Friday, July 20, 2012

A Humongous Leap

33 words for taking a leap provided by Trifextra

These words are inspired by the following quote:

“There is a longing for a return to a time without the need for choices, free of the regret at the inevitable loss that all choice (however wonderful) has entailed.”

You marry for love, your heart’s true best friend, then cross your fingers with hope.

Once tied, there becomes no other choice.

And that’s okay. If you chose right to begin with.


  1. Beautiful. I'm glad I made the right choice 26 years ago!!!!

  2. So true! It's why I waited so long to marry.

  3. The best kind of leap!

  4. Gina, I missed this one over the weekend but hope you might still be looking at comments. I always thought that marriage was forever (I still do), but sometimes people change. I've never regretted my marriange (three beautiful grown children)so I'm offering the point that there can be life after a divorce,despite many new challenges. I've enjoyed trolling your site and hope you have a good time fishing and wish you many perfect days.

    1. Oh, Lumdog! That's not at all what I meant and I understand that people change. For some very unknown reason, I got lucky and chose right so long ago. And in so many cases, I may not have chosen properly because I don't always. I didn't mean to offend in any way. I was only speaking for me and certainly no one else. I know you have experienced challenges I can in no way understand. You are so lucky to have three beautiful children and that is something to envy.

      I enjoy reading your things too so I hope we can continue to do that as time passes!

  5. Gina, I'm sorry, I took no offense at all! As a hopeless romantic, I loved your poem. I was just saying that despite the fact that I thought it was forever, things changed and this isn't necessarily a bad thing. I doubt you are just lucky, you picked the right person and continue to nurture that wonderful relationship. That disn't happen ib my case. From your piece about the perfect day, I guess he's pretty special.

    1. I just saw this, Lumdog! No offense taken or meant.

      Change is sometimes necessary AND what's best.

      He is special yet neither of us is perfect so there in lies the challenge.
