Friday, April 27, 2012

Oh, Oh. She's In!

Since lake time is just around the corner and Dumpster Diving is still fresh in my mind.  Below is another fairly recent tale from the “Lake House” archives.

This story is told by me; then Scott; then our great friend, Jack.

Carefully stepping on the boat’s back, 
I’m balanced perfectly. 
Hair, makeup, sundress, shades…check.

Stunned? Shocked? In the water? Really?!

"Jack! WHY did you gas the throttle?"

Pissed? Nahhhh.

Do over.

“You look nice, Honey! Hop on”

“Jack, careful pulling away and watch that other boat. Okay, you’re pretty close. Give it some idle.”

“Oh, Oh!!! SHE’S IN.” 

“Best if we go back home.”

“Scott, you do it. There’re too many boats around.”

“Give it gas? How much?”

“I guess that was a little too much! Gina, Soooooo Sorry!”

“Thank God you didn’t lose your Ray Bans.”


Your task, should you choose to accept, is to take a scene that involves (or affects) at least three people. You should then write this scene from the point of view of three of the characters, using 33 words for each character.


  1. I swear the lake by my house is just a Ray Ban underwater grave yard too! Glad he didn't loose his, that's just tragic! LOL!

    1. Ray Bans and cellphones! Guess what? They put a new AT&T store just down the road from me there. They know their customer base.

      These are hard prompts to tell an entire story. I was the ONLY one in the water. Popped right off the back of the boat when Jay goosed it just a little too hard. Actually, the moment I knew I was for sure going in, I jumped to clear the swim platform in the back. Fully submerged, all dressed up, with sunglasses on. The guys were a little nervous when I emerged from down under.

  2. Save the Ray Ban's! Ha. I can't imagine me falling in, flailing around.

    1. The only weird part, slightly disorientating, was going under with sunglasses on. I swim at night, so I suppose it's the same thing. Maybe it was just the element of surprise.

  3. this is a challenging challenge. you did it really well. the ray bans line was a funny one to leave the reader with.

    1. We are all very conscious of two belongings while at the lake...cellphones and sunglasses. They both sink rapidly and cost a lot to replace!

  4. hope you left the cellphone on the boat. :)

    1. Cellphone previously swam at the end of June. This swim of mine was late July!

      I never carry a cellphone anymore if I'm on the water. It's magnetized. Sucks them right in!

    2. Okay, THAT would really upset me. Looks like you've got a nice summer coming though. :)

    3. It's a total bummer when a cellphone goes down. Luckily for us, an AT&T Store landed right down the street. I always have white rice on hand for emergency dry outs.

      Can't wait for summer!

  5. I can picture the scene, tumbling into the water. Good catch on the sunglasses.

    1. Thank goodness they stayed on my head. That really would have bummed me out even more than an unintended swim.

  6. You seemed to take the spill pretty well. In the sun, you dry off pretty quickly...losing the sunglasses would've ruined the whole day :)

    1. Janna,
      Tapping the tip of my nose! Exactly!!! I really didn't care about the whole "do over", however, I would have cared about losing the sunglasses.

  7. I can picture this from your perspectives. Great writing!

  8. Oh, No!! At least you were a good sport about it ;)

    1. I'd say I was a pretty good sport about it. I wouldn't say I was the best sport about it.

  9. I would have been furious, but only because I don't get all gussied up for much. I liked the three different points of view!

    1. I was bummed a little because it cut into cocktail hour at the party ;-)


  10. "Do over." It takes a real woman with a real sense of humor to respond that way!

    PS I'm so glad you realized the Atwood Cafe reference in mine was from real life. So was the name of the FTD floral arrangement. I think that including real-life names/places, etc., lends my writing credibility, but I'm never sure. So thanks for your comment.

    1. I wonder if my reaction would have been different if it was my hubby driving? Probably not. It was an accident and I do all kinds of stuff too so I have to be ready to roll with it.

    2. P.S. I just love when you reference Chicago sights. It does lend to your credibility, for me at the very least.

  11. Eeks! Hope the cell phone was also not in your pocket. The Ray Bans are just good luck!!! And now I have to read dumpster diving.

    1. Learned the hard way never to carry a cell phone. Actually, even being on the pier with one is dangerous territory. I tend to wear cheapie sunglasses now just in case.

  12. Ha ha ha, very smart and funny take on the challenge. Don't you hate it when that happens!!!?

    1. Thanks, Karen. It wasn't the best way to start an evening and wouldn't necessarily be looking forward to it happening again!
