Saturday, May 5, 2012

Henrietta Rides Shotgun

Look who I found this morning on the passenger side of the still unpacked, last car in the driveway.

 Well…Hellooooo Henrietta!!!

Because I was running late, Henrietta joined me for a ride to the coffee shop and the gym. I felt a little bad for her when I crossed the railroad tracks in town and hit some potholes in the gym parking lot. She must have felt like she was on the open ocean with 15-20 foot seas. We lost a little water.

I truly can’t believe she’s still alive. She survived a year in a college sorority house and was, most likely, forgotten about on a regular basis. I wish Henrietta could whisper and tell me everything those crazy girls talked about all semester. Oh, to be a fly on the wall or a fish on a shelf. Wouldn’t that have been awesome!?! Actually, maybe I don’t really want to know.

Henrietta has a new home on the kitchen counter. Addison (our almost four yet naughty, curious and always hungry Lab) hasn’t caught wind of her yet. Addy’s pretty creative when it comes to snatching things off the counter. I wonder what might happen if she sniffs out Henrietta? 


  1. lol, I have a fish that I'd love to pick his brain. He's a "carnie" goldfish that I won at the fair and come to find out, he's the size of a small koi fish now. We need a bigger tank for "Bubbles" although that one there is pretty neat. I love funky colors. :)

    1. I've been fascinated by Henrietta. There's a bobber with a mirror dangling from it in her tank and she loves to look at herself. Quite funny but very vain of her!

  2. Labs are notoriously curious, aren't they? Maybe on top of the fridge is the best place for Henrietta.

    Henrietta is a good name for a fish!

    1. Some Labs are even more so than others like this one! She's still on my S#@T list for eating my favorite shoe last week. Henrietta is pushed pretty far back so I believe she's safe for now.

      My daughter gives all of her stuff wacky names. Funny!

  3. Glad the fish survived in the car - I'm guessing it wasn't that hot in the car or in the water.

    1. Nope! It was a cool night and I found her early in the a.m. She's settling in.

  4. henrietta sounds like a survivor. i've heard of fish who die that don't get fed every single day, whether it's true i don't know.

    1. If feeding her everyday was imperative, Henrietta would be long gone. She's tough!
