand. She wishes that Samantha's magic twitch really worked. But with all choices come consequences and this girl must accept those as well.

  5. I'm a practical one, but always did like Bewitched and Samantha Stevens' knack for both finding and getting out of trouble.

    1. I'm not th practical one and happily so. My guy is the perfect balance to my nuttiness.

      The "finding" is definitely part/most of the fun and, sometimes but not always, the "getting out" is equally so. Sometimes it requires witchcraft! Just depends.

  6. You bring back happy memories. We saw the translated version of Bewitched and have spent many hours trying to be Samantha. But she does the wiggling best. So, after a few tries I gave up that one and starting emulating the Jeannie nod. Thank you for sharing this post and such wonderful quotes.

    1. NO ONE does it better than her. I remember trying to perfect it too.

      Yes, I love those quotes as well. Live every day!!!

  7. Thanks for linking up with Trifecta this week. I really enjoyed your piece this week. The beginning part, especially. It felt different from your other Trifecta pieces somehow. "This girl can bob and weave. . ." Good stuff here. Hope you'll come back for the weekend challenge as well.

  8. She reminded me of a cross between my sister and my daughter. Evil sib could bob and weave like that, but there wasn't a good person underneath. I got the sense there was a good person under there. Which was where I got to Caroline, who is totally convinced we need to just let her do what she thinks is right, and that if she thinks she needs it, it's OK to go get whatever 'it' is.

    1. I wrote this with a very good hearted person underlying. My thought was this girl is told what to do ALL the time and just about always rebels, pushes, trying to exert some of herself. Being different from many people, lives life a little differently, the practical people in her life (which is most) don't always "get" her. She totally has a mischievous side but is never malicious and would never harm anyone else but does take risks with herself. Exciting to her, maybe? Who knows how these crazy characters come to be?
