Monday, June 11, 2012

May Heaven Be.......

A Never-ending Float Boat Ride at the Lake…Your Favorite Place Here on Earth.

I’ve only done one thing harder in my life. It was a goodbye, of course, while holding the hand of my Mother-in-law in her final moment. This girl, who we call the “Big Brown Nurse”, was at Hospice, too, licking that same hand.

Today was the second such painful goodbye. I can hardly think of her, let alone speak her name but I can still smell her on my hands from the last time I stroked her soft ears and held her in the last moments. Looking down, I can see a streak of slobber on the thigh of my jeans and brown hair completely covering my white tee shirt. I don’t want to wash my hands or my clothes then Eleanor (“Ellie”) will really be gone for good.

Her last boat ride.

A few years ago on “her” boat.

 Oh My Goodness, the kids are young (13 & 16 maybe)

 Ellie thinking "When's she going back?"

 Snuggle Time on a Winter Lake Weekend!

 The one who doesn't know a minute without her.

 This morning during her last “good” moment.

She was pretty “hot” back in the day.

Birdie, her best friend who was waiting at the gate for her today.

There won't be a day that goes by where we won't remember you...the sweetest dog that ever lived. We know you are resting in peace, finally!


  1. So hard to say good-by to a part of the family. I just finished reading a wonderful "dog book," "Merle's Door," and sobbed through the last chapter. I still miss my Gordon Setter, Penny and remember how she would lean against my leg, just wanted to keep that contact. We are lucky though, to have such wonderful companions and loyal friends in our lives.

    1. It is hard; harder than I'd imagined but I figured as much.

      That's exactly how Ellie's been, everywhere I am and leaning against me at all times but I didn't mind. We are truly lucky. Thank you for your kind words!

  2. Awww Gina, I am sorry. You were strong to be able to write this today. She was very pretty. My condolences to you, the family as well as Birdie.

    1. Thanks, Kenya. I had to write today. It helped me. She was gorgeous inside and out.

  3. I am sorry. I know how hard it can be. I said goodbye to my Big Lug 5 years ago and I still miss him. Sometimes I swear he is still hanging around.

    These guys are family.

    1. I cried when I read your story of the BL. It reminded me that Ellie wasn't long for this world. I could hear her last night (in my mind) and I keep listening for the little jingle of the bell we hung on her collar to keep track of her. Sad.

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss, Gina. Sending love. xx

  5. I like her very much , impressed me a lot, so sorry....

  6. Oh Ellie! Oh Gina. I know she's been hanging on there just for a little while longer. That last picture. .. we have one of Fudge. I'm glad we took it. I can't bear to look at it for long. My heart aches for you, and for the one who won't know what to do with her gone. Our dogs are our babies, too.

    You know the part that broke me, just BROKE me when Fudge died? That has me on the verge of tears right now? That dog taught my husband to cry. He went through the death of his much beloved grandmother without crying. He felt the emotions, but the tears wouldn't come. And he sobbed over our dog.

    Hugs. I hope she's on that float boat right now.

    1. Thanks, JQ! It's so hard which I know you know. The vet said it is normal for them to "perk up" right before and that it was her gift to us. I'm crying again. But we got that picture and it will be blown up and framed, for sure.

      My Scott, who isn't a crier either, took it the hardest (aside from Amanda, my daughter who says she lost her best friend). I had to give all the good hugs and wipe the tears but I was the one who really knew it was time.

      She's with a lot of people who love her and she's at peace so that helps me. I can see her ears flapping in the wind right now!

  7. I am very sorry for your loss. Even when it is 'time' it doesn't make it an easy decision. At least she knew that she is loved.
