Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Once In A Blue Moon: April 2012

I feel like being selfish! May I please, just this once? Of course, I may!

I will be instituting a brand new holiday this Saturday.

If anyone chooses to be upset with regard to said holiday, the Event Coordinator extends a heart felt apology. However, plans for this event will not change; it's happening rain or shine.

Everyone is so busy doing what he or she does that no one is paying one bit of attention to what Gina’s doing. And you know what I say to that? Yea for me!

The name of my new holiday is:

“Once In A Blue Moon: April 2012”

For 36 hours this weekend and, for once in a blue moon, I’m going to think about Moi! No. One. Else.

I’ve heard the Event Coordinator has plans to observe  “Once In A Blue Moon” quarterly and that sounds pretty sweet to its sole participant (who's also happens to be the Event Coordinator).

Tentative itinerary for celebrating this brand spankin’ new holiday:

* Arrive city by 10 a.m.

* Drop bag at The Hotel Lincoln (Chicago’s Hippest New Boutique Hotel)
* “Cab it” to the Art Institute of Chicago

* Head back to Hotel for massage at 5:00 p.m.
* Order one glass of wine from Room Service to enjoy while getting ready
* Dinner at Perennial Virant (yummy hotel restaurant) pour deux (me and my book!)
* Dessert delivered to room during back-to-back Pay-Per-View new releases
* Read unendingly or until book falls
* Coffee and a short, four block walk for Mass at my old church, St. Clement.

* A quick change of clothes for brisk walk to North Avenue Beach (watch some volleyball?)

* Walk back through the Zoo in time for check out :-( !

* Stroll down the lovely and famous Michigan Avenue and lunch at RL (Ralph Lauren)
* Continue on to Millennium Park and "The Bean". Appreciate all Grant Park has to offer on a beautiful afternoon! The gardens.......

* Drive home while daydreaming about my new holiday...

If the inaugural event is a smash hit, the guest list may open up for future dates…or not, if going solo proves to be as much fun as expected. One never knows?

In reality, about 4 things on this list will happen this weekend but a girl’s gotta dream. So why not go BIG?


  1. I say cherish those four things and have a damn ball (and maybe more often than quarterly, eventually).

    1. Believe me, Girl! I intend to have a blast. I am so looking forward to my own company, I can't stand it! I have 2.5 additional days prior to that as well. I will have no trouble filling the time!


  2. Keep me on your list for the next go round!!!

  3. it's a lovely goal - a worthy dream - go for it, I say. :)

    1. I am. Slightly ambition itinerary but certainly doable.

  4. What an inspired idea! We all need our down time, but this is way beyond that. I will be on the sidelines of a soccer game, but I will be rooting for your holiday to be wonderful!

    1. I was inspired by the fact that I seem never to be alone. I need some time! It is a bit lofty but we shall see.

      I've spent years on the sidelines of soccer games, track meets, wrestling tournaments, etc. I certainly know how that all goes!

  5. I think Chicago is the most beautiful, move liveable city in the world and I love to see others appreciate. I work in the AON Bldg, looking out over Millennium Park, and I hope you make it over to my neighborhood!

    1. Gal,
      I totally agree. It is a beautiful, exciting city and extremely livable (I miss living in the city). Looks like its going to be lovely over at the AON Building today. I know exactly where that is but what Chicagoan wouldn't ;-). Lucky you for your spectacular view!

  6. boy, you really made me homesick:) i have been wanting to go to chicago but reluctant to take a friend up on using her frequent flyer miles becuz i have done so in the past and i don't want to again. i also love to write while in chicago. there's a different sort of energy at work. it's home.

    1. I actually thought you would be, Ed!

      I can always feel the energy when I'm in the city and it's much different from NYC's energy (which I love as well). Chicago's is warmer, cozier. Maybe it's the midwestern-ness of it.

      It is home!

  7. Great itinerary. Dream big is right! You have some awesome choices. I am going to adopt this holiday for sure!

    1. Always go big then you can scale it down if you must!!! I will continue this on a regular basis that's for sure. There's not much on that list that I am willing to concede so we shall see!

  8. Replies
    1. I know, right? Can't wait. Have to check the weather but it's been glorious all week.

  9. The perfect day, I was vicariously living that! And love that you have the fantasy me- day all planned...some of the joy is in the planning..

    1. You are so right. A lot of it, for me, is the planning but the anticipation is even better! It would/will be the perfect day. Next time I miht consider sharing it...who knows?

  10. I love Chicago! I've been to said bean! Please let me observe with you. Please!

    Very unique interpretation. Cute :)

    1. ODNT,
      I love Chicago too! Have been lucky to live here my whole life. Of course, please come to the Art Institute with me. Would love the company!

  11. Have a BALL! Even if the only one of those things that happens is "ALONE IN A HOTEL FOR 3 DAYS" I hope you completely enjoy it. Here are my favorites, though if we get to pick 4:


    1. Unfortunately, it will only include one night in a hotel by myself but I'LL TAKE IT! I do, however, have FOUR WHOLE DAYS to myself and I find that very exciting!

      My four things will be hotel, massage, museum and zoo (Of course that book will be in my purse s who's to say I can't break it out at the museum or the zoo?)

  12. That sounds like a fantastic holiday! I might have to implement something along those lines myself...

  13. That sounds amazing! Enjoy every minute. And please come back and join in again.

    1. Thank you! Today's the day!

      See you next week.
