Monday, June 18, 2012

Things That Happen When You Go Out Of Town

If you’ve been a parent long enough, this will happen to you too.

Imagine enjoying a leisurely vacation morning spent working out then digging a fork into your favorite breakfast, huevos rancheros, while slowly sipping your much anticipated first cup of delicious, golden brown and hot coffee.  You are with your closest friends and you can’t, at the moment, fathom being any happier. You are having the best morning ever, almost.

My friend, Susie, is never without her cell phone and sometimes that bothers me particularly when it rings during a peaceful, quiet meal together. That is exactly what disrupted our breakfast Friday morning.

Sue’s eyes flew wide open as she listened. I could almost hear what the girl on the other end of the phone was saying but I definitely could tell she was worked up. I assumed it was Sue’s daughter until she handed the phone across the table to ME!

“Mom, I’ve called you and Dad like seven times. Why don’t you have your phone with you (because I didn’t anticipate needing it)? I’ve been in an accident.”


My question is this. What’s with kids wanting us to be immediately accessible to them at all hours of the day or night? Parents out there with young kids, listen up! This doesn’t change as they get older. The problems just get bigger and more difficult to work out. This, I can promise you!!!

As soon as she heard my voice, she calmed down. Although, she’s not the kid that gets her undies in a bunch often; that’s the other one! She’s generally calm, cool and collected. I wonder whom she takes after?

Here were my immediate questions….

Where? On the Eisenhower Expressway heading into the city (which is one of Chicago’s biggies).

When? Friday afternoon just before rush hour. Oh, oh!

How? A five-car chain reaction.

Are you hurts, is anyone hurt? Thank God for a sturdy SUV and only one injury. Addy was in the car too? Poor girl!

Which car? MY CAR! Why were you in my car? This question has lots of it’s own questions.

What's the damage? Scraped bumpers and a few broken reflectors. No harm done and drivable (none of the other cars were so lucky!).  Again, thank God for a big and safe SUV!

WHOSE FAULT? Phewwwwww! The lady behind you started the whole thing. My girl does not need any more driving issues!

(The car that hit her and started the whole chain reaction. Not good!)

I do believe this made the news!

A pile up on one of Chicago’s major expressways that closed down all four lanes with five cars, three police cars, two ambulances, and two fire truck for two hours just before rush hour. YIKES!

If I were a motorist on the Eisenhower Friday afternoon, I’d be fit to be tied. If you’re unfortunate to be “stuck” between exits, you’re totally hosed until the accident is cleaned up! Oh, and it was about 95 degrees, too.

You also always hope you DON'T get a call when you're out of town.

AND you always hope your children never make the paper (sports and academics being the exceptions) because, in our community, it’s usually the Police Blotter for unsavory behavior.

AND I’m so happy my kids have my best friend’s phone number, too!

AND that Sue is never without it! I will never mention it again.

As a side note: I find it very interesting that whenever my kids are in a pickle or they’re having a problem and no matter who answers the phone (meaning dad), they always say, “Can I talk to Mom?” 


  1. Yes, classic, "Can I talk to Mom?" And I am so glad your daughter and friends are OK. We are parents forever.

    1. We are forever. Sometimes it's easier than other times. Challenging, always!

  2. Shit Gina I held my breath and read this whole thing! Glad she's ok.

    1. I'm so so sorry to alarm you, Jen. Thank you for caring. She's fine, just sore.

  3. I am so torn on cell phones for the kids (though mine are still only 5 and 2) but on the one hand, I never had one growing up and was just fine but what if something bad DOES happen - like this - wouldn't you want to be reachable? It's such a conundrum!

    1. The funny thing about this particular "event", it was the first time I can really recall neither of us having a cellphone with us. AND it was precisely the time our 21 year old needed us (being a VERY self sufficient girl). My kids didn't have cellphones until they were well into middle school (8 grade probably). Seems kids have them younger and younger.

      Of course, we didn't have cell phones growing up and my parents didn't know what I was doing or where I was more than half the time, if not all the time. I turned out okay...I think?

  4. I'm glad she's ok. I try to keep my phone with me at all times but just in case it rings, not for me to use at dinner or constantly check (no matter how addicted I am to Words/Scramble with Friends).

    It cracks me up whenever I think about all the things we didn't have growing up (and how the generations have changed -- my husband's grandmother is a very lucid 94 who doesn't seem a day over 60 and modern technology just makes her grin at how far things have advanced). Neither of my girls has a phone at 11 and 8 but both have friends who do. While my oldest has an iPod Touch and can text certain numbers, she can't make calls.

    1. Hey! I've missed you!

      She's fine as is dog. One of us, if we're together, always has it and I always have mine when I'm alone. This was a rare exception! Phones at meals drives me ape doo doo!

      We had nothing growing up and grandmother far less. We made it to adulthood just fine. I do know young kids that have them and I don't judge it. Wasn't right for mine back then though.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Peaches. Both girl and dog are great!

  6. So glad she is OK. And that the only damage is fixable.

    1. Thanks, VandyJ. She's fine. The dog was shocked. The car is drivable (mine btw) and certainly fixable.

  7. Oh Man! I saw that photo before I read that IT wasn't your car!!! UGH!! So happy she's not hurt. I think that is the first words outta my hub's mouth when he's been in accidents,"I'm not hurt but..." Mine will be, "it wasn't my fault..."

    1. Nadine,
      I just totally cracked up because, like you, I must always declare the same..."it wasn't my fault". That was the car that hit HER and the only one who needed medical attention which I hope she's okay. My lug of a car has a few scratches!
      Thanks for visiting!

  8. OMG! How scary! I'm not looking forward to ever getting one of those phone calls but statistics say that I probably will. I wrecked my car at 16. It was a bad wreck and guess who wasn't wearing the seatbelt?

    I'm so happy that she wasn't hurt. That other car looks pretty bad! Glad that wasn't YOUR car! Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. You will. It's coming and 16 is just about right. However, this girl didn't begin car antics until 19.

      Thank God for seat belts because, you're right, we didn't wear them. Unfortunately, our dog got tossed around. Glad no one was hurt. That car looks bad.

  9. Glad that she was okay! Moms always make everything better, that's why they call us. At least that's my story!

    1. Oh, they call me because I handle problems calmly, creatively and as easily as possible. Their dad complicates matters a bit and is more roundabout in his problem solving techniques. He might also get a little bent out of shape at times ;-) I don't tend to because it doesn't help matters. Hence, the calls or me!
