Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Misplaced Book Means Trouble For This Girl!

Woo Hoo!!! Third post in one day and I have reasons!!!

Blog, get used to being run over like a MAC Truck this week because I am stuck. Stuck here. Stuck at home. Stuck. Anyone who knows me, knows I despise being stuck…. but I have a good reason and will gladly be so stuck but I’ll be looking for things to do!

Thou shall not be bored!

Sunday evening dilemma and to me it’s a biggie! Lots of exclamation points tonight apparently!

I misplaced my book today. I misplace many things. They eventually turn up usually sooner rather than later.

But not my book and I am BUMMED!  Helen Keller. Where are you? I have retraced my steps five times. There are only so many places it could be in this house and I have searched. I even screamed once. That’s how badly I wanted to find it. Sorry ‘bout the screaming roomie!!! You didn’t move it did you? ‘Cause you move stuff.

I don’t have much left to read, possibly 100 pages and I need to know how this is going to wrap up but I think I can figure it out myself. Don’t want to, however.

What’s a girl to do? Download one that caught my eye today. Forget about the stacks.

Tonight I start a book titled Ménage. It’s not what you think based on the title; at least I don’t think so. I guess I’ll see, won’t I.

Never leave a girl in a bind without a good book. It just means trouble! Trouble for you and trouble for her!


  1. I hope you've found it. I misplaced my Metro card over the weekend. I sat it on the table, went to use the restroom, empty the trash, and bam! card's gone. I searched and searched b/c I KNEW where I'd left it. Then of course I started second guessing myself. Maybe I hadn't left it there. Then I thought to ask my husband. This sucker picked up the card and put it in his pocket like this'll come in handy. THE HELL? Yes, I normally have more than one, but that's the one I use regularly and has all the money on it.

    1. NO WAY he pocketed that!

      I still haven't found it and I looked again this morning. My "He" is a notorious mover of things so if I've been looking for something for a while I'll always ask,"you didn't happen to move..." (unless its a credit card then I don't go there) and his first response is always "I don't think so." because he's not really paying my question any attention. Then I, unfortunately, pull out the sassy pants and reply, "You don't think so? Well did you or didn't you? Pick one." This usually gets the reply I thought was the correct answer all along, he did. However, last night I have to go with he's innocent, hadn't a clue what I was talking about.

      Therefore, it is all me.

  2. I'm sure as soon as you stop looking, you will find it.

    1. That's usually my philosophy on finding things. It's still a no show, though. Rats!
