Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What Would You Do? REALLY

Surely I’m being filmed for that ABC show with John Quinones which tests how people would handle a complicated situation...

Many moons ago, my telephone rang extremely late. Only one person would do this to me…Laurie, my closest high school friend who forever tried to convert me into a happy night owl like herself.

In a panicked tone, she said, “You will NEVER guess who I saw out at Bennigan’s tonight kissing someone. This is gonna be a scandal?

 I yawn. “Ok, who?”

“Jeff! Marggy’s Jeff. You have to tell her!”

“Noooooooo. Why me?”

“Because you’re way better friends with her” Just so happens I roomed with her in college.

“But YOU saw him. Are you ABSOLUTELY sure it was Jeff?!” He has distinctive white blonde hair.

I already knew the answer. Damn. This was going to be huge.

I lie awake the entire night because Marggy was one of my best friends and I, quite possibly, was about to devastate her.

AND we had planned to take off work the next afternoon to golf.

My usual hour commute the next morning seemed brutally long due to extreme nauseousness. After careful thought, and without putting it off, this is what I did the minute I walked into my office.

“Jeff! Hey it’s Gina. Were you at Bennigan’s last night with a girl?”

“Uh, no!”

“Someone saw you.”



“Oh shit!”

“Here’s the deal. You tell Marggy this morning or I tell her this afternoon. Sound fair?” Click!

An hour later, Marggy called me and said,

“We aren’t going to golf today (I figured). I also need to tell you Jeff’s not the only one having an affair.”

I hung up the telephone without a single word…

scan·dal noun \ˈskan-dəl\


  1. Wow. I've always wondered what I'd do in this situation. I never want to be the bearer of bad news (what if the person I tell reacts as though it's MY fault? What if he/she already knew?). But then, what if I say nothing and he/she finds out I knew and let them live like life was fine? Ugh.

    1. Well I really stewed about this one. We, as couples, were very close so I knew him almost as well as my old friend. However, girlfriend trumps the guy so I was on her side. I figured I would give him the opportunity to come clean. I tried my best!

      Wow! This really blew up and 'twas the beginning of the end for them, however slowly it went. (He actually married the woman he was kissing a few years later).

      I definitely a bit angry when I received her call... Interestingly enough, we are not "really" friends today.

  2. Nice twist! I was completely surprised!

    1. Thanks, Amanda! Imagine my shock and surprise!

  3. Oh no! What a great way to write the prompt. I found it very engaging and entertaining!

    1. Kristy,
      Thanks so much! Unfortunately my life fits a whole lot of prompts.

  4. really enjoyed reading this...well done.

  5. Goodness, that does leave you speechless, huh? And it true story it was, and it fit the prompt well!

    1. Very good prompt fit unfortunately. YES! Speechless!

  6. I didn't expect the confession she was having an affair, too. What a mess!

    1. Humongous mess is what it was. To think that I didn't sleep a wink and was filled with such anxiety deciding what to do then doing it, I was a little bit pissy about the whole thing.

  7. This is a true story? Holy crap! Truth is stranger (i.e. crazier, funnier, more twisted) than fiction. Nicely portrayed. I could feel your tension and anxiety. You're a good friend, even if it turned out that she wasn't.

    1. Unfortunately! I agree that truth may be stranger than fiction, at times.

      Hanging around with her always made me feel guilty like I was doing something that I shouldn't even when I wasn't doing anything of the sort.

  8. I've had friends like that. It's a scary/exciting/crazy kind of feeling.

  9. Ridiculous... well, I'd say they deserve each other. Two wrongs don't make a right, but they certainly don't make either wrong into an innocent. That would be a terrible situation to be in with a friend.

    1. Well, we really aren't friends anymore for many reasons, not just this.

      They weren't meant to be together in the first place, not terribly healthy for each other. Obviously!

  10. There's a novel in this...

    Hope you can join us for the weekend prompt which is already up on the site. It's community judging this weekend, so get your entry in and get voting!

    1. A scandalous one that's for sure!

      See you this weekend, hopefully!

  11. wow! it's awesome how you ended with the definition. perfect:)
