Saturday, April 7, 2012

Stream of Conscious Sunday: One Crazy Day Early!

This is an “it is what it is” kind of post today and all the time I can spare…and totally unedited and I don’t think I will even go back and re-read. Quite possibly, I just need to vent so lucky you, Blog of mine!

Holy Cats!

It’s been a while since I’ve been this crazy busy, for many more reasons then I have time or desire to spell out here. I really don't care for the feeling, at all.

Two extra adults descended happily and thankfully on my home yesterday and two guests are arriving soon (Father-in-law and newish wife which isn’t so easy because my mother-in-law was on of my best friends but she’s been gone a long time now).

I suppose I’m the one to blame for my craziness. I’m the one who invited my in-laws for the weekend. Sometimes I question myself, “What were you thinking?” I guess I asked because it’s a holiday???

For whatever reason, a lot of people come to stay with us (mostly in the summer).

Some houseguests are so easy that you hardly notice them in your day-to-day life and I mean this in a good way. They fit in. They help out, they bring me their sheets and towels when the leave. This is all good!

Others…the benefits of them staying here FAR outweigh any minor inconvenience they may present. They add the “fun” factor.

And then there’s the high maintenance ones who you spend most of your time feeding, entertaining, picking up after, and they overstay by a few days. They're on vacation for goodness sakes. You get the picture.

The third kind of guest is soon to arrive. House fluffed and buffed, groceries purchased, lunch ready, flowers by their bedside, fresh towels in their bathroom, cribbage board sitting out, The Master’s Tournament playing in the background (I hate the TV on, by the way!), etc., etc……

I'm sort of feeling like a brat and I don't like that. On Monday or Tuesday or whenever they decide to leave I will be ready to accept my Academy Award for Outstanding Performance!

Am I the only one who doesn’t get super excited when high maintenance houseguests named in-laws come for a visit? 


  1. Sounds like you need a virtual hug Gina!

    I consider my home to be a pretty comfortable place. I am so done having people here that I don't want here, not happening anymore. I go out of my way to have everything everyone will need but i refuse to be a maid to my guests and especially to my family.

    I'll grab you your first beer or cocktail, show you where the frig and ice/booze is and where all the rest of the amenities are located and then you're on your own {within reason}!

    I'm happy to cook, i enjoy that but cleaning peoples shit and mess up is not gonna happen in my house, at least not if you plan to be invited back!

    1. Ya know, it's my fault. I enabled it by doing a lot for them. I did it for years out of love for my MIL (and she was easy but not really mobile...just sit her in a chair with the newspaper and coffee and she was happy). They just bring so much crap and leave it everywhere. Drives me a bit nuts.

      I think it's the new wife thing. I love to cook so I will do breakfast and dinner but head to the frig for lunch.

      Thanks for the hug. As you can tell (since I'm on the computer), I snuck away to the study. Maybe no one will find me for a while.

      Thanks for the offer of a cyber hug!

  2. you sound like a very reasonable and real person. good luck:)

    1. Oh, I'll be fine. I will have a glass of red wine and just smile.

  3. That high maintenance guest? That was my mother-in-law, only she stayed here for TWO YEARS. It was horrible.

    I hope that everything goes well with your guests!

    1. Holy Cow! Two years? Yikes!!!

      I secretly hope they leave on Monday. Thanks!

  4. I admire your honesty!
    Hope the weekend's going well.

    1. Thanks, Paul.

      Weekend is going....but much better than anticipated. If you set your expectations low, you can be pleasantly surprised when they are exceeded! However, this place looks like a bomb went off.

  5. Unfortunately, my high maintenance guest is usually my own mother! She doesn't have much money so when she comes to my house, she does treat it like a vacation. I'm okay for about 4 days and then I'm DONE!

    1. My dear mother-in-law, who is no longer with us, used to tell me "Guests are like fish. After a three days they start to smell." She never stayed more than that unless I talked her into it.

      4 days is my max, as well, but 3 would be better.

  6. I'm wrong for saying this, but thankfully, I have no in-laws. My husband's mother is deceased, and his father is as good as. My family's Easter will be spent at a restaurant, where we won't even have to pick up and wash the dishes. No cooking, no houseguests, no fuss, no muss.

    1. That's sad. Love the way you're celebrating Easter out at a restaurant however. Easy!

      I'm just bringing my in-laws with us to my parents' home and, that way, I can spread out the responsibility amongst all my relatives. Easy for me and I'm happy to do the clean up if I'm not the cook as well.

  7. I hope I get a chance to write one so I can touch on my anxiety ;-) My in-laws are here. ANYWAY..... I don't understand overnight guest making their beds with the dirty sheets left on there. I always take the sheets off and depending on where I am, I will put them in the washing machine with our towels. You and I will be at the same awards ceremony on Tuesday. I think they give out more than one of the exact same award ;-)

    1. And the winner for "Outstanding Actress in a Drama" goes to...Kenya Johnson! You walk onto the stage in a gorgeous dress not totally surprised and wow them with the speech of the night!!! Standing "O"!

      Yep! I hate beds made with dirty sheets, too. Actually, the laundry room is right on the way out the door....

  8. oh do I hear what you are saying!!!! yep..or they have kids jumping all over furniture, spilling stuff everywhere, special diets...oh yes...the whole nine yards.. I know what you mean! My husband says just be nice, be Christian...but he's not the one cooking cleaning and entertaining!!!
    Good luck!!

    1. Received "special diet" requests for the dinner I was cooking Saturday evening. Thankfully, I was starving when I went to the market yesterday morning and bought a few options for dinner and it worked out well.

      I'm always really nice and no one would ever know about my frustration with the exception of one person. I just focused on my kids.

      Thanks for the well wishes!

  9. I don't have space enough for house guests. Aside from housing my niece regularly, who is young like my girls (and who bunks w/them), I don't have anyplace for anyone else to sleep. Bad for when my dad leaves late and I'd rather he just stay, but good when others WANT to stay and I say OK sure, will you have the tub or the floor?

    1. Bath tubs actually are comfortable but only with a pillow. Loooong explanation why I slept in one. Actually not. I was younger and sharing a hotel room with a friend. The room got crowded ;-) and I wanted to sleep AND escape the awkwardness.

  10. My husband is from another city, so we have friedns and family visit all the time and yes, it's trying. It's difficult because sometimes it feels like the house, my house, is being taken over. Good for you for being the hostess with the mostest. Deep breaths.

    1. Same is from out of town (BTW my husband does have siblings living in the same city as we do but the invitations are never issued except by us).

      Over run is an understatement. I got up early to read before they get me started for the day!

  11. when i have a glass of wine, i start off smiling but end up dozing off. survival tactics vary:) hope you had a good weekend.

    1. I snuck up to bed very early last night. Survival tactic, for sure!

      They're gone!!! Quiet house again!
