Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Only Read If You're Bored!

I don’t know if anyone else out there is feeling like me today.

* Easily distracted with random thoughts streaming through the brain.
* Don’t feel like working.
* Not feeling like writing (but actually do feel like it just don’t know what)
* Annoyed to be stranded at home with a surly electronics technician with a huge  attitude who expects to be here all (insert preferred swear word) day.
* Developing a huge attitude in response to his (arrow pointing up) stomping around
*Disappointed to be stuck inside on a gorgeous day (If you know me, you know how I get!)
* Eating everything that's not nailed down due to stuck state.

Possibly? Maybe?

I see this post going one of two ways; maybe three ways. Yes, I’m in a sassy/saucy mood too, which isn’t helping matters much over on this side of the screen.

I can tell you about fun stuff from my morning like an awesome rope workout (I’m partial to these even though my arms would like to fall off at the shoulders) with my favorite partner in the whole wide world, Big Dave. Foo Fighters and Kid Rock blaring on the stereo;


I can explain why I shouldn’t be left home with the “Geek Squad” while they hook up an elaborate TV/entertainment thingy someone took the time to explain to me last night so I could relate to said “Geeks” exactly how things should be set up. I apologize. I really wasn’t listening. My bad.


I can purge all the sassiness going through my brain at the moment. Just maybe, that should be an entirely different, stand-alone post for some other day. But I could write it, since I have time, then file under the folder “Totally Inappro-pro”!

I don’t believe I’ll write a post about any of those things, or anything at all!


I’m checking to see what concerts are coming to Chicago this summer. Kenny Chesney, No. Keith Urban, Definitely Not. Drake, Nope. Who is One Direction? Enrique and JLO, Jimmy Buffett, No, No and No!

If only my guy, Bob Richie, was swinging through. Sadly, it’s not the case. He’s not coming :-( If he were, I’d be all over him…errrr, that (Not entirely kidding, however, I do try to maintain a soft “R” rating over here!)

AND if my girl Pink were coming, I’d be all over her too. I'm not one to discriminate. I'm an equal opportunity "all over you" concert enthusiast! Next year, I hear!

Hey! We all need/have guilty pleasures, right?

I essentially wrote about nothing. Sorry, my friends.

I PROMISE to be more engaging tomorrow!

Since this is so random, I’ll add two of my favorite pictures from the weekend.

I've Never Seen A Swan "Piggy Back" Ride Before, Have You?
Start of Sunday's E-Scow Race (boat smack in center is first all girls racing crew in 25 proud)

What do you write about on a day you don’t feel like putting fingertips to keys?

Oh, and I just got Sir Crabby Pants “Geek Squad” guy to crack a smile. I’m making progress!!!


  1. Sometimes we have those days! For instance....It's raining here, its 3:45 and i'm still in my pj's... I sympathize!

    1. Oh, I just love full-on PJ days! Movies, reading, my comfy couch! Hope you are enjoying your day.

      It's been one of those lackadaisical days for me mentally. Good, though not outwardly productive!

  2. I spent St. Patrick's Day (which was ungodly hot) waiting for the air conditioner repairman. I acted as though it was the worst thing that could happen to a person, because that hot day, when everyone BUT ME was having fun, it all felt so unfair. Your post captured that frustration well.

  3. I spent St. Patrick's Day (which was ungodly hot) waiting for the air conditioner repairman. I acted as though it was the worst thing that could happen to a person, because that hot day, when everyone BUT ME was having fun, it all felt so unfair. Your post captured that frustration well.

    1. It wasn't bad. I just hate being tied to home when the weather is so beautiful, like everyone I imagine. It gave me the excuse to have a rather mindless day. I could have been doing work but we all make choices. I chose to surf upcoming concerts instead. Crabby pants did frustration me, however. Too many questions. He was cool by the end.

  4. fun write. i had a very similar day last week.

    1. Thanks It was actually fun to do so. It turned out to be a really nice day but they always/usually do. You've read me enough to hear my complaining every so often. You hide yours well or don't write when you do. Maybe I should adopt the no writing zone when I'm a bit cranky. However, sometimes I find more of my humor there. Don't know!
