Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Gotta Have My Coffee: Morning Conversations

I’ve written about coffee, talked about coffee, enough for most of you to know that it is a true addition for me AND an absolutely mandatory morning ritual. Unfortunately, it’s third in line after the face and teeth things but it should be first. Anyone have a coffee maker in his or her bedroom? Kidding.

I don’t know what it is, maybe my impatience, but I don’t care for coffee at home. Or, just maybe, I like someone to prepare something for me one time during my day. Could be that.

I am not a coffee snob except to say that I don’t/won’t drink Starbucks. I must be the only person in my town, with the exception of anyone over the age of 70, that doesn’t go to our “see and be seen” Starbuck’s.

I’d rather support Quinn’s Coffee House, the local place in town (where all the over 70’s go). I’ve been going there for 20 years and it’s just my spot plus they have the world’s best cake donuts covered in fudge frosting (I try for not more than one a week).

Mudgin and Patrick will start fixing my coffee as I’m opening the front door. Mudgin chats me up for five minutes, but Patrick won’t even look me in the eyes as he takes my money or bags my donut. (And he hasn’t more than a few times in all these years. What’s with that? I’m not scary or anything.)

There are two problems with Quinn’s. Town is only two blocks away but on the opposite side of the tracks from where I need to be most mornings. Getting stuck by commuter trains can easily tack 10-15 minutes onto a 5 minute drive. AND they raised their price for a large cup of coffee to $3.45. I pay it but I think it’s a lot. Don’t you?

Since I’m often running just a smidgeon late (no, not me!), I go to 7-Eleven, which is in the opposite direction but on the right (correct) side of the tracks and closer to where I’m headed.

I love it in 7-Eleven for two reasons. The coffee is really good and they have 8 different types including some high-octane stuff that I’ve never tried (maybe for the truck drivers?). I always love options. And I love paying only $2 for a 24oz. cup!

But who really makes my morning, where I’ve been going mostly of late, are Cerim and Zena. Cerim and Zena have been working at the corner 7-Eleven for so many years I can’t even recall when they started.

They’re super friendly and every morning Cerim greets me the same way with a big smile on his face. “Good Morning, Gina. How are you, Gina?” He uses my name twice in not so many words, kind of funny to me and makes me smile. I ALWAYS reply, “Good morning, Cerim. I’m great! How’s your morning going so far?” “Not too busy.” he replies. ALWAYS!

On my way out the door, we do our thing in reverse. “Goodbye, Gina. See you tomorrow, Gina.” “See you tomorrow, Cerim. Have a great day!”

I’m feeling I need to change this up a little, don’t you think? Change the conversation Cerim and I have every morning? I must be boring him. But what should I say to Cerim? What can I ask him that wouldn’t be awkward?

Zena and Cerim have the same accent. I wonder where they’re from? I could ask him but that feels weird, too, because they’re from here now. Just like me. I’m not comfortable saying, “So what do you have going on today?” He’d just say, “Working.” Hmmmmmmmm…… I’ll have to think on it.

P.S. Never mind the fact that on several occasions (Okay. More than that, actually) I’m without cash and both places gladly float me a loan for the cup. They know me, and they’ll see me soon, and they know I’m good for it!


  1. That is so very cool! You've made friends with the right sort of people--people who have coffee. I am jealous!

    1. It's pretty sweet. Living in a very small suburb has it's perks (like being floated $$ for coffee and lucky for the cashless) but everyone is always in everyone's business, however. Being nice to people has lots of benefits for the "cashless" as well!

  2. I AM a coffee snob. I will admit it. I have a Tassimo that I use to be in love with but I've started using my little cheap percolator thing again - nicknamed "clickety clack". There is only one place in my town that makes a better cup of coffee than me and its called Muddy's. I WISH I could put clickety clack and Tassimo away and afford to go to Muddy's everyday. I have not had to courage yet to whisper to "Mr. Muddy" that when he makes it, it taste better than when his wife makes it. I'm guess the difference in the love in making the perfect cup is probably that he drinks coffee and she doesn't. Muddy's is about a 3 mile/easy 5 minute drive. I'm accepting $4 donations.

    1. Even if I made the world's best, and I do a decent job of it, I still like to belly up to the coffee counter. On the weekends, though, my guy makes it for me because hes always up earlier. Now thats a treat, as well, waking up to the smell and shuffling over in my p.j.s.

      I would LOVE Mr. Muddy! But $4 is a whole lot. I have a problem spending that on just coffee, on principle, I suppose. Now if it included the donut, I'd be all over it!

  3. My Keurig is a life saver. I keep that sucker running all day long. I love the smell and the feel of it in my hands. It is like comfort food.

    1. I've never heard of that before. I really only love it in the morning. If I have it too late, it keeps me up and I don't want that for sure. It is comforting, I agree, as are habits which this is for me.

    2. Really? The K- Cup system. I would guess that one or more of your friends have it:

  4. I am a big coffee drinker too! My hubs make it for me in the morning...when I'm away or he's away, the coffee never seems right :)

    1. My guy is the weekend maker which I've come to expect and ALWAYS appreciate and never forget to thank him for because I'm afraid it would stop if I don't. Can't have that. I also appreciate that he makes me breakfast tacos to o with it!

  5. I don't do starbucks either. I'm not a huge fan and I know I am the minority in this. :D I actually prefer making my own. I am picky about the creamer and the strength and the brand of coffee....suppose that makes me a java snob? lol I'm not ruling it out but I DO love the little coffee houses. Friendly Bean is my favorite by far! Local and family owned. I bleed is that important.

    1. I bleed brown, too! My only true addiction. My coffee needs are pretty simple, a little ice so it doesn't burn going down and about two inches of skim milk. That's it.

      Love the name Friendly Bean. I would stop in on name alone AND because it's family owned. My summer coffee shop is Cool Beans.
